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About the Author: IGN


  1. didnt see coming? it was reported in the works back in 2015 for the 3DS.
    only last year ddi they stop updating us about its reveal, because they decided to port it to the switch, and give up on the 3DS version.
    Thats why they went with this art style, it was to give better textures to lower polycount models from the 3DS work they made.

    (also, the information about this had been proven right, repeatedly, with all the other leaks that were proven correct, with the leaked games having already been released, or announced by now.)

  2. This was known all the time. Minish cap is the next one. This was not a surprise. A zelda game is coming every year.
    Minish cap, then the hd ports of wind waker and twlight princess.
    Then Ages and seasons get a remake. Then we get skyward swords remaster. Then spirit tracks and phantom our glass.
    The breath of wild sequal will be done by the time they finish those.

  3. What are you talking about? This was rumored since last April. Yes, a genuine surprise but don't act like rumors to this wasn't out there for months now.

  4. It's got characters from yu yu Hakusho and saint seiya… I don't know what else to say…. I was sold with Naruto and dbz, but this…

  5. Link's Awakening, best news from yesterdays Nintendo Direct. Cannot wait

    Plus the Life & Death of Robots series looks fascinating

    Awesome episode today ???

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