The road to a bitcoin ETF has seen many roadblocks, but Edelman Financial Engines’ Ric Edelman says it’s an inevitability. He joins Tom Lydon of ETFTrends.com to discuss what that could mean for the cryptocurrency.
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It’s not easy, i lost much no doubt the help of Mr Keith Rooker in trading has really help me gain a lot his trading pattern insure winning.
reason ETF's havent been approved yet is because there still accumulating…..thats gotta be the only reason. everything is manipulated and dishonest…greed
If you think this people will put even 0.1% in altcoins than you are daydreaming. Get rid of your altcoins now before it is too late.
No Way SEC can allow Bitcoin ETF
Bitcoin is NO Asset, only digital bits with no intrinsic value.
But new Cryptocurrencies will be issued which can have an ETF.
Where are my Bitcoin to Zero peeps??? Degeneration X has two words for you.
And by the way, these dudes know bitcoin is going to the fucking moon in the next bull cycle.
I love how these dopes on mainstream media and literally hesitant to bring up the topic of bitcoin.
You have been LIED to, Bitcoin will NOT see a Bull Run above $5,195 in 2019/2020, Here's WHY
Bitcoin was stolen from the retail investor in 2018. The institution herd will definately pump up the price of Bitcoin again. And the next Crypto winter will be far worse than this one. Stake up Crypto now that it's cheap while u still can. #Facts
100% in crypto, screw 5%-10% yearly stock market gains.
Didn't have an ETF when BTC went to $20,000
They just wanna give you hope, so they can bring the price down even further when it gets denied again
All of these intelligent investors are having a hard time admitting that they know NOTHING about Bitcoin's underlying structure and how to invest. They are waiting for a simple custodial solution where they can just hand over some money and have "their guy" do it for them. A lot of people are curious and want to invest but they are absolutely clueless and don't even know the first step.
What we really need is more education and better on-ramps into the crypto space. There is a great misunderstanding as to how these technologies work and the majority of people are unaware of the potential of blockchain tech.
Early adopters of AI + blockchain will rule the world.
Funny how these hedge funds trying to always act like they are the know it alls. News Flash, the regular investors were involved in crypto way before you hedge funds stepped in.
Total Fing Lie
Hopium but I think bitcoin rules and I hope this happens
Earn interest while holding BTC.
The bald one sounds like trump
YES, YES, A BITCOIN ETF! The only reason these scam artists want a Bitcoin ETF is because they believe it will help pump the price back up again. Seniors in their late 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond were too stupid to buy Bitcoin without an ETF; and so now an ETF will allow their money to flow into Bitcoin from their brokerage accounts. It's laughable to me. This ETF, if it's ever approved, is a day late and a Bitcoin short. FART!
How on earth does gold and oil have etfs but not Bitcoin? We all know foreign powers determine the oil price and there's more paper gold than gold in circulation so how's Bitcoin any different?
“While Bitcoin maximalists will point to overlay software such as Lightning, there have been numerous intractable problems with using secondary software to interact with POW networks. Using a secondary network to scale doesn’t solve the problem of using a completely inadequate base-layer technology. “
Mathematical Proof That the Lightning Network Cannot Be a Decentralized Bitcoin Scaling Solution
Have you heard of the Bitcoin Lightning Network? It is a proposal that claims that:
“using a network of these micropayment channels, Bitcoin can scale to billions of transactions per day”
What it doesn’t tell you is that this can only be accomplished by using large, centralized “banking” hubs.
“While Bitcoin maximalists will point to overlay software such as Lightning, there have been numerous intractable problems with using secondary software to interact with POW networks. Using a secondary network to scale doesn’t solve the problem of using a completely inadequate base-layer technology. “
bitcoin does have a 21-million-coin cap, but this is only limited by protocols. Admittedly, getting consensus on bitcoin's network to increase the coin limit would be very difficult — but the point is that it's not impossible. Computer coders with the backing of the bitcoin community could do just that and create more bitcoin.
To add to this point, even without increasing the coin limit above 21 million, bitcoin's numerous hard forks essentially violate the idea of a token limit and scarcity. Bitcoin has had three instances since August where a disagreement between developers on the future path of bitcoin and its blockchain resulted in the creation of a new currency. These spinoffs of sorts — Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, and Bitcoin Private — topple the idea of true scarcity, as new coins have been, or could continue to be, created from bitcoin.
Bitcoin’s Fixed Supply – Arbitrary or Mandatory?
While everyone is so focused on the price, they are missing the single-most important factor that is leading Bitcoin to its doom: IT'S RAPIDLY LOSING DOMINANCE!! AND, IT'S LOSING FULL NODES!!
Some people would rebut this trend saying, "well that's just because so many other coins have joined the cryptosphere".. uh.. exactly, genius. The erosion of Bitcoin's dominance is a consequence of other options available for investors.
So here's a detailed list of what Bitcoin has to offer that no other coin has to offer:
First to market
And that's F——- it.
There's nothing else at all about Bitcoin that virtually every other major coin doesn't ALSO offer; despite perhaps hugely misinformed presumptions otherwise.
How could an asset be down 75%-80% if it wasn’t fundamentally broken and that just like silly.
crypto-assets are, the price movements are logarithmic meaning you get these 10 x advances. You get these 80% collapses interest, it’s just a hyper volatile asset that’s not unique to crypto, you see the same in any kind of hyperbolic speculative asset.
The fundamental difference between cryptocurrencies and equities is that there is no liquidation value in crypto, this is kind of bad. As Bitcoin falls lower in price, it is less valuable, adding that there would be less liquidity, less useful as a medium of exchange and as a store of value.
This would also lead to less security and hashpower would be tied to the price. The hash power falls gradually along with the price which would mean it is less secure network and valuable.
Elongating block times, greater risk of 51% attack, and potentially a death spiral, exaggerated risk that is very unlikely to cause the death of Bitcoin. Nonetheless, it could definitely result in 40 minute block times and rise in the transaction fees, which is fundamentally a less valuable network.
BTC you are in serious troubles. HUGE troubles
Four seemingly insurmountable challenges of Bitcoin:
1. High transactions costs, preventing small-scale transactions or even micro/nano transactions required for the Internet of Things;
2. Low number of transactions per second, which prevents it from being used in everyday life;
3. A centralised cryptocurrency that can be controlled by a few mining pools, if they wanted to;
4. An unsustainable energy consumption, even if all miners would switch to clean energy.
Bitcoin will likely go down in history as the greatest financial fleecing of Asian investors in the history of the world.
The longer Bitcoin exists, the more difficult it becomes to “mine,” or create new coins. Without the miners, the Bitcoin network collapses. The cost of getting started as a new miner is so far out of reach for the average person that the main miners are gigantic warehouses in China. In most countries, the cost of electricity to run these computers is actually more than what the digital currency is worth, which makes it pointless to even try.The longer Bitcoin exists, the longer it takes for these computer systems to process the information.
the official time for a Bitcoin transfer is “one hour,” but anyone who uses Bitcoin on a regular basis knows that is far from the truth. Transactions can take up to six hours at busy times of the day, because it averages 15 transactions per second. There is no guarantee that it will ever improve. In fact, it is likely to keep getting worse. In contrast, Ripple’s coin XRP settles 1,500 transactions every second, and they have the technology and infrastructure to make sure that they’ll never slow down. In the digital age, where people want things to happen within a split second, it is simply not realistic to think that as the world slowly begins to understand and use blockchain in their everyday lives, they will choose the slower option, Bitcoin, over currencies that are faster.
Proof of work is profoundly destructive and entirely unnecessary in the face of perfectly green consensus technologies. The embrace Bitcoin narrative needs to change.
Bitcoin’s Fixed Supply – Arbitrary or Mandatory?
SEC is corrupt
bitcoin suffered?!?!? lol,. its the most thriving asset this world has ever seen,. not to mention, everyone who thinks this is a bear market , has no clue about anything in the sector.. these are just big words they wanna throw another cause theyve heard them before,. clueless.
10% – 20% in a day? Thats in a bear market. In a bull 40% – 80% is more accurate
Very bullish news fill your bags people. Before these elite come in and wash us out let’s make this money
"But Bitcoin is a scam, a ponzi scheme! Warren Buffet said it is like trading rat turds! It is down almost 85% since last year! Why would I buy something that only goes down and down in value like Amazon did when it went from $100 to $4 in 2000?"
– Every pleb
Who is cnbc………
1% I am 75% in BTC…. I dun goofed.
This new Asset Class that is Crypto will take off. It's the new disruptive tech that is here to stay. Financial products and infrastructure is being built right now by the big money. HODL!
Meanwhile the SEC hints that's it's almost impossible. Isn't it ironic that the same people that want a currency independent from government policies, want an ETF?