Our Devil May Cry 5 review is finally here! Find out what I thought about watching my boyfriend shoot and stab demons in the face. Support us on Patreon: …
Our Devil May Cry 5 review is finally here! Find out what I thought about watching my boyfriend shoot and stab demons in the face. Support us on Patreon: …
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“I want a naked chicken chalupa and a bepis”
– An intellectual
Finally you get in Capcom perspective, play RE2 again with this mind (Claire scenario) and probably you will like.
PS: Still waiting a MGS review. XD
That Micheal Jackson sounds.
I didn't even know what sleep was after DMC 5 released, your boyfriend lacked motivation
I love how you're using Bioshock Infinite music. I miss that game and i want to replay it.
Continue the great work …
How about Ori and the blind forest? Or Cuphead?
Weird review. But I feel yeah. I guess???
I love it?
HOLUPPAMINNUT! ‘Suspitchous’!?!? ?
Ahh my weekly dose of " Hol'uppa'minute " has been absorbed,jokes aside this channel is by far top tier content and editing and totally amazing, i love it !
Just YEAH.
My girlfriend and I are obsessed with Divinity Original Sin 2. One of the best RPG's ever 10/10. Also by far the best co-op game. The combat is turn-based so my girlfriend didn't feel like she was dragging me down cause I basically just told her what to do step by step until she got the hang of it, know she's just as good as me.
Do should your boyfriend play 'Portal' and 'Braid'!!
Clever games! That will make his brain hurt!
Devil may cry 5 is the second worst in the series. There I said it.
Still waiting for my Boyfriend Reviews "Should Your Girlfriend Play Animal Crossing?"
Yep… If I have a girlfriend, and play a game and she feel curious, I'll send a link to her to see "Girlfriend Review". x)
You are super funny, super entertaining!
Hol' up a minute…. Where's the Stardew Valley video?