March is jam-packed with incredible games. We’re here to tell you all about them, and let you know when you can get your hands on them. You can pick up any …
Man, who the heck is this Max guy? Imo last year wasn't that awesome for gamers in general, this year on the other hand there are a ton of games I'm looking forward to. Max is also wrong about the summer months too, I can't even remember the last time I bought a triple A game in July or August. Futhermore I consider June to be the end of spring and September the beginning of fall.
Umm where's Yoshi?
I’m getting DMC5, Left Alive, Sekiro
Yoshi Crafted World?
I was hope for left alive to drop in xbone too, but then i remembered that its a japanese title so im happy i still have my ps4
DMC Is back!
meh im only interested in dmc5 and sekiro but still i will only get them on sale
Looking forward to Devil May Cry 5! ?
It's not a 'robot' arm :/
No one cares about the division
Shadows die twice is all I’m looking forward too
Can't wait to start dmc 5 tomorrow.
I will play Chocobo mystery dungeon
Sekiro shadows die twice!
While modern western trash devs seek Hollywood connections by making interactive movies, Japan stays true to its formula of prioritizing gameplay. DMC5 will not be cinematic enough to win an award, but we all know that true quality art never gets mainstream praise.
I just picked up Dead or Alive 6. used my Amazon points and it came out to 3 whole bucks!
The biggest game are being watched on my channel come see
Sekiro…game of the year.
Ffxv dissapointed KH3 disappointed DMC5 i need you to break this cycle before it goes on any further
DMC 5 and Shadows Die Twice and maybe World Seeker for me!
I smell ps5 thats why all games releasing.
The ONLY April game I care about is Mortal Kombat.
DMC5 is the main game I'm getting this month.
DMC 5 and Seikiro FTW!!
Sekiro >>> DMC5
Wow great lineup, strangely enough, I'm only excited for Left Alive ?
My wallet hurt just watching this video
Only interested in Seikiro, have mostly everything else preordered except the left alive, dead or alive, and that weird anime one. Out of the others, seikro looks the best.
Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro are definitely on my list.
We love you too, Max.
To much Anime
Man, who the heck is this Max guy? Imo last year wasn't that awesome for gamers in general, this year on the other hand there are a ton of games I'm looking forward to. Max is also wrong about the summer months too, I can't even remember the last time I bought a triple A game in July or August. Futhermore I consider June to be the end of spring and September the beginning of fall.
Umm where's Yoshi?
I’m getting DMC5, Left Alive, Sekiro
Yoshi Crafted World?
I was hope for left alive to drop in xbone too, but then i remembered that its a japanese title so im happy i still have my ps4
DMC Is back!
meh im only interested in dmc5 and sekiro but still i will only get them on sale
Looking forward to Devil May Cry 5! ?
It's not a 'robot' arm :/
No one cares about the division
Shadows die twice is all I’m looking forward too
Can't wait to start dmc 5 tomorrow.
I will play Chocobo mystery dungeon
Sekiro shadows die twice!
While modern western trash devs seek Hollywood connections by making interactive movies, Japan stays true to its formula of prioritizing gameplay. DMC5 will not be cinematic enough to win an award, but we all know that true quality art never gets mainstream praise.
I just picked up Dead or Alive 6. used my Amazon points and it came out to 3 whole bucks!
The biggest game are being watched on my channel come see
Sekiro…game of the year.
Ffxv dissapointed
KH3 disappointed
DMC5 i need you to break this cycle before it goes on any further
DMC 5 and Shadows Die Twice and maybe World Seeker for me!
I smell ps5 thats why all games releasing.
The ONLY April game I care about is Mortal Kombat.
DMC5 is the main game I'm getting this month.
DMC 5 and Seikiro FTW!!
Sekiro >>> DMC5
Wow great lineup, strangely enough, I'm only excited for Left Alive ?
My wallet hurt just watching this video
Only interested in Seikiro, have mostly everything else preordered except the left alive, dead or alive, and that weird anime one. Out of the others, seikro looks the best.
Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro are definitely on my list.
I need Sekiro badly
The sinking city, looking forward to that