DCEU producer Peter Safran has confirmed that James Gunn’s Suicide Squad film will be a “total reboot” called The Suicide Squad. Subscribe to the IGN News …
DCEU producer Peter Safran has confirmed that James Gunn’s Suicide Squad film will be a “total reboot” called The Suicide Squad. Subscribe to the IGN News …
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I had a stroke trying to read the title
The social network
So is Margot Robbie coming back?
Now do the same for superman and batman v superman
So are the actors same? Atleast Harley should be same
What are we? Some kind of T H E S U C I D E S Q U A D?
I thought they said they will not reboot any DC stories and they will all be canon to DCEU.
That's what happen when you make wrong decisions to make SS at first attempt -.-
People hated it and now because of this little backlash, they've decided to make a reboot of SS but will be any better now?
well… …if Harley Quinn original actress stay in, than its great but other actors needs to be chose perfectly cause people did not like Will Smith as Dead-shoot.
We'll put a "The" in front of it
Now no one can tell the difference
Will it be r rated ?
Good, but PLS KEEP WILL SMITH as DeadShot he was one of the only enjoyable characters in the whole movie
So the shared dc movie universe is basically dead
Margot still was the best harley they better keep someone. Least this way someone can explain what happen to the old crew while searching for a new squad
Good. Now let's act like the first one never happened.
A reboot…after only a couple of years after the first? Wow, that's a first.
Imagine thinking of the tittle for the next movie he’s like I know we will use the word the in front of it
As one of the few people who like the movie overall (yes, go ahead and clown me. It's a mess of a movie but had enough for me to enjoy some things about it) to do a reboot already is yet another sign DC/Warner Bros just didn't have a path to follow.
Reboot Is Actually A Good Thing.. Considering how bad the 1st one was… Still mad how they used the joker in that movie
Big Wig We need a title for this movie that doesn't draw attention to the fact that we're rehashing a movie that isn't even old enough to legally ride in the front seat
Bill How about adding "The" to the front?
and there was much rejoicing
So no more Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn?
Dc keeps getting shittier and shittier
DC is a joke
I hope Matthew Reeves Batman is called “The Batman”
Can someone say Laaaaaaaaaaaaate
A+ naming right here…
You know what, I'm pretty much speechless at this point. I think I'm just going to step away from the computer for once and just forget about the rest of the world for a moment.