Kingdom Hearts games have always included memorable scenes from the worlds Sora and the gang gets to visit, and Kingdom Hearts 3 is no different. Watch …
I know everyone is waiting for the M Rated KH3 game guns etc…
PC vs Console (?) The Frozen scene was pretty impressive actually
I love this comparing!
Took dianey hundreds of hours to do the hair in tangled but made it look effortless
huh they didn't put in the rapunzel scenes where she's enjoying being out of the tower but at the same time freaking out that she left the tower lol
There's also the cutscenes showcasing the battle with Davy Jones. And I'm not referring to the boss itself. From Jack running into him, to falling off the Flying Dutchman while dying.
I played the frozen world, and I did not expect to be that accurate to the movie. I saw the tangled world cutscenes and I was impressed from that alone, but the let it go sequence and the ending to the frozen world were so accurate, and I literally couldn't notice the difference.
What’s funny is on metacritic the Xbox version of this game user rating is like 65. Cause they know jackshit about the games lore.
We can all agree that this game has more emotion then FF15. I mean when someone died in kh3 u feel sad but when Luna died it was like ok who is she again? She was just in 2 cutscenes from launch and that shitty movie.
Me and my partner's jaws were on the floor when the frozen scene came on. It literally felt like watching the movie and this comparison confirms just how spot on their animation was. GG Squeenix.
The only difference between Frozen is the brightening
I actually liked KH4 pirates of Caribbean more.
Graphics looks like pixar movies
There’s literally no difference with frozen it looked exactly like the movie when I got to this part I was hella mind blown
Graphics are simply amazing (for console game) and fit so well into each world.
The Frozen scene actually looks better in Kingdom Hearts rather than the actual movie.
I think some scenes were movie scenes, because the hair textures change between cutscenes. Elsa's hair texture changes from cutscene to the let it go scene.
gotta skip dem frozen scenes
Ok, This is Epic!
that how use to the disney license, .. give square enix starwars license
I know everyone is waiting for the M Rated KH3 game guns etc…
PC vs Console (?)
The Frozen scene was pretty impressive actually
I love this comparing!
Took dianey hundreds of hours to do the hair in tangled but made it look effortless
huh they didn't put in the rapunzel scenes where she's enjoying being out of the tower but at the same time freaking out that she left the tower lol
There's also the cutscenes showcasing the battle with Davy Jones. And I'm not referring to the boss itself. From Jack running into him, to falling off the Flying Dutchman while dying.
I played the frozen world, and I did not expect to be that accurate to the movie. I saw the tangled world cutscenes and I was impressed from that alone, but the let it go sequence and the ending to the frozen world were so accurate, and I literally couldn't notice the difference.
What’s funny is on metacritic the Xbox version of this game user rating is like 65. Cause they know jackshit about the games lore.
We can all agree that this game has more emotion then FF15. I mean when someone died in kh3 u feel sad but when Luna died it was like ok who is she again? She was just in 2 cutscenes from launch and that shitty movie.
Me and my partner's jaws were on the floor when the frozen scene came on. It literally felt like watching the movie and this comparison confirms just how spot on their animation was. GG Squeenix.
The only difference between Frozen is the brightening
I actually liked KH4 pirates of Caribbean more.
Graphics looks like pixar movies
There’s literally no difference with frozen it looked exactly like the movie when I got to this part I was hella mind blown
Graphics are simply amazing (for console game) and fit so well into each world.
The Frozen scene actually looks better in Kingdom Hearts rather than the actual movie.
I think some scenes were movie scenes, because the hair textures change between cutscenes. Elsa's hair texture changes from cutscene to the let it go scene.
gotta skip dem frozen scenes
Ok, This is Epic!
that how use to the disney license,
.. give square enix starwars license