Respawn shuts down Apex Legends leaks, the final hours of Fox’s acquisition, and a new Aladdin trailer! Netflix’s Love, Death and Robots Review: …
Respawn shuts down Apex Legends leaks, the final hours of Fox’s acquisition, and a new Aladdin trailer! Netflix’s Love, Death and Robots Review: …
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I main Pathfinder in Apex (I know he has a large hit box….but his sayings are so cute!) Who's your main?
Slowmo 0:04 – 0:05
On computer use the key board command after pausing ( > ) and you can hit ( < ) to rewind the scene by frame aswell. Peace!
Wow Sydnee is so pleasant to watch
sydnee looks stunning, A day is fixed now
Sydney .. thank you kindly ?
Disney is eating everything, huh!?
Nice off the chest……I mean off the shoulder number Sydnee.
I thirst, and here i search for it to be quenched/slaked!
Why does this pretty lady always have to dress so sexy?
When views drop so does syds clothes
yeah sexy Jaffar is gonna make that end scene feel really awkward, like the Mr Brightside video
We get game news from this freaking angel? what a time to be alive
Nice Cinderella joke.
Also if Disney got the rights to The Simpsons, then Universal Studios park would have to tear down their Simpsons ride.
Her coworkers must love her.
,, You're Sexy and You know it!'
Sydnee looks like a men
Man, I just want to know the source of that animated, white tube dog video from the snapchat episode
She is simply reading a TelePrompTer. She knows nothing about gaming.
Being an IGN news host is only a half-step up from stripper these days. Let's all thank the neckbeards and 12-year-olds for ruining this channel.
Took the bait
Objectifying women is wrong guys…
You know what you guys are doing…
And it’s rather pathetic…
She is insanely attractive.
And then they say we objectify women ?
When I see sydnee Goodman in the thumbnail, I don’t even read the title. I just click the video
Le voy a dedicar unas muy buenas puñetas
i was just here to look at Sydnee Goodman. Dont care abt Aladdin anymore I hated the trailer and know Im gonnahate the movie. Ill stick with the original.
Lads she's obvs taken as you can see she's got what appears to be an engagement ring!!!?
Aye they took my name.
With a name like Jerico, I jump to attention when I hear it in media lol.
You already know why I'm here, and i know why you are here?
lady, u cold?
Why do they cut to clips of the games?
Came for apex, stayed for the twins
Dumbo ears
Thanks for another Daily Fix, Sydnee and Fix team!
So is she not even in the San Francisco office?
So excited for Disney's accusation of Fox!
I only watched this video just to see Sydney
Sydnee kinda reminds me of the actress from the Order playing Alyssa
By now I just click and mute the video
Let's get this straight. We know what we come for
The poor guys having to work with Sydnee dressed like that
And now, directly from the 80's
That outfit.