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About the Author: Disrupt


  1. Awesome challenge, well done. But I feel like this video is way overly edited and it makes it hard to watch. At least for me…

  2. Thank fuck I grew up a couple years before all this bollocks, I was one of the last few to have a proper childhood. What got on my nerves is you were saying "I saw this" "experienced that" but you didn't, not really you saw what others think it might look or be like.

  3. this guy is a cheeseball, and I struggle to understand how his analysis is so underwhelming, surface level, and short. It just seems like someone could make more poignant remarks about the VR experience from just a 3 hour session in any game. but the editing is gud and he makes funny quips so I guess this is what counts for a high quality take on VR lol…..

  4. I was playing on doing something like this seeing how it would be to mix two realities doing everyday things and little things to doing corporate work and having meetings in a virtual space. It’s amazing what VR can offer but I’m concerned we would get to a point where the virtual world is the life / fantasy we never could’ve have so returning back to normal reality could be a very hard thing since you could get addicted to the world you created in virtual.

  5. The reality we see is not the true reality.
    Time is not lineal.
    Language is not just verbal.
    There are way more shiny colours and shapes.
    Only a few people with a developed consciousness can see this daily.
    Without drugs/ VR devices.
    Nice experiment and nice voice, though.
    Keep experimenting.

  6. Hahahah, i was reading comments and i have realised nerds have discovered psychedelics, but now i see why this technology is actually unnatural
    Most of nerds here will probably naive and will be fooled to live life in vr

    So ironic actually

  7. The movie thing is actually really fun, I think. I used to watch movies with my online friend and it was comforting and nice knowing that someone was watching it at the same time. I don't really get to interact with my family like that, and I've been watching a bunch of reactors on Youtube for that reason now that I think about it.

    I do see how this sort of technology could bring forth major problems, but it's definitely something I would be willing to try. My social anxiety has never been worse haha

  8. maybe the most cringe video ive seen in a while, there is nothing innovative about what you did. VR is the most Over rated thing ever. dude i could of play each games that you played on a normal monitor and it wouldve been very great and immersive. you think because you have a helmet to look around your perspective it makes it any different ? and there was a tone in your voice that remind me of a VICE documentary witch is destructive to my soul.

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