Rip trying to play before work! Guess they are still if ign is posting a video. EA servers ain’t it chief
Blah blah…your I.T. department needs to be fired….
Completely unacceptable
Demo better be longer
Thanks EA. You would think game developers would learn. This happens every time with online games.
couldn't even load the first playable mission lol
The mistake that they made was not the people that have VIP access but it was giving them friend codes to people who didn't pre-order the game that crashed the servers that kept them full
cant even download the demo. stops at 60%. Way to go EA, again…. Make a great game and expect pre order people to download too not just your VIP list…. Xbox one not downloading says servers for download not found, try again later.. lol what a joke………. i just wanna play..
Remember comrades no preorders
Lol this sounds like the commentary from my latest video from hours ago except mines in words you can hear and theres is in words you can see.
Well from what I've played so far demos good, just suffering from beta demo day 1 disaster syndrome.
12 hours in an STILL waiting
FOR PS4 USERS!!! Close and re-open application of you are stuck in a loading screen next time you load in it will either ask you to rejoin session or I can try again it should work. I've had loading screen issues literally every other mission.
What pisses me off is this was completely avoidable,they knew exactly how mamy people were gonna log in at launch but they refused to get enough servers,good old EA theyd rather save money than give a good product.
BioWare' s biggest issues have always been with servers. If you have ever played Mass Effect or Dragon Age online you know what I mean….buggy.
Hopefully they extend it and give me time to pre order lol ?
people playing the game say its good but only streamers can play lol i preordered the legion of dawn first day and still can’t get past the loading screen i have hope for the gameplay but this rn is to buggy
EA you did it again / ben 9 hours
My issue was that after getting into the game, I could not run the first mission because it got stuck at that loading screen.
Yo enter the konami code at the main menu to fix errors
I still can't get into this freakin demo
Are they really tho?
i cant play
Preorder canceled
The people who actually pre ordered should get an extra day.
I want to bet someone that I could beat Dark Souls 3 all DLC with a Deprive character and when I get back. It still 2ont be ready
Ill give one day to fix then canceling pre order and moving on to better gaming companies for good I loaded the demo yesterday so I could play after work and Its sat on the home screen after saying connecting to servers and its done nothing worst beta ever.
The time is currently 5:33pm Mst. And still nothing.
7 hours later. Still cant get on.
Look at it this way;
At least there's a lot of people who are interested in this game.
Maybe next time EA don't give out free codes for a "VIP" Beta… Defeats the whole purpose of being VIP??
Basically it’s gonna be unplayable when it comes out lmao
for a price of course
I've been waiting for hours
Who else is still waiting
E.A. Fails…it's in the games.
Rip trying to play before work! Guess they are still if ign is posting a video. EA servers ain’t it chief
Blah blah…your I.T. department needs to be fired….
Completely unacceptable
Demo better be longer
Thanks EA. You would think game developers would learn. This happens every time with online games.
couldn't even load the first playable mission lol
The mistake that they made was not the people that have VIP access but it was giving them friend codes to people who didn't pre-order the game that crashed the servers that kept them full
cant even download the demo. stops at 60%. Way to go EA, again…. Make a great game and expect pre order people to download too not just your VIP list…. Xbox one not downloading says servers for download not found, try again later.. lol what a joke………. i just wanna play..
Remember comrades no preorders
Lol this sounds like the commentary from my latest video from hours ago except mines in words you can hear and theres is in words you can see.
Well from what I've played so far demos good, just suffering from beta demo day 1 disaster syndrome.
12 hours in an STILL waiting
FOR PS4 USERS!!! Close and re-open application of you are stuck in a loading screen next time you load in it will either ask you to rejoin session or I can try again it should work. I've had loading screen issues literally every other mission.
What pisses me off is this was completely avoidable,they knew exactly how mamy people were gonna log in at launch but they refused to get enough servers,good old EA theyd rather save money than give a good product.
BioWare' s biggest issues have always been with servers. If you have ever played Mass Effect or Dragon Age online you know what I mean….buggy.
Hopefully they extend it and give me time to pre order lol ?
people playing the game say its good but only streamers can play lol i preordered the legion of dawn first day and still can’t get past the loading screen i have hope for the gameplay but this rn is to buggy
EA you did it again / ben 9 hours
My issue was that after getting into the game, I could not run the first mission because it got stuck at that loading screen.
Yo enter the konami code at the main menu to fix errors
I still can't get into this freakin demo
Are they really tho?
i cant play
Preorder canceled
The people who actually pre ordered should get an extra day.
I want to bet someone that I could beat Dark Souls 3 all DLC with a Deprive character and when I get back. It still 2ont be ready
Ill give one day to fix then canceling pre order and moving on to better gaming companies for good I loaded the demo yesterday so I could play after work and Its sat on the home screen after saying connecting to servers and its done nothing worst beta ever.
The time is currently 5:33pm Mst. And still nothing.
7 hours later. Still cant get on.
Look at it this way;
At least there's a lot of people who are interested in this game.
Maybe next time EA don't give out free codes for a "VIP" Beta… Defeats the whole purpose of being VIP??
Basically it’s gonna be unplayable when it comes out lmao