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Bitcoin Analysis, Top bitcoin analysis, price prediction, Bitcoin Trading, Bitcoin 2018, Bitcoin Crash, Bitcoin Moon, Bitcoin News, Bitcoin Today, Best Bitcoin Analysis, Bitcoin price, Bitcoin to 0, Where is Bitcoin Going, Bitcoin bottomed
tip for the day… buy eth
Jasper he is reiterating some content which, is great for new people and keeps things in perspective. keep up the great work Krown is king. ??
Great video… but what is wrong with that snake… Is that its tongue? ?
Can you show your settings on NVT in your next video
These videos are not too long. If anything, they are too short
I don’t know who you are but someone named Bit Media is uploading all of your videos. Just thought I’d let you know
Videos are not too long. You know your shit keep up the good work. I appreciate your professional knowledge
great work!
keep up the long videos !
Everyone at some point in their lives has felt beaten down, empty and felt like there was no way “out” . It's happen in all ramifications of life especially when it comes to cryptocurrency and its market prices. I am sure so many have felt the same and considered their losses as a huge waste of money as well as time. I started investing in cryptocurrency last year and I went down the drain. All other ways, trading with account managers and so called portfolio managers proved abortive until I found a comment on YouTube about a Perry Morgan. I didn't hesitate to contact him. He asked about my trade experience and I shared how terrible it has been. I started his trading program, followed his patterns and traded my btc portfolio from about 9.73 to 59BTC in less than a month. Thanks to everybody who made comments about Mr Morgan{perrymorgan375@gmailcom}. You are all part of my Success Story. Edge comes from information flow, the ability to correct your habits in terms of the market's characteristics and being able to learn from people who know more than you. Expand your information network and take recommendations. It’s no news that Morgan has been helping so many of us out here with new working strategies to trade our Bitcoin and Altcoins.
I missed this. Will you beat me?
Krown, the website for bitmex longs and shorts doesn't measure open longs and shorts, it measures the superiority of long orders vs short orders submitted over 24hours.
Greatest intro so far lol
Man, more of the same again!!!! Whaaaattt..
Who gives a shit about those who thinks ur vids r to long. Some of us listen to every word u say and would do the same if u streamed all fucking day. Thank u for such valuable content.
Thank you so much for your daily motivation to grind!
Really one of a kind around YT
Isnt it thursday? Lol
the man the myth the legend! GM Krown! Its cold af in nyc rn
looking forward to the same tshirt in the next video
isnt this a falling wedge?
YES!…- we could change to „ONLY higher TF“!…—its REALLY more helpful/useful etc.
very detailed analysis. very very detailed!
Fuck me when is this fucker ganna kick off up trend again
Love your vids man, never make them shorter, the indepth/educational aspect is exactly what I was looking for in this space. Thanks for all the effort you put in
Mr E. Krown your rocking it bud. My daily adrenaline medicine.
Are you fkn kidding me ppl complain the videos are too long smmfh sometimes not long enough ppl should be absorbing you like a sponge fkn idiots keep it up Krown much respect man
sorry NVT , VPVR, EMA+SMA together are the ones im trying to find
Sorry to bug again, But im having issues with Bitmex Indicators i can only view the Buitlt in ones and can not find public Library, Iv hunted on line but nothing is pointing me in the rite direction, Please can you point me in the rite direction, If you dont have time now to reply i will Again be on this afternoon to view Live streem "Cant miss that golden moment"' if you would rather like to comment at that time
Thanks Krown love ya madly
subliminal msg at this video cover photo is revolving
Krown how much XRP are you hodling ?