Emilia Clarke survived two rounds of brain surgeries while filming the early seasons of Game of Thrones. Subscribe to the IGN News Channel!
Emilia Clarke survived two rounds of brain surgeries while filming the early seasons of Game of Thrones. Subscribe to the IGN News Channel!
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Truly…she is a Dragon, fierce, elephant, and enduring
That's sad ;'c
I hope she feels better now ;/
"she survived to brain aneurysms"
you guys used the wrong two it’s two not to
IGN needs to hire a real editor, cant even spell "two" let alone just saying "2", however this is horrible and I feel bad for her, she is one of my favorite characters in the show too. But I hope she doesnt pull from the show but if she did I would understand.
Typo in the video, survived "two" not "to"
im not surprised she almost died. I mean have you seen the size of jason mamoa?
Had a brain tumour slightly larger than a golf ball I didn’t know about for my whole life. Been through the passing out in a public toilet and being found, had the brain drain in my head, have the scar from top of head to behind my ear. It’s been only 6 months and it’s been rough but good on her talking about her experience . It’s made me feel a lot better about mine.
she has opened her own charity now
be as cute as u wanna be but real life you got aneurysms lol fragile
I'm so glad she is ok. She is a talented actor and really tough person at that!
TO aneurisms?
Oh my god!
Y’all really just say she sipped on morphine during a news report?
Lol good
Long live mod!
Typo at 0:15 "two"
"To" aside, holy sh!t poor girl!
Oh thank God she’s alright
You need to re edit this vid because it says “revealed she survived to brain” the to needs to be the number “two”
Well, Resident Evil fans suffered aneurysms watching IGN trying to fake a review for Resident Evil 2.
So we can relate.
You guys can't even spell *Two.. not "To" in this case.. Morons.
You used the wrong "two" in the on screen text at 0:18. It should read "… revealed she survived two brain aneurysms while filming the early seasons of the hit show."
Why did it happen?
Oh no not my baby
A very strong woman
Wow she truly is the mother of dragons!! Remarkable journey
Wow, what a thing to overcome. You never would have known she was going through anything. What an awesome woman.
Why can i not dislike this video?
0:16 *two
wow cant imagine what thats like. Must have been hell.
Ouch, so sad
She survived, because she has the blood of the dragon.