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I have stopped watching Youtube "experts" and " crypto news" since taking Steve's class and spend my time studying and practicing chart reading using Steve's materials. It is not hyperbole that his classes are packed with TA methods and investment strategies that really work. I have taken a couple of TA courses prior to Crypto Crew University from others and left scratching my head. He is an excellent teacher and his material is the best I have seen with clear graphics, notes, explanations and demonstrations. I would have been far better to have known what I have learned in Steve's class in 2017 and 2018 but like Steve says, it does not matter where you get in as long you are buying and selling at the right times.
Hi Steve, this question isn’t meant to question your integrity its just something I have wondered with TA guys in crypto, forex etc etc. If the system/analysis is as good as it seems, whats the benefit to the YT’er in taking the time and effort to make these videos. There are others talking about being millionaires in their 30s and it just begs the question, why youtube video.
I saw that $10000 a week story and found it laughable. I was half suspecting you would name your son Fibonacci
Hey Steve I just watched this one again. I really appreciate you and am working hard to get your classes.
Amazing insight Steve, thanks again for sharing your knowledge. Prague is a wonderful name, congratulations
how is it that you know so much and this few number you have subscribed to your channel. honestly I think your channel is undervalued
Awesome video! thank you
To get the Simple MA ribbons indicator Steve is using – In Tradingview, search for the indicator 'Simple Moving Averages' by Stocksinboxx.
is it Keith Flynt with inverted hair?
I feel nothing
Excellent video as usual. Thank you Steve. I'm holding back from buying whenever I see an uptick and following the "Rules" now. Good to have a light in the dark.
Man the channel growing! Congrats on everything Steve! Love that red blazer, good style
Another top quality analysis by the Crypto Crew U. Thanks Steve for your invaluable classes and consistent output of these free YouTube videos. By the way, I have been using the strategies you taught in your classes to other markets with solid success ratio and nice gains to date.
Blessings to you, baby Prague and your finacee.
5 min ago we broke the macro trendline of the 15 month bear market!
so is he bullish or bearish now within nex 3 weeks?
The name, the video, the trend line , the jacket… love it. Thanks for the update! Only a few weeks more and the little one starts laugh if you act silly enough… see you next Monday (or europe tuesday)
Name your boy Fibonacci.
Litcoin whil po better
Im thinking about joining your classes
BUT my problem with TA in crypto is that anything can happen very quickly and TA can’t predict that ,
TA can’t predict Thud or whales pounding in cash on many different coins
Please correct me and convince me that TA is worth studying
Confirmation bias at its best
42min. Yeah, that's gonna happen.
When are you planning to review $UND? I've been following you for some time, and I think that would be a good addition to your channel.
Mind Officially Blown!!!
Steve where is the 20 week moving average today?
Buy these classes now! When all his videos have a million plus views he will raise the price!
Wow, another mindblowing video!!! Can't wait for the bonus video. Keep up the good work to teach the humans.
Thank you for sharing your video's and knowledge with all of us, great work Steve!!!!
Can it be paid weekly,monthly,or per video
Great videos, not doubt about it, but way too long
Saving $300? lol. So how much are you losing?
I feel i gotta put all my money into crypto, i feel btc gonna go 100k OMG GOTTA BUY MORE LOL. :L
Btt buy price. Plz
What is "The BNC" that he keeps referring to?
Bahaha, ooooh what's it gonna do??!! FFS
thanks steve loving the vids
Charts are meaningless! Truly it’s manipulated like fck..they click a mouse and voila, whatever they want…the volumes are bullshit and you know it, Every Litecoin is traded every two days. Same as bitcoin…like silver the markets are a lie. I like your enthusiasm however I’ve been watching charts for over, and the future says we don’t know shit! Until the exchanges are shutdown or forced to have true prices we will never know how it will be.