Google Stadia is here. Stadia marks Google’s entry into AAA gaming via a new game streaming service. Google says you’ll be able to stream game titles up to …
How are you playing games now.. PC, Xbox, PS4, Nintendo Switch?
Nvidia shield Just droped the Ball, i used it a works beautifully, but they waited too long
now this is a nice intro music thank you !
I need 144 fps
Tbh this console is a waste of time because what if u don’t have good internet to steam or u don’t even have internet at all
not xbox. but twitch is doomed
You know google is a data company, don't you? They will be able to use your data create a better AI that they can then sell back to you. I wonder what kind of data they are looking to gather from video games. I have a few guesses. Any guesses?
something that not a lot of people are thinking about, something I didn't think about until somebody brought it up on twitter, google is going to use this to gather information, something that we don't like thinking about is that google uses it's far reach to gather information and sell it to advertisers so that they can more accurately personalize ads, this, among other reasons, is why I'm not going to be buying this, my internet could probably handle it, and I have a TV for 4k, but I just don't trust google not to abuse stadia and its users
Can I play Minecraft at 4k
Xbox ain’t doomed cause no one wants a liberal google device
So basically Steam?
Everybody ready to learn about Comcast's data cap? Overages will be rampant.
it doesn't work with racing games. Tried GeForceNow with F1 2018 absolutely rubbish and i have gigabit ethernet
I was excited in Pakistan than I realised that Internet speeds are not good here
Stadia? Really?! No way they focus grouped the name, its awful. I'm hoping its just a placeholder for now
Pc vs stadia who will win? Like for pc comment for stadia
Screw google and Apple to much control
I think they already have these types of services out there? Where you rent a server somewhere, and then you just connect with those servers and use your device as a "controller/display".
How much did you get paid? I mean it's a good idea but "not having a transaction to play a game" seems way far from the spectrum, and do you think that big money grabbing companies (EA, Ubisoft, Activision, etc…) gonna let people play their games for a monthly fee?
Me playing online multiplayer on stradia: “you suck bro!”
Google: you have been banned for using offensive language
Me: wut
Am very skeptical about this entire thing. First of all, it is very abrupt. It comes in the wake of Google wanting to rid some of their hardwares, shuffling employees and on and on. Secondly like you said, some of their products and services are safe enough to say have been quite fraudulent in relation to how massive they advertise and their retail prices are nightmares. Look at the pixel slate, they are soon taking down google+. Thirdly, Google lacks sense of devotion to its projects. Projects come and whither. And it gets one thinking if stadia is really any exception because if they can't handle the light projects, how about this matrix of stadia. It all comes down to your summation, more of questions than answers. How long have they had this thing in development??? But only time shall tell. Let's be patient 'cause it boils stones.
It could work.
That kind thing already exist, i don't know if is good or not, but I'm sure Google or Microsoft have the tools to make this work properly. Also, some people already using Azure servers for making virtual machines to play games (PC games). Microsoft could do it, but they are to dumb to do this kind stuff.
That's a good vid, many questions yet to be answered. Do more research plz
Its going to fail 90 percent of the country don't have the internet speeds to stream a 4 k game not only that but the latency even with a good enough internet connection is going to be garbage it's going to flop
Nope. No mods, need high speed internet, you don't own the games, google will now data mine your gaming habits… I could go on and on. Not a fan
Leave me with my XBOX
This is how you know that he’s not a gamer listen streaming is great for Netflix, Hulu and other video services. The problem is what happens to people who have shitty connections and don’t have money to pay for internet to stream and also what happens the day your in the middle of a big battle and you lose all your save data that you got into it if the internet goes out or the power goes out? Your fucked to me personally streaming is not the way to go for gaming. With downloading or keeping physical copies of games around you can play offline without having to have an internet connection it’s also stupid for people who are not that great in making money and live in shitty areas who can’t afford internet but can afford something later on to be able to at least play games offline. Personally streaming gaming isn’t the way to go but that’s just my opinion
I used to use a service called onlive that did something similar and it worked and that was 4+ years ago.
What's the point in this when services like shadow are already out?
1) what games are supported? 2) where will you buy the games? 3) Xbox xcloud seems like it will be better because there are more games already developed for Xbox.
We will see. I remember Onlive. That eventually flopped
Naaaahhh PlayStation is doomed.. ??
Internet Service Providers are the only problem with cloud based technology.
It's not called Google Gaming because if it flops it will damage their brand
I can only watch videos at 480p max. Who cares about 4k live stream?
Your connection I think will play a huge part, especially for 4k 60fps. What about server traffic and device spec compatibility.
If you talk about laggy then you're really talking about people's internet if your Internet is slow then you're going to have a problem if your internet is fast then there's no problem. Am I right
1:07 pretty much Lew the company wants to make a different approach in how they sell, for example its cheaper just to DOWNLOAD a game except spending resources on putting data on a disk ? I just like to see how much "their nvidia type" device will cost, spec's, processing & cooldown. I believe the games will be in 4K(gotta keep the beat thumping at 5G)
Google needs to remake Pro Evolution Soccer , a Killzone: Liberation 2!(I wish), MAKE A MANHUNT 3! ??A sequel to TWISTED METAL BLACK(with the same characters)a Broken Dawn 4!!!(maaaaaaaane!)….. And Remake THE GETAWAY(Remember the Yardies house? Omfg!!)
Short answer, no. This will be out of most people's price range and the lag would ruin any competitive community. Not to mention the fact that you would need a crazy fast internet connection and net neutrality is dying. You'd end up paying $300-$400 bucks a month to play laggy assassin's Creed when you could have bought a console and played it for months with $250
Unless i see it my guess is this will just be an alternative to play their google play store games with a console style controller? google better not pull a souljaboy???
Def not first company, many other companies have tried the streaming games stuff. its shit and always lags will never work.
What is this guy unboxing? Channel name is pure clickbait
How are you playing games now.. PC, Xbox, PS4, Nintendo Switch?
Nvidia shield Just droped the Ball, i used it a works beautifully, but they waited too long
now this is a nice intro music thank you !
I need 144 fps
Tbh this console is a waste of time because what if u don’t have good internet to steam or u don’t even have internet at all
not xbox. but twitch is doomed
You know google is a data company, don't you? They will be able to use your data create a better AI that they can then sell back to you. I wonder what kind of data they are looking to gather from video games. I have a few guesses. Any guesses?
something that not a lot of people are thinking about, something I didn't think about until somebody brought it up on twitter, google is going to use this to gather information, something that we don't like thinking about is that google uses it's far reach to gather information and sell it to advertisers so that they can more accurately personalize ads, this, among other reasons, is why I'm not going to be buying this, my internet could probably handle it, and I have a TV for 4k, but I just don't trust google not to abuse stadia and its users
Can I play Minecraft at 4k
Xbox ain’t doomed cause no one wants a liberal google device
So basically Steam?
Everybody ready to learn about Comcast's data cap? Overages will be rampant.
it doesn't work with racing games. Tried GeForceNow with F1 2018 absolutely rubbish and i have gigabit ethernet
I was excited in Pakistan than I realised that Internet speeds are not good here
Stadia? Really?! No way they focus grouped the name, its awful. I'm hoping its just a placeholder for now
Pc vs stadia who will win? Like for pc comment for stadia
Screw google and Apple to much control
I think they already have these types of services out there? Where you rent a server somewhere, and then you just connect with those servers and use your device as a "controller/display".
How much did you get paid? I mean it's a good idea but "not having a transaction to play a game" seems way far from the spectrum, and do you think that big money grabbing companies (EA, Ubisoft, Activision, etc…) gonna let people play their games for a monthly fee?
Me playing online multiplayer on stradia: “you suck bro!”
Google: you have been banned for using offensive language
Me: wut
Am very skeptical about this entire thing. First of all, it is very abrupt. It comes in the wake of Google wanting to rid some of their hardwares, shuffling employees and on and on. Secondly like you said, some of their products and services are safe enough to say have been quite fraudulent in relation to how massive they advertise and their retail prices are nightmares. Look at the pixel slate, they are soon taking down google+. Thirdly, Google lacks sense of devotion to its projects. Projects come and whither. And it gets one thinking if stadia is really any exception because if they can't handle the light projects, how about this matrix of stadia.
It all comes down to your summation, more of questions than answers. How long have they had this thing in development???
But only time shall tell. Let's be patient 'cause it boils stones.
It could work.
That kind thing already exist, i don't know if is good or not, but I'm sure Google or Microsoft have the tools to make this work properly. Also, some people already using Azure servers for making virtual machines to play games (PC games). Microsoft could do it, but they are to dumb to do this kind stuff.
That's a good vid, many questions yet to be answered. Do more research plz
Its going to fail 90 percent of the country don't have the internet speeds to stream a 4 k game not only that but the latency even with a good enough internet connection is going to be garbage it's going to flop
Nope. No mods, need high speed internet, you don't own the games, google will now data mine your gaming habits… I could go on and on. Not a fan
Leave me with my XBOX
This is how you know that he’s not a gamer listen streaming is great for Netflix, Hulu and other video services. The problem is what happens to people who have shitty connections and don’t have money to pay for internet to stream and also what happens the day your in the middle of a big battle and you lose all your save data that you got into it if the internet goes out or the power goes out? Your fucked to me personally streaming is not the way to go for gaming. With downloading or keeping physical copies of games around you can play offline without having to have an internet connection it’s also stupid for people who are not that great in making money and live in shitty areas who can’t afford internet but can afford something later on to be able to at least play games offline. Personally streaming gaming isn’t the way to go but that’s just my opinion
I used to use a service called onlive that did something similar and it worked and that was 4+ years ago.
What's the point in this when services like shadow are already out?
1) what games are supported?
2) where will you buy the games?
3) Xbox xcloud seems like it will be better because there are more games already developed for Xbox.
We will see. I remember Onlive. That eventually flopped
Naaaahhh PlayStation is doomed.. ??
Internet Service Providers are the only problem with cloud based technology.
It's not called Google Gaming because if it flops it will damage their brand
I can only watch videos at 480p max. Who cares about 4k live stream?
Your connection I think will play a huge part, especially for 4k 60fps. What about server traffic and device spec compatibility.
If you talk about laggy then you're really talking about people's internet if your Internet is slow then you're going to have a problem if your internet is fast then there's no problem. Am I right
1:07 pretty much Lew the company wants to make a different approach in how they sell, for example its cheaper just to DOWNLOAD a game except spending resources on putting data on a disk ?
I just like to see how much "their nvidia type" device will cost, spec's, processing & cooldown. I believe the games will be in 4K(gotta keep the beat thumping at 5G)
Google needs to remake Pro Evolution Soccer
, a Killzone: Liberation 2!(I wish), MAKE A MANHUNT 3! ??A sequel to TWISTED METAL BLACK(with the same characters)a Broken Dawn 4!!!(maaaaaaaane!)….. And Remake THE GETAWAY(Remember the Yardies house? Omfg!!)
Short answer, no. This will be out of most people's price range and the lag would ruin any competitive community. Not to mention the fact that you would need a crazy fast internet connection and net neutrality is dying. You'd end up paying $300-$400 bucks a month to play laggy assassin's Creed when you could have bought a console and played it for months with $250
Unless i see it my guess is this will just be an alternative to play their google play store games with a console style controller? google better not pull a souljaboy???
Def not first company, many other companies have tried the streaming games stuff. its shit and always lags will never work.
What is this guy unboxing? Channel name is pure clickbait
This if happened will be something huge