Disney and Tim Burton’s live-action remake fails to reach the lofty heights of the animated original. How Dumbo Is a Classic Tim Burton Outsider …
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Disney and Tim Burton’s live-action remake fails to reach the lofty heights of the animated original. How Dumbo Is a Classic Tim Burton Outsider …
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This review was bafflingly bland. Stop demanding intricate backstory for every character in harmless entertainment. This isn't a Faulkner novel.
5.0 too much dum not enough bo
Was there a Jim CROW in this movie? My only question
Disney should remake Disney
5.0 Not enough black crows.
they should've done bambi
Reviews are very mixed overall. DIsappointing.
Would Dumbo have much nostalgia to it?
Thought it was one of Disney’s worse films personally.
How does it end ?
Tim Burton needs more content like sweeney todd to work with
I bet it's better then a 5
5/10 are you kidding me IGN. The Dumbo fans are going to F**king Sue your company for this Fake Review.
I wasn't planning on seeing it anyway, but this is just reassuring
5/10 Too much Dumbo, not enough Jumbo.
You guys gave Show Dogs a 9/10. Called it the funniest comedy of the year and said Will Arnett returned to form. Yet Dumbo gets a 5/10? Shame.
5.0 Not big enough ears
I find it weird that like the reactions are split. Some call it Tim Burton's best in years while others call it his worst.
i was at best morbidly intrested in this flick, i mean anything that puts danny deveto and micheal "im batman" keton back on screen is a thumbs up, but this film should be a soild miss for everyone, the question is why has tim burton created a disabled charcter played by an able bodied actor, their is no need for colin furth to one armed, it does nothing to the story or plot, its pointless, on the flip side if they had an actule one armed actor play the role, then that would be fantastic, but i suppose if your going to remake dumbo somthing needs to be new jim crow from orginal so why not cripping up
5.0 no jim crow
Christopher Robin >>>>>>> Dumbo
These are the same people that gave a 9.8 to Last Jedi and a 4.0 to Christopher Robin. Even though I liked the Last Jedi, there's no way it should've gotten a 9/10. They're kind of clueless sometimes…
They even gave Prisoners a 5/10! Wait for Christ Stuckmann's review…
No talking mouse no go
Instead of wasting your time talking about Burtons past movies, take this movie for what it is, a creative reimagining of a classic story.
Too Dumb
10/10 “ It will sweep the oscars in 2020”! I just saved 3:53 minutes of your life! You’re welcome:)
5.0 Now go watch Shazam and be a family man
5.0 Too Dumb. Not enough Dumbo