The latest Destiny 2 addition Season of the Drifter focuses on Gambit Prime, The Reckoning and the coveted Thorn exotic weapon. Here’s our review. Destiny: 7 …
The latest Destiny 2 addition Season of the Drifter focuses on Gambit Prime, The Reckoning and the coveted Thorn exotic weapon. Here’s our review. Destiny: 7 …
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Which expansion did you like more? Season of the Drifter or Black Armory? – Destin
The best part about it is the weapon pool and new perks from gambit and reckoning that make it a worthwhile grind, you ain’t know bout that?
Great review Destin!
Can I stress again that the season is incomplete, do your review at the end!!!
I believe this is a wake up for bungie right away after activation's sleeping powder.
With this destiny has a promising future.
Regarding the review it was okay for the most part but it Lacks some review aspects.
Still fighting the same enemy type since TTK
Ding Ding Ding
It’s way to bad division 2 made this game look like shite LOL the only thing div 2 is missing is the end game raids and stuff other than that sadly this isn’t worth coming back to
So your telling me that a price of content that was made in 4 to 5 months had a better story then a game that was made in 6 years? Interesting. . . yes?
Stopped playing this after the forsaken dlc. This game is just a money grab.
I played for 1 hour, then i stoped. I didnt play this game even its free in PS4
Cod-shite! This DLC is one of the most hated from the Destiny community. 7 out of 10, clown shoes.
Wow these dlc's are actually so bad
You call this decision I remember when I play The Witcher one bad decision entire Village die
Tug of war on primeval kill. If you kill the invader before killing the third invader allows you to have an uninterrupted damage phase.
I'm disgusted because I bought the latest version ,well what I thought was the latest version so I had to buy destiny 2 .
dlc with cade dies 84 pounds .
Sorry I forgot what it was called,
then you couldn't buy the latest DLC only its own like one by one you had to buy all of it it was just a joke ,
And as a customer I just had enough and I think a lot of other people did too.
i only played through the main mission back when it was free on battle.net.…. so i honestly have no idea of what he's talking about throughout this video…. but somehow it's still entertaining.
I knew Destin was going to be making the review , stop hyping this game nobody is coming back to play it
I just wish there was no pvp part of it
Why is it always a bug when the drops are crap. Always. Pfffft
Where's the Division 2 review IGN, get your priorities right
the dlc appeals more to veterans rather than casuals which i find great
7 out of 10? This is a joke lmao. Ive been playing this dlc hardcore since it released and i would give it a 3/10. Hate how bungie is forcing Gambit down our throats and thats pretty much what the dlcs endgame is. Reckoning is alright and tier 3 is underwhelming.
What about all those people that don't like gambit or gambit prime. I haven't even touched this expansion if u can even call it that and I know I'm not alone
Division 2 is now the ultimate modern day looter shooter.
I honestly forgot this game was still going, still haven't even touched destiny 1 since 2014……
did he say widely loved mode..sorry gambit isn't what i call fun after a bit. this whole content update is based on one mode. and if you dont like it. well there is the next content update in june…
After the Bungie, Activision split, I'm tempted to buy this game
Gambit Prime is NOT worth your money.
Trash dead game no thanks
Since Division 2 I’m drifting away from this game.
7.0 save you time
Lets be real season of the drifter just made the playerbase drift away
360 lol im early i think
Iam proud iam first
This is my first comand in ign of long sub