Second meeting of Drone Racing Belgium. Same location, different track!
Dquad iniMiniH 4″ (https://www.multirotorparts.com/frames/dquad/dquad-inimini-h-quad-4-versie.html)
1806 T-Motor 2300kV (https://www.multirotorparts.com/motors/t-motor-mn1806-2300kv.html)
Favourite Littlebee 20A (https://www.multirotorparts.com/electronics/esc/favourite-littlebee-20a-blheli.html)
HQProps 4045BN (https://www.multirotorparts.com/propellers/4-propellers/hqprop-4-x-4-5-glasvezel-versterkte-bullnose-propeller-set-van-4-oranje.html)
Naze32 (https://www.multirotorparts.com/electronics/flightcontrollers/naze32-acro-flightcontroller-rev5.html)
Immersion RC 5.8 VTX (https://www.multirotorparts.com/electronics/video-tx-and-rx/600mw-5-8ghz-a-v-raceband-transmitter.html)
Shortened Immersion Spironet Antenna (Thanks Stefan ;-))
Sony HS1177 FPV Cam (https://www.multirotorparts.com/electronics/video-tx-and-rx/sony-hs1177-fpv-camera.html)
Futaba FASST
PID’s: (Betaflight PID1)
Looptime 1000
PID Controller 1 P I D
ROLL 3,5 0,025 48
PITCH 5,8 0,035 70
YAW 9,1 0,065 30
ROLL & PITCH rate 0,35
YAW rate 0,40
RC Rate 1,20
set dterm_cut_hz = 40
die linten verwijderen jullie ook elke keer weer?? pfff veeel haha
wow superb flying skills. Goes really fast
That's crazy! What speed do they take?
Great skills. I wish we had a place to race when it rains here.
gosh, that looks really fun!
And Now did you Trid it what is more fun 4" or 6" ?
Great flying! Our car park is 1/4 of the size of that and we have awesome fun there.
Did I see somewhere that you have official permission to fly there? If so, how did you manage that? Would love to approach our local council to do something similar.
Can someone please give me some tips for PID tuning please?
tapping that wall like a boss ? great flying man!
Nice! Looks like a damn fun course!
Dope edit! You guys are killin' it over there. Good times and sweet flying!
boooo000ooommm love it =)
SWEET SWEET SWEET RIDE !!!Thanks 4 the ride so COOL !! Love indoor garages …and the wither is comming so perfect
awesome, guys!
Great flying Jazz!
O man what great place, we can only dream about something like that. Fast flying man
Hallo Jazzman, nice flying
Is it Betaflight 1.10 or 1.11 ??
Excellent ride! Love that touching of the wall!
Great overtaking and awesome speeds, +JaZzMaN251.
Pretty cool ride super JazzMan

You pushed it really hard sometimes!
Very nice editing by the way
Have a great new week
saaaweeet.. nice flight Jazz
wohoo love it mate!
Nice !!!
Do you have to hit the Throttle harder in a curfe then with a 5" setup?
i envy you guys
what a GREAT track
Sweet! Would love to witness that next time!