"I can go to ground level or I can do this," I look up to see jack and he is not there?
How to make soldiers not die
”Dont you dear die!!!”
This game is fun
I love your vids dude keep it up also SPEED IS KEY
Why it so stretched out
Jack, do a second episode of this pls
Hi jac
Jack what about Arizona sunshine u didn't finish…
you fucking penis hahaha
jacks sign says dont be a douche. lets lead by example and not be douches!
That doesn’t look like fucking d-day
Did anyone else realise that Jack is actually the Germans during d-day
Why you so loud?
Try watching this at 2x speed
Do more ravenfield
Make a second out of ammo vid
Play more
Dude! Soldiers need sleep!!! That's why they won't go where you want them to.
After seeing this video I think jack should be in charge of the Irish military.
U need to play ravenfield again
Ah. This is one of the classics.
4:40 Jack: he- here? Er uh- *untenable* Me: repeat that plz? ._.
Dday happened in 1944 but jack has an M16 or M16A1 is which wasn’t made until the Vietnam War which was in 1960s. What the crap.
Pls play mincraft
Hey jack play pavlov vr its coooooool
Me: Jack you Sniping legend (6:53) "FEW SECONDS LATER" Me: oh nvm
you should play this again
0:34– The game is blurry, but the face-cam is not. I did grab a 720p version… oh well. 2:21– "Hold on people are attacking!" Do you have a pause and build mode in this game? 4:12– "I didn't even know that they could do that!" Oops, forgot to watch your six. 15:39– "Death is so cute. I love it." ???
It kind of annoyed me that he almost never used any special abilities besides air strike.
Out of ammo more like america simulator
Jack is a Nazi confirmed!!!
"I can go to ground level or I can do this," I look up to see jack and he is not there?
How to make soldiers not die
”Dont you dear die!!!”
This game is fun
I love your vids dude keep it up also SPEED IS KEY
Why it so stretched out
Jack, do a second episode of this pls
Hi jac
Jack what about Arizona sunshine u didn't finish…
you fucking penis hahaha
jacks sign says dont be a douche. lets lead by example and not be douches!
That doesn’t look like fucking d-day
Did anyone else realise that Jack is actually the Germans during d-day
Why you so loud?
Try watching this at 2x speed
Do more ravenfield
Make a second out of ammo vid
Play more
Dude! Soldiers need sleep!!! That's why they won't go where you want them to.
After seeing this video I think jack should be in charge of the Irish military.
U need to play ravenfield again
Ah. This is one of the classics.
Jack: he- here? Er uh- *untenable*
Me: repeat that plz? ._.
Dday happened in 1944 but jack has an M16 or M16A1 is which wasn’t made until the Vietnam War which was in 1960s. What the crap.
Pls play mincraft
Hey jack play pavlov vr its coooooool
Me: Jack you Sniping legend (6:53) "FEW SECONDS LATER" Me: oh nvm
you should play this again
0:34– The game is blurry, but the face-cam is not. I did grab a 720p version… oh well.
2:21– "Hold on people are attacking!" Do you have a pause and build mode in this game?
4:12– "I didn't even know that they could do that!" Oops, forgot to watch your six.
15:39– "Death is so cute. I love it." ???
It kind of annoyed me that he almost never used any special abilities besides air strike.
Tower gets destroyed jack: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
you are awsome