This Bitcoin and Market Strategy… Amazing for Traders

This Bitcoin and Market Strategy… Amazing for Traders

– Twitter/Instagram: @crypto_daily

– Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

– #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin


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About the Author: Crypto Daily


  1. Mr Reid Hoffman has helped me out with the bots I used to trade to Earn profits, the WRA Autobot really worked wonders and generated a well earns for me

  2. All these losers buying zero value coins whitout understanding how the market works , they don't understand the 'technology' ,the use case etc…. Its a receipt for disaster! Degenerate gamblers …its very funny to watch

  3. hello- love ur show. i know u lost $ in Bitgrail- so did i. Kucoin ripped off my wife 6 days ago for 2BTC (8k)
    She was buying MKR 2days after their "system upgrade", used an ooen Market order,they somehow ran up the price of maker thousands of % buy the end of filling the order. We have all screenshots proving everything. Shes talked to them, they keep claiming it was "fare", & wont pay it back! Dude can u help me? i will send screenshots if needed please man!

  4. Dood. I had to pause and comment at the Vicent Vega clip. OMG………..perfect. You sir, are a genius. Now……more about the crypto space……..

  5. I observed the price of every coinbase listings using twitter notifications. The pump got smaller and smaller every time, many coins where being added. The last ones were very small. Now XRP did almost nothing, I was also expecting way more but I guess we can't expect too much from these listings anymore.

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