The industry has a big problem with players finishing stories, says Amy Hennig, which has helped hasten the arrival of games-as-a-service. How Bonnie Ross Is …
The industry has a big problem with players finishing stories, says Amy Hennig, which has helped hasten the arrival of games-as-a-service. How Bonnie Ross Is …
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I get curious if this changes based on platform and if story based experiences that support multiple players get players attention long due to the social gaming aspects and such.
She's bitter and out of touch.
I'll finish the story when gaming companies start finishing their games.
People do not have the attention span for story. It’s literally the simple.
Playstation =One and Done games.
Sorry I but I know she is an important icon in gaming, but people still want those games
I don't think devs should worry much about whether the players finish their games or not.
Whether they finish it or not is on them. It becomes a problem when they try to cater to that worry and the videogame
part suffers because of it.
Simple solution -sell two types of the same game or make two types of games: one with a fully immersed story, and the other with all the extra players demands -not every player cares about the multi-player aspect just as not every player cares about the story
And here I am, one of the players who not only finishes the story but also tried to do every single quest besides that xD
Well it shouldnt really matter if players finish the game or not. First if the game sold a lot they already did their job in the business perspective. Second, if they want to do an amazing long story, they will make it to the people who will finish it, the focus of the game wont be the average "oh this games takes more than 5 hours to finish?! Then I wont finish!" kind of player, its focused on people that LOVE playing a long story that take them a lot of hours to finish. So the industry should stop making excuses and make amazing stories, no matter if they are long or shot, because there will always be someone who will finish their games without caring about size.
Reason why is because people go like"i have money,let me go ahead and spend 1000$ on this game,bcuz money!!!
Funny thing is I bought RD2 and never played it because I didn’t want to put that kind of time in to it
Story is the most important thing to me. I don't mess around with battle royal and all that.
Half of Beerlezy playthroughs
For my part, it's often a matter of getting to a part of the game that I don't want to change, like in an open world game. Take RDR2 for example. I like most of the gang, and don't want to lose them (it's very calming just sitting in camp, listening to people go about their lives), so I'm taking my sweet time playing through the story. That and I want to craft every camp upgrade and clothing item I can as I gain access.
And Yakuza is just so much fun to go around aimlessly getting into fights or doing side activities that I can't get myself to get back to the story at a certain point.
Sometimes it's because I think progressing the story even a little bit could result in my getting locked into a long story sequence, keeping me from getting back to the rest of the content until that slog is over with. Not that I mind stories in games – I love them, in fact – but when the process of progressing the story limits gameplay features, that gets tedious.
Going back to RDR2, some missions can be fairly lengthy, and limit your freedom in those missions – like in one where I discovered an old, ruined chapel that I wanted to explore, but the mission made me hurry along to my next objective. Yakuza's over-the-top fight sequences are insanely fun, but can drag on just a bit too long before your next break.
Technically, I didn't play rdr2 passed a certain point. I didn't feel it needed to go on because I knew the outcome. I finished the story but not to the credits
I was heartbroken on what happened in Uncharted 4
Amy gave birth to this character,Nathan Drake,but she wasn’t able to see uncharted 4 through till the end?
GAMES ARE TOO LONG. I’m looking at you, odyssey.
I'm replaying blood and wine I already finished the main game and hearts of stone.
The only single players games I don't finish are boring fetch quests with no interesting stories.
Dear gamers
Please stop playing faster
Please play in a slow motion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e6qVfuUpco& full interview as i saw ppl asking for it
"Amy Hennig Explains Industry's Problem With Players Never Finishing Stories"
Assassin's Creed in a nutchell.
if you make an interesting story ppl will finish it, luckily with amy's games that's never been an issue, i think majority of people finish the uncharted games.
I don't get it if you still sale your game then you've succeeded. If we don't finish then that's our fault. Doesn't mean quit cause many of people do finish their games.
Maybe it's because you used the same train chase scene for four straight games?
I truly enjoyed campaigns which last 8 to 15 max 20 hours. I am hating d lengthy games like yakuza 0 as after 8 9 hours m yet not even half way n doubt I’ll b invested in the story for 40 hours. Campaigns need to be shorter and to the point today. ESP cause so many great games come out and then there is multiplayer. Except full time gamers others cannot really enjoy the game to its potential if campaign is 40 hours.
I would be really curious about Amy’s opinions of the Hitman franchise, which has become a fantastic series for telling stories and giving players the opportunity to subtly learn about the world and their villainous targets amid a very varied experience of assassination and challenges which are very game’y in nature. This is a series that survives without a conventional multiplayer mode and now that it does have one or two, both compliment and feel natural to the experience. I would happily see more games like Hitman 1 and 2 out there. I also like to hope that upcoming games like After Party and Heavens Vault proves that the audience who loved and will miss Telltale Games is still there.
I prefer single player games. Its great being immersed in the game. I do think more people are playing indie game because they take chances with new types of games and mechanics. Players want new.
I dont complete story games where it’s repetitive
The only exception is Fifa and WWE games
I finished most of my games
Please post the whole interview. There's no way they only spoke to her for 3.5 mins.
Those open world games with 30 hours + story with repetitive gameplay have led gamers like me to not finish the story
But games like resident evil 7 and re 2 are loved and even played again n again after finishing story
Amy….. Go back to Soul Reaver! ?
People and their short attention span basically lol