The standalone Black Widow movie may have found another actress to star alongside Scarlett Johansson as reports say that Fighting With My Family’s Florence …
The standalone Black Widow movie may have found another actress to star alongside Scarlett Johansson as reports say that Fighting With My Family’s Florence …
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0:45 could it be Yelena Belova in the movie
Better than trash ? Captain marvel ????
Scarlett should be the villain; it would be awesome. At the end, she decides to join Barton and Fury.
Needs Yelena belova
Oh god please let this die
Is Bucky going to be in the movie?
Who the hell need Black Widow solo movie anyway? :/
If it's post Endgame than yes but if it's origin story than idk ;/
I hope they make it like a Mission Impossible or 007 movie and not a superhero movie. Either way I’m very hyped.
I love Scarlett as Black widow
Well I look forward to it
Fuckn yeah, better than captin shithead.
Wait this is actually happening?
Great casting.