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About the Author: IGN


  1. This review was bafflingly bland. Stop demanding intricate backstory for every character in harmless entertainment. This isn't a Faulkner novel.

  2. i was at best morbidly intrested in this flick, i mean anything that puts danny deveto and micheal "im batman" keton back on screen is a thumbs up, but this film should be a soild miss for everyone, the question is why has tim burton created a disabled charcter played by an able bodied actor, their is no need for colin furth to one armed, it does nothing to the story or plot, its pointless, on the flip side if they had an actule one armed actor play the role, then that would be fantastic, but i suppose if your going to remake dumbo somthing needs to be new jim crow from orginal so why not cripping up

  3. These are the same people that gave a 9.8 to Last Jedi and a 4.0 to Christopher Robin. Even though I liked the Last Jedi, there's no way it should've gotten a 9/10. They're kind of clueless sometimes…
    They even gave Prisoners a 5/10! Wait for Christ Stuckmann's review…

  4. Instead of wasting your time talking about Burtons past movies, take this movie for what it is, a creative reimagining of a classic story.

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