So DC Universe decided to make a show about the Doom Patrol! Let’s break down what you need to know about this colorful cast of tragic heroes. The 4 Biggest …
Which Doom Patrol character are you most excited to see?
I really love Robot Man/Cliff. He’s so adorable in a big mechanical kind of way.
We don’t care
I like the weird superpowered characters. They are unpredictable and you have to use them in Creative ways to be useful.
these xmen/doom patrol comparisons always annoy me -_-
Looks like a group of people heading to comic con.
Considering there is already a robotman why didnt they just make joivian wade luscious reynolds?
omg this is sooooo bad
No mention of mento, cmon now.
Wha… I thought cyborg was in the justice league and/or teen titans.
Yet X-Men are better. Prove me wrong
Why would they make this?…
Doom patrol? More like:
Midnight club still cancelled soz
Doom patrol was created first. But the xmen was more popularized(tv shows, movies, etc.) Its all about to change though. Im so happy the getting the recognition they deserve.
Kinda interested in Crazy Jane. How to get in her pants that is
Glad everyone else said it. Xmen is marvels version of doom Patrol. Ugh.
Who really cares Doom Patrol is owned by DC and The X-Men are owned by Marvel. Both seem very similar… X-Men are of course better! Ironically coming from a huge DC fan. Sorry Doom Patrol is ?
Looks like Jon Jones lol
Welcome to episode 1673647 of “X-Men is Marvel’s version of the Doom Patrol not the other way around”
Ambush Bug.
Jacki got mad Dragonball shirts.
Doom petrol is another DC team that Marvel ripped off from like always to make X-Men
Well Marvel sure did it better lol
Teen Titans is DC’s flagship show with the boring, desaturated, lifeless, dull and depressive aesthetics. DOOM Patrol is their attempt at a more light hearted endeavor.
Is it just me or has DC got this whole tonal thing backwards?
How many times are ya'll gonna post the same comment!!? Damn I hate IGN's comment section ?????
Why is Shiro here from Shiros story?
sweet shirt dude!
Didn't they die in Batman:brave and the bold
I’m more shocked that Brendan Fraser got first credit rather than Matt bomer lmao
whomever came first won't change my opinion, Doom Patrol looks really lame compared to X-men.
I have my own channel which consists of movie reviews, reactions and all things comic book and movie related! If anybody would like to check it out then feel free and subscribe too if you wish! I would truly appreciate it!
Ugh….they are NOT the same as X-men Shut up!….read the comic first smh ??.
I think my 6 year old neighbor cosplayed better cyborg last halloween
lol IGN was aware that Doom Patrol came first @3:10 but they chose the title just to bait people.
Doom Patrol came before X-Men, soooo the X-Men are Marvel’s Doom Patrol.
It alarming how many people failed to realize that title the video that because xmen is way more mainstream. She even says it predates xmen. So could everyone get their panties out of a twist.
Which Doom Patrol character are you most excited to see?
I really love Robot Man/Cliff. He’s so adorable in a big mechanical kind of way.
We don’t care
I like the weird superpowered characters. They are unpredictable and you have to use them in Creative ways to be useful.
these xmen/doom patrol comparisons always annoy me -_-
Looks like a group of people heading to comic con.
Considering there is already a robotman why didnt they just make joivian wade luscious reynolds?
omg this is sooooo bad
No mention of mento, cmon now.
I thought cyborg was in the justice league and/or teen titans.
Yet X-Men are better. Prove me wrong
Why would they make this?…
Doom patrol? More like:
Midnight club still cancelled soz
Doom patrol was created first. But the xmen was more popularized(tv shows, movies, etc.) Its all about to change though. Im so happy the getting the recognition they deserve.
2:09 now that’s just unnecessary “64”
Kinda interested in Crazy Jane. How to get in her pants that is
Glad everyone else said it. Xmen is marvels version of doom Patrol. Ugh.
Who really cares Doom Patrol is owned by DC and The X-Men are owned by Marvel. Both seem very similar… X-Men are of course better! Ironically coming from a huge DC fan. Sorry Doom Patrol is ?
Looks like Jon Jones lol
Welcome to episode 1673647 of
“X-Men is Marvel’s version of the Doom Patrol not the other way around”
Ambush Bug.
Jacki got mad Dragonball shirts.
Doom petrol is another DC team that Marvel ripped off from like always to make X-Men
Well Marvel sure did it better lol
Teen Titans is DC’s flagship show with the boring, desaturated, lifeless, dull and depressive aesthetics.
DOOM Patrol is their attempt at a more light hearted endeavor.
Is it just me or has DC got this whole tonal thing backwards?
How many times are ya'll gonna post the same comment!!? Damn I hate IGN's comment section ?????
Why is Shiro here from Shiros story?
sweet shirt dude!
Didn't they die in Batman:brave and the bold
I’m more shocked that Brendan Fraser got first credit rather than Matt bomer lmao
whomever came first won't change my opinion, Doom Patrol looks really lame compared to X-men.
Aladdin second Trailer
I have my own channel which consists of movie reviews, reactions and all things comic book and movie related! If anybody would like to check it out then feel free and subscribe too if you wish! I would truly appreciate it!
Ugh….they are NOT the same as X-men
Shut up!….read the comic first smh ??
I think my 6 year old neighbor cosplayed better cyborg last halloween
lol IGN was aware that Doom Patrol came first @3:10 but they chose the title just to bait people.
Doom Patrol came before X-Men, soooo the X-Men are Marvel’s Doom Patrol.
It alarming how many people failed to realize that title the video that because xmen is way more mainstream. She even says it predates xmen. So could everyone get their panties out of a twist.