"Mortal Kombat is not about death, but brutality" – Raiden 2019
Wonder if shinnok's going to be a playable Karacter in this game
I love this Moral Kobat games!
Street fighter’s better
This feels like Anakin killing Count Dooku, except that Shinnok never hear the DEW IT.
When did marvel get involved with mortal kombat “the ancient one”
10/10 voice acting
This is jus sad. Shinnok doesn't deserve to be treated like this!
He lived so long to only become the villain
You were the chosen one Raiden! You were suppose to bring balance to earthrealm! Not leave it in darkness!
Should I get it on switch or Xbox???????
Raiden goes… S I C K O M O D E
It’s always… “a matter of time.” Its been “a matter of time,” for over 20 years now.
Great Stuff!
Is there going to be a conquest where are you could run around and fight
After the song from the last trailer I can't take the get serious anymore x)
Wow! Deadpool to Raiden – U r so dark, R u sure U r from DC Universe? ?Just wanted to use that line??? Now imagine Deadpool fighting in Mortal Kombat. That would be so cool!! ✌??
Is this the continuation of a previous MK game? I've stopped playing MK for a few years but this video got me feeling like I NEED to get this game!!!
Man I was hoping for a mortal kombat deception type of story mode that let you walk around the realms 🙁
Raiden’s gone sicko mode
….. soo where is 21 savage???
Wish they jumake this as a 3d open world though
Raiden pulled a Superman on us.
Injustice 3 looks amazing.
"Mortal Kombat is not about death, but brutality" – Raiden 2019
Wonder if shinnok's going to be a playable Karacter in this game
I love this Moral Kobat games!
Street fighter’s better
This feels like Anakin killing Count Dooku, except that Shinnok never hear the DEW IT.
When did marvel get involved with mortal kombat “the ancient one”
10/10 voice acting
This is jus sad. Shinnok doesn't deserve to be treated like this!
He lived so long to only become the villain
You were the chosen one Raiden! You were suppose to bring balance to earthrealm! Not leave it in darkness!
Should I get it on switch or Xbox???????
Raiden goes… S I C K O M O D E
It’s always… “a matter of time.” Its been “a matter of time,” for over 20 years now.
Great Stuff!
Is there going to be a conquest where are you could run around and fight
After the song from the last trailer I can't take the get serious anymore x)
Wow! Deadpool to Raiden – U r so dark, R u sure U r from DC Universe? ?Just wanted to use that line???
Now imagine Deadpool fighting in Mortal Kombat.
That would be so cool!! ✌??
Is this the continuation of a previous MK game? I've stopped playing MK for a few years but this video got me feeling like I NEED to get this game!!!
Man I was hoping for a mortal kombat deception type of story mode that let you walk around the realms 🙁
Can anyone say “super excited” ?
Looks like Raiden listened to Thanos…