The Hidden Depths mission from start to finish edited for pacing, but rolling in with a three man team of the Interceptor, Storm, and Colossus javelins. Anthem …
I kind of wish people would stop moaning about other people moaning; that gets as equally annoying.
Lulz @ gamers whining about the quality/state of games with all the amazing content coming out every year.
This sh-t is so corny
My boi Tenno so grown up…oh wait …. Chute dis not tenno
Mass effect meets Destiny
All of you people complaining about anthem without knowing anything about it are so annoying. You people make the gaming community so toxic
EA is the most trusted company ever, I will definitely purchase this game day 1. Can't wait to spend money on the cosmetics they will present. I miss the lootboxes though. They were the best thing. Oh oh! the dlc's! damn i almost forgot to mention about it.
It looks like destiny with the ability to fly…
who is the female player voice???
Anyone know what or who the main antagonist is? It always seems like they are battling nature after TGRI was spilled everywhere.
Looks awesome!
Remember bioware !!!
is it me, or does it seem like a very linear game play?
A message to the people complaining…..
NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO PLAY THIS GAME. Quit yer whining, and let the people who want to enjoy this game do so in PEACE!
It looks like modern free to play MMO. E3 demo was way better than this. I thought it would be single player story driven open world game with Co operation elements. And standalone multiplayer. Failed!
This scripting and voice acting is soo bad
Do I even need to buy this game with all these videos you keep doing on it, it seems not worth it
Warframe……Give me likes
Game looks nice. Dialogue is garbage.
Keyboard and mouse would be great for the fast paced interceptor, with a joystick it looks like it misses half its slashes.
The Characters dress like 'pick up artists'
Colossus looks dope but Idk if I should go for colossus or storm
Nice. That Titan though.
Video was 10 minutes. Felt like 45.
This games gonna be great
More I see, more I like. Cant wait.
But is there enemy themed loot tho??
People preordering Anthem are just potentially inadvertently supporting potential traps and anti-consumerism. Preorder bonuses are the biggest trap people fall for. I have no idea why people are only trashing the ones that are commenting against EA when it serves the same for people that defend EA. The frequency of how much gameplay IGN uploads is making me think that they are trying to impress the skeptics and not just people that like the game.
Nothing feels impactfull in this game especially wepons they are so lame for the scifi
Shut up Ordis
I like how they spammed their super ability, just to do little damage ??? but I'm still left wondering about the campaign and the loot system is being done spectacularly
I hope there's a variety of missions and not just go here interact with this, kill waves of enemies and repeat.
The game looks as open as Warframe but much better tbh. The graphics and javelin styles look amazing!
Looking forward to playing with my friends!
This games looks amazing, definitely will be playing??
Are the enemys even attacking ?
I’m getting huge destiny vibes and I’m not even a destiny fan
This looks so great. Cant wait for the Demo
This was played on X1X?? If so, looks awesome. Only change from original trailer I’m seeing is a downgrade to the smoke effects.
This looks dope wow
Facial animations look ME:A-ish.
Imagine bl3 drops on Feb 21
I kind of wish people would stop moaning about other people moaning; that gets as equally annoying.
Lulz @ gamers whining about the quality/state of games with all the amazing content coming out every year.
This sh-t is so corny
My boi Tenno so grown up…oh wait …. Chute dis not tenno
Mass effect meets Destiny
All of you people complaining about anthem without knowing anything about it are so annoying. You people make the gaming community so toxic
EA is the most trusted company ever, I will definitely purchase this game day 1. Can't wait to spend money on the cosmetics they will present. I miss the lootboxes though. They were the best thing. Oh oh! the dlc's! damn i almost forgot to mention about it.
It looks like destiny with the ability to fly…
who is the female player voice???
Anyone know what or who the main antagonist is? It always seems like they are battling nature after TGRI was spilled everywhere.
Looks awesome!
Remember bioware !!!
is it me, or does it seem like a very linear game play?
A message to the people complaining…..
NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO PLAY THIS GAME. Quit yer whining, and let the people who want to enjoy this game do so in PEACE!
It looks like modern free to play MMO. E3 demo was way better than this. I thought it would be single player story driven open world game with Co operation elements. And standalone multiplayer. Failed!
This scripting and voice acting is soo bad
Do I even need to buy this game with all these videos you keep doing on it, it seems not worth it
Warframe……Give me likes
Game looks nice. Dialogue is garbage.
Keyboard and mouse would be great for the fast paced interceptor, with a joystick it looks like it misses half its slashes.
The Characters dress like 'pick up artists'
Colossus looks dope but Idk if I should go for colossus or storm
Nice. That Titan though.
Video was 10 minutes. Felt like 45.
This games gonna be great
More I see, more I like. Cant wait.
But is there enemy themed loot tho??
People preordering Anthem are just potentially inadvertently supporting potential traps and anti-consumerism. Preorder bonuses are the biggest trap people fall for. I have no idea why people are only trashing the ones that are commenting against EA when it serves the same for people that defend EA. The frequency of how much gameplay IGN uploads is making me think that they are trying to impress the skeptics and not just people that like the game.
Nothing feels impactfull in this game especially wepons they are so lame for the scifi
Shut up Ordis
I like how they spammed their super ability, just to do little damage ??? but I'm still left wondering about the campaign and the loot system is being done spectacularly
I hope there's a variety of missions and not just go here interact with this, kill waves of enemies and repeat.
The game looks as open as Warframe but much better tbh. The graphics and javelin styles look amazing!
Looking forward to playing with my friends!
This games looks amazing, definitely will be playing??
Are the enemys even attacking ?
I’m getting huge destiny vibes and I’m not even a destiny fan
This looks so great. Cant wait for the Demo
This was played on X1X?? If so, looks awesome. Only change from original trailer I’m seeing is a downgrade to the smoke effects.