I wanted to see what would happen to me if I put myself inside virtual reality for a whole 24 hours! Get my Merch!: https://teespring.com/stores/pauls-noodles Get …
I can’t press the subscribe button bcs I am already subscribed
I love you and your videos so much and please please heart my comment
Eating pasta while you suffering playing your game I'm saying you're hungry I need some food something like that don't mean to flex but it's pretty good
This is so staged! But I love the video anyway!
I have seen a YouTuber do a challenge in VR for a week
I did it
Keep it up u have amazing content love from INDIA ???
This is how many days Paul should do this for ? ??
Make slime with vr head set challenge
Very brave hard work tock your pizza love chanole
Yes you should stay in a vr head set for a week
Paul said I’m watching the office love that show
Love you Paul love your videos
You took my idea whyyyyy
What about ameerah's jeep?
I sub
{_/} (00) />?
{_/} (><) / >?
I’m sleeping eating cake
I SUBSCRIBE TO YOU(because you said that if you did..)
Did it a long time ago
Do a part two plssss……
Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul paul paul
Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul
Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul
Hey its me bye like if you like it!
Hey paul if the tezla (car) gets sick give it o.tezla (medison) i heared about it on a comershal
Do you guys want me to stay in a vr headset for a whole week?? let me know ?
He shook the pizza and I died ??????
The roof scene was definitely set up
I did press the subscribe button and the like button aswell
I can’t press the subscribe button bcs I am already subscribed
I love you and your videos so much and please please heart my comment
Eating pasta while you suffering playing your game I'm saying you're hungry I need some food something like that don't mean to flex but it's pretty good
This is so staged! But I love the video anyway!
I have seen a YouTuber do a challenge in VR for a week
I did it
Keep it up u have amazing content love from INDIA ???
This is how many days Paul should do this for ?
Make slime with vr head set challenge
Very brave hard work tock your pizza love chanole
Yes you should stay in a vr head set for a week
Paul said I’m watching the office love that show
Love you Paul love your videos
You took my idea whyyyyy
What about ameerah's jeep?
I sub
/ >?
I’m sleeping eating cake
I SUBSCRIBE TO YOU(because you said that if you did..)
Did it a long time ago
Do a part two plssss……
Paul Paul Paul
Paul Paul
Paul Paul Paul
Paul Paul Paul
Paul Paul
Paul Paul Paul
Paul Paul
Paul Paul
Paul Paul
Paul Paul
Paul Paul Paul
Hey its me bye like if you like it!
Hey paul if the tezla (car) gets sick give it o.tezla (medison) i heared about it on a comershal
Love you paul and i enjoy your vids pls i need help inproving my channel any suggestions on my channel i would aprecciate it https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChg-6iC0I4sNDfDtUl_CiQg
Yass I did liked!!
Part 2 plz
I sub and like