Chris Evans talks about Avengers: Endgame and shares his plans for post-Avengers life. Subscribe to the IGN News Channel!
Chris Evans talks about Avengers: Endgame and shares his plans for post-Avengers life. Subscribe to the IGN News Channel!
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Iron Man dies, cap passes the torch onto [REDACTED] don't ask me how I know this info
R.I.P Cap
What is the music name please?
Have.. Gone to the quantum realm and half the film is an LSD trip?
"Rolls Eyes"
A wouldn't be surprised captain america had the thanos weapon the stones he's smart smart out of them all
Captain america is gonna use the infinity guanlet against thanos and its gonna be so powerful that its gonna kill home watch that's how captain america is gonna die.
No one will ever be able to play Cap as well as Chris has. Dude is a class act as Cap should be.
And im just sitting here, conctipated AF ?
I can't wait
Who cares? Communist.
If the entirety of Endgame is a visual spoiler, then that explains why all of the trailers that we’ve received for it have been so barebones, and why they haven’t hyped me up at all. I’m still running full speed off of my residual Infinity War hype. Granted, this is insightful. This pretty much confirms, to me, that Captain America will die in this movie. It just seems to obvious. It’d be crazy if Tony died as well though.
Probably all the dust from bucky
Enough with the Vids when do tix release?
I think that he was joking most of the time.
So sad..Alexa play despacito
He saw ant man going up Thanos but and killing him.