Your familiars going down results in this awkward downtime where you are seeking oppurtunities to figure out a way to get them back without summong nightmare or spamming royal fork for breathing room.
Theres more to it than that but V on DMD feels……. awkward.
I am a little concerned with Capcom's latest games being a little too in love with realistic art style. While it made sense with Resident Evil, I find it questionable with games like DMC 5 and Monster Hunter World. Its certainly better than Capcom's previous hard on for overblown muscles but the more bombastic tone games would have benefited from a more stylistic art style.
Sounds like a buy to me.
If you are wondering what the community feels on it take a dive into the Inertia hashtag on twitter….
DMC 5 has the best combat, but everything else is sub-par by the series' own standards. Worst of all, the atmosphere of the narrative… has anyone else noticed just how random and sporadic (in the bad sense) the narrative is presented as? For one, where in 3 Dante's jam session on Nevan was effectively a celebration of you overcoming the fight, in 5 his Jackson dance is just…. random. Some incongruent things happen, he is for some reason given a magical hat, and he decides to randomly perform a Jackson tribute…. during a backdrop of silence.
DMC 5 just has no idea what it wants its tone to be. The narrative experience was, thus, awful. I'll only play this game for Bloody Palace.
V is my main problem with the game I don't really like his gameplay the commands you give shadow feel like they have a delay I prefer Dante and Nero they play perfectly
I never understood the hate Dmc reboot had ive played every single devil may cry game as they came out and loved the reboot
DMC3 best story, DMC5 best gameplay.
DMC1 best atmosphere/environment design.
DMC4 best Kyrie.
DMC2 best Diesel outfit.
respectfully disagree, especially the criticisms about V's combat. Just get to higher difficulty (DMD) to see how it actually plays out. Normal difficulty is a bit shit though i agree xD
Very fair review with lots of good points. Especially about the level design. Its pretty sad because it had lots of potential. Even from concept art you can see that Redgrave City at first was supposed to have a much more gothic architecture with some parts inspired by modern London and much more yellows were used. In the release both the city and the tree feels so boring and lifeless most of the time, except for maybe mission two which was also in the demo.
The cheeky edgelord attitude never interested me back in the PS2 days. The reboot on PS3 was the only one in the series that piqued my interest and I loved the heck out of playing it. And now with 5, I remember that it was partly the fans of the game that made me not want to play the originals. Because EVERY review of 5 is full of shitting on a game in the series I actually enjoyed. I watched lore videos to catch me up and started being interested in maybe picking up 5, but this video… it kinda makes me not want to bother and just pick up the reboot 'definitive edition' instead.
I think V is best seen as something to break up the pace of Nero and Dante. He offers easy and somewhat satisfying combat and gives the player more time to think about things in the story or how to get better at the other two charters.Edit Also from reading the comments he gets really difficult to use of harder difficult s.
The fact that you think V is too easy/requires no skill just proves you haven't played on any difficulty passed SoS. It's also no secret that V's playstyle was generally made easier to draw in new players who haven't played older titles in the series besides DmC. If V wasn't included, 5 would play literally just like DMC4 (half game of Nero, half game of Dante) but with even more complicated mechanics.
Maybe I'm crazy, but I quite enjoyed DMC (the reboot). Yeah, it's story was trying too hard but the core mechanics were still very solid and I felt it was an overall improvement over DMC 4 which honestly felt kind of slapdash. Plus, it let me fight an evil, demonic Bill O'Reilly which was pretty awesome.
Nice REView! You sound quite fond of the game even though it didn't EXCEED your expectations.
5 is hands down the best DMC in terms of gameplay, enemy design and movelists. 3 is better at story and pacing for sure, but DMC is judged first and foremost on gameplay so 5 is hands down the best in the series.
You should play V on the hardest difficulty
there are 2 reasons DmC left a bad taste in fans mouths and i have to agree. 1. they turned are lovable cocky goof ball full of cheesy one liners into something completely unrecognizable. and 2. they did dumb down the combat by using the color codded weapons and enemy's . when has the other devil may cry games you were able to experiment and use any complicated combo you wanted
My guy guy played this game on normal
Interestingly I dont see Trish and Lady's inclusion without any 'use' to be a problem – though I do believe their lack of action/playability IS an issue.
These arent new shooed in characters that exist to exist, they're established invested people in the universe who care about the other core characters. If they were simply namedropped and not included at all, it would be awkward and strange – having to explain away their lack of appearance with "they were busy lol?" or something.
I also highly believe we're getting Lady/Trish/CERTAIN CHARACTER DLC after bloody palace (I know they said no plans but datamines + their tendency to straight up lie about this stuff on top of historical additons to DMC games esp. 4). That postgame cutscene was way too obvious a nod to the ladies going on a mission or two.
I honestly prefer 5's level design. The level design of the old games just didn't fit with the way the games split the levels.
Either you make the levels linear and set, or you do an open metroidvania world and don't split it up with levels. I prefer what DMCV did.
DmC: Devil May Cry was a fucking great game. Humor was stupidly on point, combat was great and looked absolutely fucking amazing.
I hope now that DMC5 is out and DmC wasn't the death of the franchise like many feared, we can just accept that DMC was an amazing action game.
DMC5 is better though
With you saying about the gaming press being head over heels for DmC, there's a quote out there by Keiji Inafune before DmC was revealed that goes like this. "We want to make a sequel that's custom made to what fans want, and its going to be particularly well-liked by the media as well." At least he was half right I suppose.
Even to this day they still continue to shout it praises, as you'd be hard pressed to find an article about DMC5 where they don't mention about DmC being good, as the hair hating fans almost destroyed the franchise out of spite. Something I thought for sure would change after DMC5 was announced, even though like Ninja Theory they threw the original series under the bus
But thankfully gone are the extended cutscenes during boss battles (looking at you Vergil), the unskipable walkie talkie wankie wankie bits that force you into walking, or waiting for another character to open a door, and colour coded enemies that spits in the face of what the combat is about, freedom, from DmC. And back is the 60fps as standard, lock-on, Styles, one button weapon, and Style, swapping and the ability to taunt, now even while airborne because the narrative of gameplay is don't get hit and be stylish. Devil May Cry is back.
Also isn't funny how a game can do do well when you give fans what they want and don't actively go out of your way to antagonise them or try and bury the franchise. Yes Capcom told Ninja Theory to radically redesign Dante, and the world, but I doubt they also called Tameem over and told him instead of trying to rebuild bridges back to the fanbase, he needs burn them even more. For all you'd hear Capcom saying "oh we learned so much from Ninja Theory!" it was probably a case of how not to behave towards fans, and Ninja Theory could easily take some lessons from Capcom in how to behave for as Matt Walker says “You can’t crap on the fans, man! That’s not good for anybody.”
Interesting that you use the word musicality during your talk of dantes mechanics. I'm a guitarist and I always relate the way I play my instrument as something akin to how I play dmc
I'd love to see you tackle the subject of DMC5 being a story without consequence. By the time we're at the final mission we're so wrapped up in the enjoyment of the nostalgia of characters returning that we, and also the characters, seem to forget that seemingly tens of thousands of people have had to die (in gruesome fashion) for us to get here.
Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't finished…
The reveal of Vergil is great, he's such a fun and interesting character. But as the antagonist for this game, he's offered no sense of comeuppance other than losing a bit of pride by being bested by Dante and Nero – not that he actually shows it, his cool, calculated demeanour never actually shifts to frustration. Dante concludes the game seemingly back with his bro, pretty happy all things considered, and Nero is gifted a book of poems by his father and the promise that he'll be back again. Dante gets his brother back, Nero gets a family. Vergil is responsible, solely, for the deaths of so many innocent people! I know a DMC story isn't supposed to be that involved, but DMC5 does take itself seriously enough that this really stood out to me. Vergil is the highlight of the entire game for me, but the way he's written into the story is just bad storytelling.
People give DmC to much shit
I definitely agree, altrough overall I seem to like it much less than you do, but I also always had some gripes with the dmc combat system, despite how much I like the series and it was disappointing that it pretty much stayed the same here. It's mostly minor stuff like Nero having to push left trigger after every attack, which doesn't feel right to me, I'm sure it could have made less akward somehow. There are some other minor annoyances and while it seems irrelevant, those stuff add up and lesser my enjoyment. But the biggest problem is definitely the level design, followed by the story. I was looking forward to replaying it on the hardest difficulty at first, but the level design and structure just made me give up after a few levels. I just hope they learn from their mistakes here and that DMC 6 will be better.
sorry i have to say it.but why every time you shiting on mgsv? i know every one has an opinion and its respectable by its almost impossible to find positive things about mgsv. there were times in my life that i was desperedly looking for an "in defence of mgsv" because i loved that game but no i cant find it or if i found it i wouldn't be 100 percent agree with it. like everyone is like "you have to run in the entire game" but forget all of the boring trips that they had in gta or assassins creed or farcry like atleast snake is the fastest open world charachter and you don't have to travel to the point mission starts and you can just select it in the menu. or the fact that cassate tapes were actually well written but everyone is complaining by the cassates themselves and no one looks in their quality. every one complains how venom snake is silent but no one says that his dialouges are amazing. isn't it ironic that i used tranq gun more in mgs3 than mgsv? and that i played mgsv for 160 houres and didnt get bored by it? it is my first game that i played more than 100 hours. oh btw im writing an article called "in defence of mgsv" and now i'v written 5500 words and strill more than half of it is remaining. btw sorry for my bad english it is not my native language.
TBH it was seriously disappointing for me. Embarassingly low difficulty without the option to select at least Son of Sparda from the get go, weak levels, by the numbers artistic direction, disgraceful treatment of Trish and Lady, less playable characters than in 4SE (DLC coming soon, kaching), canonization of anime characters out of blue field and seemingly for no reason at all, V's combat system having you basically control two normal characters at the same time with one set of control, Dante's control scheme still not fixed with style switching really being just an unwieldy way to change the function of literally one button, Nero mirroring Donte, the music being horrendously underused for a DMC title, a needlessly convoluted plot that's all in all just a bunch of cheap throwbacks to the old games. It's a dinosaur of a game, it barely brings anything new to the table in any regard. Devil breakers are a cool addition but they needlessly rebinded devil bringer to introduce it. New weapons for dante save for Dr. Faust are remixes of the old ones, plus the Cavalerie so we can have bayonetta hold combos in our DMC game – what for? They mostly grind the game to a halt. Inertia from DMC4 is gone, which is a bloody shame because that was a nice touch.
It's still fun and of course the press likes it because it feels fresh in a market of games about dads, but this is the bare minimum Itsuno had to do to make a successful comeback. It's The Force Awakens of the DMC series.
I disagree. I really really really really liked V. He provided a great foil to Nero's otherwise rumbustious and hasty behavior. While he took situations seriously, Nero did not. Where I find V failed as a character was the fan service they tried to jam into this character. V had jokes. He hadn't the chance to develop and that kind of sucks. Because I felt his style was a summoner was unique, something really needed in this kind of genre. I think he really brought something new to the table, and they just chucked it away in the garbage bin which is where I think the game is disappointing and unsatisfying. He could have been a great new character, but they decided fan service was better than developing an interesting new individual into the cannon.
Dude, I love how you compared MGS5 to DMC5. I've been wary for almost all games since MGS5 because critics like IGN scored MGS5 a 9/10 when the game itself was a HUGE letdown for series veterans like myself.
I don't get how people thought the DMC remake was all self-serious and make a big problem of it. I mean, the worldbuilding and stakes were all obviously (AS I SAW IT) just satirical festival, a comical exaggeration of edgelord-slacktivist<>anarcho-capitalist conflict, while yes the interpersonal drama was played for stark realism. Like a Joss Whedon thing. I get that the 'original' japan versions of these games do something like the opposite, with hyperironic anime characters mostly responding irreverently to dour worldbuilding. To me there's as much to wince at or go squee with either artistic interpretation of this fiction.
On a gameplay level, as a mid-tier skillmaster of such games I enjoy either version equally, but yes I do notice that the american version isn't as tightly designed as to facilitate a high skill ceiling as well as the japan games.
I've had some pretty similar feelings about the game. A few niggles about aesthetic things, and not being entirely enamoured with how V plays, but generally I love it. I had sort of the reverse opinion about the environments though. I was less fond of the urban areas than the demonic areas. The former felt kind of bland to me, as just being a pretty generic crumbling cityscape. The kind of thing we've seen in so many games, and didn't have the looming Gothic atmosphere of previous games. I liked the later levels more, since they had a more interesting otherworldly feeling, being all grotesque disgusting flesh and stuff. I can see how they could feel a bit monotonous too with how much they stick to that one point, and how linear the whole game is, but I still liked that better than the earlier bits. I don't mind so much the linearity in general either. The game being all about the combat, it doesn't bother me. The Bayo games do the same thing too.
Can’t get any games right now, but imma get this at summer. So excited!
Started with DMC1 back in the day. 5 is just a masterclass in everything the series does right. Fantastic gameplay, brilliant enemy variety and aggressiveness, stellar bosses, just enough fanservice to not be a detriment, mind-blowing visuals, and silky smooth performance despite its realism. If I had to rank the games, I'd put 5 ahead of 3, 4 after 3, 1 on par with 4, and 2 in last place just as a pity vote. I haven't put 5 down since it came out, and I don't plan to any time soon.
V is just Kylo Ren. Change my mind.
I respectfully disagree with what was said about V. I feel he was one of the more interesting inclusions in the game because of his personality and how much of a departure he was from everyone else, both gameplay wise and narratively. I think he shined quite a bit, at least until his true origins were revealed…
Play higher difficulties if you want to have to play strategically as V. He quickly becomes under-powered compared to Nero and Dante.
I hope DMC6 is Dante and Vergil in hell that last area with the white grass looked awesome
I'm sorry the difficulty, levels, V and lack of good bosses really kills the game. The gameplay is fantastic but everything else is lacking. I'll probably play Bloody Palace for a long time but it just wasn't truly great. I think people will look at the game more critically after the honeymoon phase. Hopefully 6 turns out better and not be rushed.
While I agree with most of your points (especially the level design being run-of-the-mill and quite boring), the gameplay being so perfect simply makes me forget all of that.
I don't think 3's precision can approach the sheer quantity and quality of 5.
How dare you disrespect my precious edge boy V
Also your view on V actually contradicts mine.
On DMD Vs missions are nearly needlessly hard.
Your familiars going down results in this awkward downtime where you are seeking oppurtunities to figure out a way to get them back without summong nightmare or spamming royal fork for breathing room.
Theres more to it than that but V on DMD feels……. awkward.
I am a little concerned with Capcom's latest games being a little too in love with realistic art style. While it made sense with Resident Evil, I find it questionable with games like DMC 5 and Monster Hunter World. Its certainly better than Capcom's previous hard on for overblown muscles but the more bombastic tone games would have benefited from a more stylistic art style.
Sounds like a buy to me.
If you are wondering what the community feels on it take a dive into the Inertia hashtag on twitter….
DMC 5 has the best combat, but everything else is sub-par by the series' own standards. Worst of all, the atmosphere of the narrative… has anyone else noticed just how random and sporadic (in the bad sense) the narrative is presented as? For one, where in 3 Dante's jam session on Nevan was effectively a celebration of you overcoming the fight, in 5 his Jackson dance is just…. random. Some incongruent things happen, he is for some reason given a magical hat, and he decides to randomly perform a Jackson tribute…. during a backdrop of silence.
DMC 5 just has no idea what it wants its tone to be. The narrative experience was, thus, awful. I'll only play this game for Bloody Palace.
V is my main problem with the game I don't really like his gameplay the commands you give shadow feel like they have a delay I prefer Dante and Nero they play perfectly
I never understood the hate Dmc reboot had ive played every single devil may cry game as they came out and loved the reboot
DMC3 best story, DMC5 best gameplay.
DMC1 best atmosphere/environment design.
DMC4 best Kyrie.
DMC2 best Diesel outfit.
respectfully disagree, especially the criticisms about V's combat. Just get to higher difficulty (DMD) to see how it actually plays out.
Normal difficulty is a bit shit though i agree xD
Very fair review with lots of good points. Especially about the level design. Its pretty sad because it had lots of potential. Even from concept art you can see that Redgrave City at first was supposed to have a much more gothic architecture with some parts inspired by modern London and much more yellows were used. In the release both the city and the tree feels so boring and lifeless most of the time, except for maybe mission two which was also in the demo.
The cheeky edgelord attitude never interested me back in the PS2 days.
The reboot on PS3 was the only one in the series that piqued my interest and I loved the heck out of playing it.
And now with 5, I remember that it was partly the fans of the game that made me not want to play the originals. Because EVERY review of 5 is full of shitting on a game in the series I actually enjoyed. I watched lore videos to catch me up and started being interested in maybe picking up 5, but this video… it kinda makes me not want to bother and just pick up the reboot 'definitive edition' instead.
I think V is best seen as something to break up the pace of Nero and Dante. He offers easy and somewhat satisfying combat and gives the player more time to think about things in the story or how to get better at the other two charters.Edit Also from reading the comments he gets really difficult to use of harder difficult s.
The fact that you think V is too easy/requires no skill just proves you haven't played on any difficulty passed SoS.
It's also no secret that V's playstyle was generally made easier to draw in new players who haven't played older titles in the series besides DmC. If V wasn't included, 5 would play literally just like DMC4 (half game of Nero, half game of Dante) but with even more complicated mechanics.
Maybe I'm crazy, but I quite enjoyed DMC (the reboot). Yeah, it's story was trying too hard but the core mechanics were still very solid and I felt it was an overall improvement over DMC 4 which honestly felt kind of slapdash. Plus, it let me fight an evil, demonic Bill O'Reilly which was pretty awesome.
Nice REView! You sound quite fond of the game even though it didn't EXCEED your expectations.
5 is hands down the best DMC in terms of gameplay, enemy design and movelists. 3 is better at story and pacing for sure, but DMC is judged first and foremost on gameplay so 5 is hands down the best in the series.
You should play V on the hardest difficulty
there are 2 reasons DmC left a bad taste in fans mouths and i have to agree. 1. they turned are lovable cocky goof ball full of cheesy one liners into something completely unrecognizable. and 2. they did dumb down the combat by using the color codded weapons and enemy's . when has the other devil may cry games you were able to experiment and use any complicated combo you wanted
My guy guy played this game on normal
Interestingly I dont see Trish and Lady's inclusion without any 'use' to be a problem – though I do believe their lack of action/playability IS an issue.
These arent new shooed in characters that exist to exist, they're established invested people in the universe who care about the other core characters. If they were simply namedropped and not included at all, it would be awkward and strange – having to explain away their lack of appearance with "they were busy lol?" or something.
I also highly believe we're getting Lady/Trish/CERTAIN CHARACTER DLC after bloody palace (I know they said no plans but datamines + their tendency to straight up lie about this stuff on top of historical additons to DMC games esp. 4). That postgame cutscene was way too obvious a nod to the ladies going on a mission or two.
I honestly prefer 5's level design. The level design of the old games just didn't fit with the way the games split the levels.
Either you make the levels linear and set, or you do an open metroidvania world and don't split it up with levels. I prefer what DMCV did.
DmC: Devil May Cry was a fucking great game.
Humor was stupidly on point, combat was great and looked absolutely fucking amazing.
I hope now that DMC5 is out and DmC wasn't the death of the franchise like many feared, we can just accept that DMC was an amazing action game.
DMC5 is better though
With you saying about the gaming press being head over heels for DmC, there's a quote out there by Keiji Inafune before DmC was revealed that goes like this. "We want to make a sequel that's custom made to what fans want, and its going to be particularly well-liked by the media as well." At least he was half right I suppose.
Even to this day they still continue to shout it praises, as you'd be hard pressed to find an article about DMC5 where they don't mention about DmC being good, as the hair hating fans almost destroyed the franchise out of spite. Something I thought for sure would change after DMC5 was announced, even though like Ninja Theory they threw the original series under the bus
But thankfully gone are the extended cutscenes during boss battles (looking at you Vergil), the unskipable walkie talkie wankie wankie bits that force you into walking, or waiting for another character to open a door, and colour coded enemies that spits in the face of what the combat is about, freedom, from DmC. And back is the 60fps as standard, lock-on, Styles, one button weapon, and Style, swapping and the ability to taunt, now even while airborne because the narrative of gameplay is don't get hit and be stylish. Devil May Cry is back.
Also isn't funny how a game can do do well when you give fans what they want and don't actively go out of your way to antagonise them or try and bury the franchise. Yes Capcom told Ninja Theory to radically redesign Dante, and the world, but I doubt they also called Tameem over and told him instead of trying to rebuild bridges back to the fanbase, he needs burn them even more. For all you'd hear Capcom saying "oh we learned so much from Ninja Theory!" it was probably a case of how not to behave towards fans, and Ninja Theory could easily take some lessons from Capcom in how to behave for as Matt Walker says “You can’t crap on the fans, man! That’s not good for anybody.”
Interesting that you use the word musicality during your talk of dantes mechanics. I'm a guitarist and I always relate the way I play my instrument as something akin to how I play dmc
I'd love to see you tackle the subject of DMC5 being a story without consequence. By the time we're at the final mission we're so wrapped up in the enjoyment of the nostalgia of characters returning that we, and also the characters, seem to forget that seemingly tens of thousands of people have had to die (in gruesome fashion) for us to get here.
Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't finished…
The reveal of Vergil is great, he's such a fun and interesting character. But as the antagonist for this game, he's offered no sense of comeuppance other than losing a bit of pride by being bested by Dante and Nero – not that he actually shows it, his cool, calculated demeanour never actually shifts to frustration. Dante concludes the game seemingly back with his bro, pretty happy all things considered, and Nero is gifted a book of poems by his father and the promise that he'll be back again. Dante gets his brother back, Nero gets a family. Vergil is responsible, solely, for the deaths of so many innocent people! I know a DMC story isn't supposed to be that involved, but DMC5 does take itself seriously enough that this really stood out to me. Vergil is the highlight of the entire game for me, but the way he's written into the story is just bad storytelling.
People give DmC to much shit
I definitely agree, altrough overall I seem to like it much less than you do, but I also always had some gripes with the dmc combat system, despite how much I like the series and it was disappointing that it pretty much stayed the same here. It's mostly minor stuff like Nero having to push left trigger after every attack, which doesn't feel right to me, I'm sure it could have made less akward somehow. There are some other minor annoyances and while it seems irrelevant, those stuff add up and lesser my enjoyment.
But the biggest problem is definitely the level design, followed by the story.
I was looking forward to replaying it on the hardest difficulty at first, but the level design and structure just made me give up after a few levels.
I just hope they learn from their mistakes here and that DMC 6 will be better.
sorry i have to say it.but why every time you shiting on mgsv? i know every one has an opinion and its respectable by its almost impossible to find positive things about mgsv. there were times in my life that i was desperedly looking for an "in defence of mgsv" because i loved that game but no i cant find it or if i found it i wouldn't be 100 percent agree with it. like everyone is like "you have to run in the entire game" but forget all of the boring trips that they had in gta or assassins creed or farcry like atleast snake is the fastest open world charachter and you don't have to travel to the point mission starts and you can just select it in the menu. or the fact that cassate tapes were actually well written but everyone is complaining by the cassates themselves and no one looks in their quality. every one complains how venom snake is silent but no one says that his dialouges are amazing.
isn't it ironic that i used tranq gun more in mgs3 than mgsv? and that i played mgsv for 160 houres and didnt get bored by it? it is my first game that i played more than 100 hours.
oh btw im writing an article called "in defence of mgsv" and now i'v written 5500 words and strill more than half of it is remaining.
btw sorry for my bad english it is not my native language.
TBH it was seriously disappointing for me. Embarassingly low difficulty without the option to select at least Son of Sparda from the get go, weak levels, by the numbers artistic direction, disgraceful treatment of Trish and Lady, less playable characters than in 4SE (DLC coming soon, kaching), canonization of anime characters out of blue field and seemingly for no reason at all, V's combat system having you basically control two normal characters at the same time with one set of control, Dante's control scheme still not fixed with style switching really being just an unwieldy way to change the function of literally one button, Nero mirroring Donte, the music being horrendously underused for a DMC title, a needlessly convoluted plot that's all in all just a bunch of cheap throwbacks to the old games. It's a dinosaur of a game, it barely brings anything new to the table in any regard. Devil breakers are a cool addition but they needlessly rebinded devil bringer to introduce it. New weapons for dante save for Dr. Faust are remixes of the old ones, plus the Cavalerie so we can have bayonetta hold combos in our DMC game – what for? They mostly grind the game to a halt. Inertia from DMC4 is gone, which is a bloody shame because that was a nice touch.
It's still fun and of course the press likes it because it feels fresh in a market of games about dads, but this is the bare minimum Itsuno had to do to make a successful comeback. It's The Force Awakens of the DMC series.
I disagree. I really really really really liked V. He provided a great foil to Nero's otherwise rumbustious and hasty behavior. While he took situations seriously, Nero did not. Where I find V failed as a character was the fan service they tried to jam into this character. V had jokes. He hadn't the chance to develop and that kind of sucks. Because I felt his style was a summoner was unique, something really needed in this kind of genre. I think he really brought something new to the table, and they just chucked it away in the garbage bin which is where I think the game is disappointing and unsatisfying. He could have been a great new character, but they decided fan service was better than developing an interesting new individual into the cannon.
Dude, I love how you compared MGS5 to DMC5. I've been wary for almost all games since MGS5 because critics like IGN scored MGS5 a 9/10 when the game itself was a HUGE letdown for series veterans like myself.
I don't get how people thought the DMC remake was all self-serious and make a big problem of it. I mean, the worldbuilding and stakes were all obviously (AS I SAW IT) just satirical festival, a comical exaggeration of edgelord-slacktivist<>anarcho-capitalist conflict, while yes the interpersonal drama was played for stark realism. Like a Joss Whedon thing. I get that the 'original' japan versions of these games do something like the opposite, with hyperironic anime characters mostly responding irreverently to dour worldbuilding. To me there's as much to wince at or go squee with either artistic interpretation of this fiction.
On a gameplay level, as a mid-tier skillmaster of such games I enjoy either version equally, but yes I do notice that the american version isn't as tightly designed as to facilitate a high skill ceiling as well as the japan games.
I've had some pretty similar feelings about the game. A few niggles about aesthetic things, and not being entirely enamoured with how V plays, but generally I love it. I had sort of the reverse opinion about the environments though. I was less fond of the urban areas than the demonic areas. The former felt kind of bland to me, as just being a pretty generic crumbling cityscape. The kind of thing we've seen in so many games, and didn't have the looming Gothic atmosphere of previous games. I liked the later levels more, since they had a more interesting otherworldly feeling, being all grotesque disgusting flesh and stuff. I can see how they could feel a bit monotonous too with how much they stick to that one point, and how linear the whole game is, but I still liked that better than the earlier bits. I don't mind so much the linearity in general either. The game being all about the combat, it doesn't bother me. The Bayo games do the same thing too.
Can’t get any games right now, but imma get this at summer. So excited!
Started with DMC1 back in the day. 5 is just a masterclass in everything the series does right. Fantastic gameplay, brilliant enemy variety and aggressiveness, stellar bosses, just enough fanservice to not be a detriment, mind-blowing visuals, and silky smooth performance despite its realism. If I had to rank the games, I'd put 5 ahead of 3, 4 after 3, 1 on par with 4, and 2 in last place just as a pity vote. I haven't put 5 down since it came out, and I don't plan to any time soon.
V is just Kylo Ren. Change my mind.
I respectfully disagree with what was said about V. I feel he was one of the more interesting inclusions in the game because of his personality and how much of a departure he was from everyone else, both gameplay wise and narratively. I think he shined quite a bit, at least until his true origins were revealed…
Play higher difficulties if you want to have to play strategically as V. He quickly becomes under-powered compared to Nero and Dante.
I hope DMC6 is Dante and Vergil in hell that last area with the white grass looked awesome
I'm sorry the difficulty, levels, V and lack of good bosses really kills the game. The gameplay is fantastic but everything else is lacking. I'll probably play Bloody Palace for a long time but it just wasn't truly great. I think people will look at the game more critically after the honeymoon phase. Hopefully 6 turns out better and not be rushed.
While I agree with most of your points (especially the level design being run-of-the-mill and quite boring), the gameplay being so perfect simply makes me forget all of that.
I don't think 3's precision can approach the sheer quantity and quality of 5.