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About the Author: IGN


  1. I thought of buying this game at some point but definitely not after the latest gameplays I seen. Especially not with DMC5 out now and sekiro coming next week

  2. Well I for one am NOT looking forward to the review at all because I don't care for ign biased review system but I will play it and I will have fun thats all that matters

  3. Really glad to hear you guys complaining about the latest game releases that are not only massive disappointments but plain scam !! Games like anthem and fallout 76 are nowhere near ready to be released games. And here they are at full price with no content…those games feel like they are not made by gamers at all ! No one at bioware plays anthem ! they would've realized a lot sooner that there is a problem with the loot.

  4. Warframe is an example of an RPG where you can kill enemies fast. I’m glad they sped up the ttk, because it’s definitely better for it.

  5. It's like he's never played a shooter… ever. "DuH, I DoN't KnOw wHaT AcCuRacY aNd StAbiLity iS" IGN reviewers are morons and tbh completely bad at the games they review. Get some fresh faces and talent in there… tired of this fireteam chat joker.

  6. im playing division for the first time and one of my biggest question is “if i play for 2-3hrs at super endgame will i see any justifiable improvement to my power, health etc”?

    yea im anthem player..i love anthem gameplay but the game doesn’t respect the players time..hoping division will be different

  7. just my opinion – i know a lot of people seem to love it but i played the demo and it bored the HELL out of me. felt like it offered nothing to anything. gameplay was sooo boring and standard, movement is slow and cumbersome, world is so generic…idk just really didnt do it for me but glad to hear ppl like it

  8. accuracy: how likely the bullets are to hit the center of the crosshair
    stability: view recoil (compensate by pulling down, etc)

  9. Destiny has enemy variance? What game are you playing? We're over a year into the sequel and they haven't put in a new race that isn't just a reskin of the original three!

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