A tribute to Bonnie Ross, leader of 343 Industries and the Halo franchise, as she’s inducted into the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences’ Hall of Fame.
I see Microsoft is living in the past but have nothing for the future.
I thought Jason Jones created halo
The person that destroyed Halo
I'm sorry but Halo 4 and 5 were terrible.
Lol everyone is this comment section are a bunch of kids, I agree halo isn't at its greatest point in time but halo 5 is way better than 4 so it's heading in the right direction. Lastly she deserves the award she done amazing stuff with the halo franchise so stop being a bunch of low lifes.
She has ruined halo and no it’s not because she’s a woman, look what she’s turned it into, if this continues halo is dead for sure after infinite
What about guy who oversaw metal gear survive?
How did I know the comments would be full of hate? Cause xbots are cry babies
She helped RUIN Halo!
More like, Hall of LAME
I see even the Halo fanbase is full of sexism.
Okay not really it's really just IGN's comments section that's shitty.
Over the top and unnecessary hate for 343 inbound!
She must have worked on destiny 2 lol come on over bonnie destiny 1 is making part 2 this year wanna help destroy it ? Hahahaha
Makes me sad to see what she turned halo into.
HALO 3 : solo on Legendary setting with all skulls on… how far can you get in 8 hours? That should be an Olympic sport.
HALO never dies… and it has yet to go missing in action. I see 20 positive comments to every 1 negative comments. And I am sure that one 1 percent of all of those negative comments are actual HALO players. The rest are C.O.D. players. or some other such " Franchise ". HALO is A Universe. Not a franchise.
the only thing 343 did right so far was halo 5 multiplayer, lets just hope they dont mess up halo Infinite
Omg look at phil Spencer ??
Congratulations Bonnie Ross!
anyone who gave halo 5 the all clear needs to be kept as far away from any 'awards' as possible
Great job Bonnie!
Halo 4 has the best halo story and H5 has the best multiplayer imo. Bonnie and 343i are doing a great job with Halo.
Unpopular opinion: I actually really love Halo 4 especially the story which is the best in the series (imo). While Halo 5's story is disappointing I highly enjoy the multiplayer and play it almost every day.
343's Halo games aren't beloved by the majority of Halo fans but I personally enjoy them very much (excluding Halo 5's story). So yeah, I have to thank Bonnie Ross for these games. I'm looking forward to Halo Infinite.
" I think we're just getting started " Halo Infinite
And not even a halo infinite reveal of some sort bungie would of shown something
She shouldn’t even be head of the halo franchise
Just make a Halo 3 remastered already!! I don't want to buy the master chief collection!
Nice to see the person overseeing the destruction of halo is celebrated. Who’s next Kathleen Kennedy?
Wait, did they try to give her credit for the Gears of War series? So Cliffy B was what, the janitor?
Lol thanks for Halo 4 you diversity hire. Respekt wamen, get woke go broke.
"Of course diverse voices and different perspectives lead to a better product". Yes that is true, but the kind of diversity most industries are pushing forward is skin deep. It might not be the case in this instance, but far too often we can see companies pushing for a false "diversity" where everyone looks different but they all share the same ideas.
I always thought Bonnie was hot as f
She did do something, doomed the series to a all time low.
So Halo is created by a lady ? I didn´t know about that, also this is the first time when I heard about her. But now I see and understand Halo bit more, like that´s why there is those cute little waddling enemies who talk like Ewoks. And I know that a lot of ladies think Goombas in Mario are cute. So those little things are like Goombas of Halo, make sense. I always call them "candies" because they look like those fruit candies what I ate as a kid. But Grats to her.
I see Microsoft is living in the past but have nothing for the future.
I thought Jason Jones created halo
The person that destroyed Halo
I'm sorry but Halo 4 and 5 were terrible.
Lol everyone is this comment section are a bunch of kids, I agree halo isn't at its greatest point in time but halo 5 is way better than 4 so it's heading in the right direction. Lastly she deserves the award she done amazing stuff with the halo franchise so stop being a bunch of low lifes.
She has ruined halo and no it’s not because she’s a woman, look what she’s turned it into, if this continues halo is dead for sure after infinite
What about guy who oversaw metal gear survive?
How did I know the comments would be full of hate? Cause xbots are cry babies
She helped RUIN Halo!
More like, Hall of LAME
I see even the Halo fanbase is full of sexism.
Okay not really it's really just IGN's comments section that's shitty.
Over the top and unnecessary hate for 343 inbound!
She must have worked on destiny 2 lol come on over bonnie destiny 1 is making part 2 this year wanna help destroy it ? Hahahaha
Makes me sad to see what she turned halo into.
HALO 3 : solo on Legendary setting with all skulls on… how far can you get in 8 hours? That should be an Olympic sport.
HALO never dies… and it has yet to go missing in action.
I see 20 positive comments to every 1 negative comments. And I am sure that one 1 percent of all of those negative comments are actual HALO players. The rest are C.O.D. players. or some other such " Franchise ".
HALO is A Universe. Not a franchise.
the only thing 343 did right so far was halo 5 multiplayer, lets just hope they dont mess up halo Infinite
Omg look at phil Spencer ??
Congratulations Bonnie Ross!
anyone who gave halo 5 the all clear needs to be kept as far away from any 'awards' as possible
Great job Bonnie!
Halo 4 has the best halo story and H5 has the best multiplayer imo. Bonnie and 343i are doing a great job with Halo.
Unpopular opinion: I actually really love Halo 4 especially the story which is the best in the series (imo). While Halo 5's story is disappointing I highly enjoy the multiplayer and play it almost every day.
343's Halo games aren't beloved by the majority of Halo fans but I personally enjoy them very much (excluding Halo 5's story). So yeah, I have to thank Bonnie Ross for these games. I'm looking forward to Halo Infinite.
" I think we're just getting started " Halo Infinite
And not even a halo infinite reveal of some sort bungie would of shown something
She shouldn’t even be head of the halo franchise
Just make a Halo 3 remastered already!! I don't want to buy the master chief collection!
Nice to see the person overseeing the destruction of halo is celebrated. Who’s next Kathleen Kennedy?
Wait, did they try to give her credit for the Gears of War series? So Cliffy B was what, the janitor?
Lol thanks for Halo 4 you diversity hire. Respekt wamen, get woke go broke.
"Of course diverse voices and different perspectives lead to a better product". Yes that is true, but the kind of diversity most industries are pushing forward is skin deep. It might not be the case in this instance, but far too often we can see companies pushing for a false "diversity" where everyone looks different but they all share the same ideas.
I always thought Bonnie was hot as f
She did do something, doomed the series to a all time low.
So Halo is created by a lady ? I didn´t know about that, also this is the first time when I heard about her.
But now I see and understand Halo bit more, like that´s why there is those cute little waddling enemies who talk like Ewoks. And I know that a lot of ladies think Goombas in Mario are cute. So those little things are like Goombas of Halo, make sense. I always call them "candies" because they look like those fruit candies what I ate as a kid.
But Grats to her.