How to Fly An FPV Race Drone. Learn how to Fly a drone in the UAVFUTURES Flight school. Some step by step basics to help people fly their drone from beginners to professionals. Welcome to the second lesson – Basic Turns
Drone – http://bit.ly/2xs712W
Radio – http://bit.ly/2jujfQD
Also check out these full series of lessons here in this playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP0PoGwU8OPZEMIODm1tl_sQjClLh2ck3
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Watch some other awesome videos while you are here.
http://bit.ly/2exudq0 Over 50 videos of awesome reviews on FPV related products. . Including the Atom v2 review, the TBS Tango vs Taranis Review, The Fatshark Dominator SE FPV goggle review and heaps more.
http://bit.ly/2emcnGW Build guides. Everything you need to know when building a quad. From detailed step by step guides for beginners to quick guides to specific types of fpv drones. Find out how to build your own FPV racing drone here.
http://bit.ly/2dXq3ps Happy flying videos. FPV flight videos with voice over commentary about the quad scene. FPV lifestyle, tips to flying better, finding locations and just general chit chat about this awesome hobby.
Mic used – http://bit.ly/2jAl3Ly
Camera – Cannon 700D
Action camera – GoPro sessions 5
Thanks again to everyone who enjoys, like or shares these videos. We have such an amazing community and it is extremely humbling to know that my videos are reaching so many of you. Stay tuned for more exciting videos and as always…
Happy flying.
These videos are still a work in progress and as I make more I expect them to improve, but even though most of my subs are past this point I hope it helps new people up and flying. Happy flying, Stew. PS I know i mixed pitch and roll and yaw up, hard to talk and fly lol
thank you very much, i'm learning from you 🙂
Like 5 seconds in he says enough rambling but only was talking for 5 seconds
What kind of rates super rates and expo are you using? Whenver i deflect my sticks by that much makes my drones flip like crazy
How do you know that your battery (the drone) is not empty?
How big a field should you start in for a 5 inch quad
If I first turn by roll and only the second I turn yaw it is wrong?
Love your videos! Just getting into drones myself, and have learned a lot from you. Thanks so much!
20 seconds behind the pros in drl sim racer on medium maps now thanks alot 😀
Best instructional Ive seen Great video buddy
You've convinced me to get into this… I saw the hobby a long time ago and can't believe how far it's come in such a small amount of time!
Nice lessons, man!
G,day mate Jason here from UK, been watching your vids a lot lately. Got a mavic pro 1st quad and mastered that been looking for a bit more of a challenge and fpv racing/ flying caught my attention after watching your vids. U got me hooked so just bought a wizard x220s flysky and eachine box goggles to get me started! Love your vids and always look forward to all your reviews with ya pals, keep it up mate you the dood! Any advice appreciated thanks jay!!
Amazing man I really needed this
its pretty hard flying … and takes time to practice … i got myself learning on lift off simulator first but eather level or acro mode arent helping at all .. still find it most convinient flying in 3D mode
Whats a good beginner drone, this one?
what mode are you using?
Hi, I'm new to these racing drones and just got into the sport after flying phantoms with GPS hold etc for a few years. For a begginer like me with little experience with flying with no assist like gps hold, return to home, auto hover etc etc, should I start off flying line of sight which I have been doing for a few days now learning to hover and getting used to a completely new feel of these drones or should I attach my LCD display to my hubsan h122d and start learning basic turns?? Any help will be much appreciated thanks.
I am a participant in INFOMATRIX drone race and these tips will help very much what I want to say YOU ARE AWESOME
I found with the simulator you need to keep an eye on the throttle when doing those nice banked turns as I found it easy to forget about the 'third item' (elevation) during those.
Turning preference…hmmmmm I used to find the same thing on my motorcycle. Drag the knee on left turns but right sweepers were always strange feeling for some reason and I couldn't get as low. Thanks for the video and lesson!
Soo Stewart, Your A Thumber, or Do You Pinch Also!? LMAO
i just got my first drone should i learn to fly it first before strap the fpv on?
I finally got my transmitter working with my PC and Freerider. WOW! This is hard. You make it look so easy but I can't stop crashing into the ground. Thank God for simulators!
when i do what you say the nose of the quad goes down and i have to pitch
Love that we can see your thumb movements while watching the FPV. Do more of these!
Thanks stew, ive been watching all ur videos but these r the most seen by me, pls keep putting more and more of content in this playlist! Btw, what where the rates set? The rc rates and the super rates, it will be very helpful
I was flying p3 & solo & bebop 2. And thanks to videos like this I have sold all of them and moved on to actual flying. Acro mode is so much fun. Thought I had control with p-uavs…. Ha. AND i thought the the solo was fast! Nothing compared to emax night hawk
Lesson 2 is awesome. It's a great improvement on lesson 1. Keep up the good works.
I'm new to flying in manual with a zmr250 iv'e always flown in GPS with a Phantom 3 standard, Question is it better to fly with triple props when being a beginner and what are the advantages flying with triple props, at the moment i'm using single props
I am a beginner and I am now trying to fly acro mode. I find it far easier to fly acro mode FPV than LOS. Should I learn both?
I appreciate this series of videos. I finally was able to hover through 4 batteries a day for three days. I'm not saying I did it well but I did finish without crashing, breaking props, or hurting myself. I did twist my arm but that was from patting myself on the back. You mentioned you are switching transmitters. Have you selected the one you will be using?
Also, I am practicing with a wizard 220 and had to reduce the throttle curve to have any control over it. Before the wizard I started with a micro FPV which is very easy to control but too light for outdoors. Can you recommend one or two drones that would be between the wizard and the micro, designed for outdoor use and bit easier to control than the Wizard. I am not looking for speed on this one but primarily easier control and being able to use the transmitter and 3S batteries that I use with the wizard. Thanks
Stu plz help!! Im in scotland, and looking for a rtf race drone with a 200-300 pound budget, some thts looks the part with plenty of power and able to mount a go pro, any recommendations!!!