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For world’s ‘unbanked,’ bitcoin is the future
Stellar Lumens (XLM) is launching on Coinbase Pro
You Can Now Pre-Order This $15,000 Crypto-Powered Beer Vending Machine
You Can Pre-Order This $15,000 Crypto-Powered Beer Vending Machine
Stock market expert Marc Faber makes his first investment in BTC
Stock market expert Marc Faber makes his first investment in BTC
Bitcoin Skeptic Admits He Was ‘Very Wrong’ About Cryptocurrencies
Bob Moore Auto Group
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This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This information could’ve been doctored or misrepresented by the internet. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. This information is not intended to slander harm or defame any of the actors involved but to show what was said through their social media accounts. Please take this information and do your own research.
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There's a lot more than 3. Here's my reasons:
No 3rd party needed
Low fees
Fast transactions
Easily verifiable
Bank run proof
Censorship resistant
Immune to corruption
Unforgeable Costliness
Openly programmable
When bitcoin is mined you can't lie about it
Bank account for billions who can't get one
There are some disadvantages but they will most likely change in the future
Short history
Not fungible
Complicated to use
Not private
Not accepted at most stores
Rare, Decentralized ans secure are mine
Ultimately bitcoin is worth zero. The technology will be obsolete at some point in the near future. Will it have another FOMO run. Yes. Buy low, sell high.
Karatbars International, The world’s number one gold supplier to the public are making history with the unveiling of the worlds first voice over blockchain smartphone and Karat Merchant payment system!
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WOW you have No Clue what CVC does
in the table u forgot the number 1 parameter that makes any kind of money valuable; trust.
I recon there going be a big bottom out . People are just talking it up just before the crash
BTC is king prove me wrong.
Using precious metals and paper as a medium of exchange is primitive this the next evolution of currency.
More than 1mil per btc, be sure…
Keep em comin good content maaain
2 things why is there a BCH Logo at the end of your video & we can See your picture in Google docs j4i
Hi guys,
Have you ever heard of Bit.tube?
It is a kind of Youtube with payment functions. They just made an amazing extension which has a free VPN and an adblocker.
"Nobody can shut it down" – not entirely true, a power failure or disconnection from the internet will stop this, like we've recently seen in Venezuela. Don't get me wrong, this will have effects elsewhere, including shutting down the existing credit card network, but it is a limitation not shared by cash or gold.
It may be possible to get around this, e.g. satellite radio and batteries/generators, but this isn't an option for the majority of people.
Civic can solve all of the voter fraud here in the States and catalog everyone, specifically immigrants – legal and illegal. Get caught sneaking in, get tagged and kicked out with a warning: use the door not climb through the window. Second time caught , blacklisted/banned from entry.
Crypto Currency Concept
Digital or "virtual" currency is without a doubt the most dangerous SCAM in recent times! It will be the mechanism by which ALL humanity, eventually, is imprisoned. Block chain software is nothing more than an AI trap. The "lure" is human greed and human desire to get "rich" without effort. This trap is similar to the other preceding financial tricks that have created economic "booms" and "busts" like bank loans (usury,) "fiat" paper money, credit cards, stocks, shares and hedge funds. This is "human pride!" People always think they are so much smarter than the scammers!
Sincerely hope the price of BTC goes up in the long term
Bitcoin really is something special..
What about the fact that transaction cost of bitcoin is so high? Is it possible to use bitcoin for everyday life like buying coffee, apart from purchasing house or car?
and if BTC really reaches a few hundred thousands of dollars, then the transaction cost is going to be ridiculously high…
also Is there any chance of that all the miners shut down there mining if it is not profitable…or after all bitoin is mined…
Oh yeah, but only so much BTC to go around. Get yours NOW
??https://cosmos.network/intro. ATOM : 225 million to be ever created / ? 53 million floating around ? Out ~ 3 weeks now been hoping it would drop well under $5 . Just hit coinmarketcap with nearly 5.5 million dollars traded today. The word is out my friends. One of 3 new gems released recently that I have researched. Now just twiddling my thumbs waiting for it to drop. Solution? & Mineable . Good Lord, this is not a pump, I want it to drop like a hot rock so I can snag 100. Fear that this project will move quickly under the rank of 500before the end of April. ? ? ? ? ? also the Ethereum based anonymous micro supply of Ethereum Dark just did a coin swap to new contract for the better. One to watch as well. More and more good news for Ethereum just keep pouring out. # 3 on my list …. ? ? ? ? ? Don't be ? please. Always remember, we are still early. Imagine 2 years from now. Now think of fulfilling dreams in 5 years. Remember Masternodes are the key. Here is a pump , no dump , an undervalued masternode that tanked and now I speculate will come back very strong, with a guardian node to be available is SPARKSPAY for those of you that want to get started on a very affordable price with great value unlike DASH which may be out of reach for most of us. Good luck to us all. Take care. WWG1WGA
can't agree more with you. Great Video
100%%%%%% with you guys keep up the good work!!!!
you will also be able to pay for service at the Bob Moore dealerships with crypto. Thats huge.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9AVYRKOTs4&t=49s dope way to earn passive crypto!
Cant be censored!
BTC wont go to ZERO as long as we have internet. No internet, no payment. For now. Heck, im buying.
Your Bitcoin can not be stolen by corrupt governments!
As maximalists tend to hoard their BTC, I can see BCH mooning as well.
1)Brain wallet
2)Paper wallet
3)Hardware wallet
BITCOIN is the natural evolution of money.
As an investor, I’d say the bitcoin is actually my most profitable financial asset but I have had my very bad bitcoin moments especially during the peak of the bearish market experienced last year. I have been hodling bitcoins since 2014 and it was so fulfilling watching it ride with the bulls but then I lose almost all of it last year. Watching a video on YT got me interested in trading bitcoin but then I lost some more money trying to trade on my own. Thanks to a particular forum online, I got to read about some very successful trader and notable among them was Eric Caruso. After contacting him and having a very informative but simple discussion with him, I got to understand all the reasons I had failed by hodling and what I did wrong as a trader. After using his signals and trade strategies for just a few months, I covered my losses of a whole year and made additional significant profit. He is just the best and you can reach him on ericcaruso66@gmailcom for any questions or inquiries you may have in order to be a more profitable trader.
90% of people are proven fools. I think 99% of people in crypto will be proven fools lol
I think Its a fallacy to say bitcoin is unable to be confiscated or stolen. For example someone finds out you own bitcoin. They hold a gun to your head and say send your bitcoin to such n such address or I will shoot you in the head and wipe out your family. Pretty easy really
All fiat money combined / Total Bitcoin Supply = Possible Worth of 1 BTC … But will it ever happen? I doubt it.
If i am selling expensive cars i don't want cash i want an electric deposit swiftly! Taking in 5,000 btc and letting it go on the open market is what it was built for right?
You're so right. I always talk to the kids at work about what's going on with tech. Now if I could just teach them what a wrench is for.