This folding Mavic clone drone produces very nice 720p HD video, and records directly to a microSD card to eliminate lag. Find it here https://goo.gl/k6f1TS
– Folds up to a very compact size for easy transportability.
– 720p HD camera video is recorded directly to a micro SD card inserted into the quadcopter. This eliminates WiFi lag from the recorded video. The JY UFO app is used to start and stop this recording. The camera button on the controller is inoperative.
– Real time FPV video is viewed on your smart phone via the JY UFO app available on Google Play here https://goo.gl/hgSW5f and iTunes here https://goo.gl/hK6dNJ
– Flight modes include altitude hold, headless mode, one key return, automatic takeoff, and automatic landing.
– Quadcopter starts descending to an automatic landing if flown out of range. Descent will continue if reception is regained, but may be stopped by pushing up on throttle stick.
– Can only record video directly to the onboard SD card. The app does not record the WiFi FPV video to your phone. This is the first WiFi FPV flier that I’ve seen without such capability. This may be a plus though as most WiFi video is laggy with much frame dropping.
– Two antennas on the controller are fake and are cosmetic only.
– Proprietary 3.7V 500mah battery. However battery can be charged by any micro USB cable.
– Phone holder can turn off your phone if it has on/off button its side. You may need to use spacers to prevent such.
– I experienced a drop out, but it may have been due to a poorly seated battery.
Affiliate links: At no cost to you, I do receive a small commission for sales resulting from these links.
This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding “free” video editor here http://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor
“Awel” by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
music was shortened to fit length of video.
Find it here https://goo.gl/k6f1TS
The only thing i would change . . . Stick the sticky spacers to the $ controller instead of the $$$ phone?
Thanks for pointing out the emergency stop button, was wondering about that. Also, that L1 button seems to do something if it's half down. The drone lights blink until it's long pressed again. I'm not sure what else it's doing besides that
i ordered on three weeks ago. still not here. they ship directly out of China. you can't call the office to complain as it is in Estonia. if it breaks you will have to wait three weeks at least for parts. why not go to amazon or best buy and get a drone right off the shelf?? it is going to break you are going to need service. don't buy this one!!
Either I'm doing something wrong but I think there's a major flaw on the controller. I had it flying really high, I wanted it go down and if you hold the down stick, it'll cut off power and your little drone falls out of the sky like a brick. Fortunately it fell on grass not cement.
can you hear sound while its in flight
Mindre bakfull hade det kanske gått bättre, amatör….
Thank you for showing this. I was considering it, but I can see it's got a bad camera for what I want.
Keep up the good work!
I can't seem to get live footage on my phone. I turn the drone on with the controller and it flies great, but when I hit play on the app next to the drone it doesn't show the camera. how do I sync the camera on the drone to the app?
Can someone help me? I snapped the small, flimsy piece of plastic at the back by the battery housing. It's my nephews drone, I applied very little force and it snapped. So be careful with the battery. Does it matter it snapped? Will it still work? How much in £ if I did break it? Cheers!
Покупать то стоит, нет?
This is a rugged little drone. Mine fell in a stream after it hit s tiny branch I didn't see and I had to chase it for a while before I could get it out of the water. Put it on the bank and it took off before it dried off. Everything still works
man earth sure looks round i dont know what these flat earthers are thinking
It looks like a great beginners drone
Thanks for uploading this vid. I ordered one of these yesterday as my first drone, stupidly I didn't check any reviews first, and this has reassured me that I didn't waste my money. Looks more than capable of doing what I want it for.
Is there a slightly better video quality drone around that price range?
Parkinsons ?
1.How much time keeps the battery ?
2.For begginer fo you believe its ok at controll?
best mark of drone and mavic
So its a clone of the mavic, but is not as good or effective! And it doesn't go as far as a mavic pro.
If you order this dron, know it's a scam! I ordered it and a plastic ring arrived!!
S C A M!!!
1:30 my micro ad does not fit in there
How long does the battery last?
is it a GPS dron?
id love to put the spark internals in one of these those folding arms are perfect on a drone of this size. thif the spark had that id buy it in an instant
Why don't they up the specs a bit double it's price ,would be a good buy at £150 with better specs ,and a bargain compared to Dji
Does it work with vr?
why didnt you put spacers on controller.
Whats the max distance it travels ?
Any way I could actually see which buttons you are pushing to run the drone starting from starting to landing?
Received mine today and so far I've been able to take pictures and save them on my phone. I don't have an SD card for it yet so it might be only able to record to the phone when the SD Card is not installed?
30$ drone, pretty good
What a copy of the Dji
I am getting this for Christmas this year cant wait till i get it
why do your hands shake so much.are you an alcoholic?
Very entertainig and instructive video, thanks.
Any idea if this transmitter can control the e011 ?
Battery low
Hi. I like your reviews a loot. Thanks. ?. All the best to U.
Can you do aeiral mapping for this one?
Don't forget to tell SA citizens that it takes forever to get to you and they can't trace your parcel
Picture quality is not good
Nice video subbed?
What is the estimated fly time on full charge?
flying time !!!
Hai… I buy this drone… How to return the drone if out of range without crash down. Thanks
Avez vous des commentaires en francais si oui j'aurais deux questions a vous poser
Great video I have this same one and it does record and take pic and saves to my phone with no sd card thanks
its really a wonderful video.
This guy should relax a bit! he move around so fast that one can't keep up! Lost interest immediately!