Community AMA – What’s Happening in Crypto and Bitcoin today! Bring your questions, and let’s have fun!
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BACKGROUND ART BY Josie Bellini – https://josie.io/
PODCAST – find me on I-tunes “Crypto Waves”
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icx moon
I missed it but hope it went well for you. I don't understand why we are still bouncing on our bums with more daily good news happening.
We have fancy new NBN internet system worse than 10 yrs ago. They should put more 12 yr olds in charge of tech.
Hello, can you make a video on Elastos again about the update. They did a big fuck up recently and would like to know your thoughts on it
where do babies come from?
Great course lark, I found it so helpful mate. You answe a lot of question I had along the way
. Thank you mate
missed your live stream, but figure i check out right now. , what i may have missed. thanks for sharing!
Congratulations for all your work! Amazing! Keep it up!
2:22 start of video
Informative livestream, thanks for sharing your knowledge
Ow, I was in nighttime ! ..watching it now…Loads of love to all of you people ! Thank you Lark !
Thank you Lark for the Live chat,always good times .miss the live chats thanks again CrYpTo lArK NaTiOn for all the great questions! Follow Lark on twitter >>twitter.com/TheCryptoLark
Lark i am a big fan of Ada, how much ADA WILL BE LIVE CHANGING IN YOUR OPINIOIN?
Greetings from Rotterdam
Bitcoin ‘Halving hype’ another day closer…..
WTF Larkskee! you lived in Russia too? are you part of the CIA or something? Why do you live in all these different Countries?
You lived in St. Petersburg? The media was right, I've been influenced by Russians! Sorry I missed the stream. Great job as always Lark.
You greatly underestimated the value of your rodent co-host ??
Thanks Lark!
Totally agree about too many coins. I focus on the big three plus about 8 alts in my portfolio.
nice music
Phenomenal work on the course – are you reaping good karma or what! LOL thanks Lark
Thanks lark. I always miss the live live streams! Oh well thank satoshi we can watch it back later. ?
an update on viacoin please. they are launching lightning network next day
Dont give any attention on negative guys like Richard Heart. He is from another planet
Looking forward to the ELA update
DGTX will be king ?
Don't think I've ever caught one of these Q&A live. Think they're always on at the wrong time for the UK. (This one 4am) I know you can't please everyone ? .. Nevermind, maybe next time. Give a shout out a day or two beforehand next time ?
Don't think I've ever caught one of these Q&A live. Think they're always on at the wrong time for the UK. (This one 4am) I know you can't please everyone ? .. Nevermind, maybe next time. Give a shout out a day or two beforehand next time ?
Stellar Lumens XLM to Mars?????????
Ask me anything, except when the moon or when limbo =)
Lark, an updated Portfolio video would be cool. Long time since the last one.