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TMI when you buy something in the states, you dont have to remember to pay taxes on it at the end of the year lol it sales tax its like just added on money at the end of a sale. For example. If i bought a $4.99 coffee the total might be like $5.20 because of sales tax.
Feels like we are being squeezed right now. Hodl tight.
We are way over taxed in the USA. We pay a tax on the items we purchase and then they want another tax because we purchased those items with Bitcoin?
TMI, I prefer your news reports over the live streams. Seems more organized and greater depth of detail. But the live streams are fun occassionally. Thanks for both!
BTC is the only coin countries are talking about using, Russia for example
Positivity will prevail. Thanks ?
Respect the mother fucking plug BTC world GDP by 2020
Has anyone seen vibes price action.
Because it's worthless!
TMI you makr my day everyday man. I continue to look forward to your content! You the voice of crypto!
"The beginning of… the Beginning."
I love how portentous that sounded. Your mouth to God's ear!
Sock puppet A-list spokesdog? yes people it really happened
Xrp Sold Out ?a flat tax rate like 10%on all purchases would be easier to total, than trying to tax each purchase separately, every purchase should have tax added pre purchase . ?
Thanks for what you do. Don't let the negative comments get to you. Your videos are what I look forward to each morning!
Please please please let us know when you're aware that it's possible to buy into digitized self driving cars as this is a great example of future plans for the blockchain and investment opportunities. Great video TMI!
1. if you mispronounce something, don't repeat the wrong word
Love what the future is going to bring, hope i live long enough to see it!
100th comment HERE Fed guy fishing for a job?????
the sanctions arent hurting anything…. the fed can crash the market at will. it is true that some altcoins are more superior. all bitcoin has is the name recognition and a fan
base…. however, the fed are all about futures and shorting and
controlling the price.
I think you're the best crypto news round-up guy now. Super cool work. Thanks.
3k – 5k for maybe a year or more
Fav channel for #CryptoNews.. ?? Thank You for daily vids!! ??
I doubt Bitcoin is at the bottom. Every single time 400, 500 dollar upswing we have a significant sell off. This maybe whales selling profits to get some of the lost value from 19k
TMI Please stop entertaining the idiots on your channel by mentioning there negatives and ignorant comments. You know what they say never argue with an idiot cause they will drag you down to there level and beat you with experience ?? keep up the great work mate. Don’t have the words to describe how much I enjoy this channel ??
Sell all your coins! buy below 2k
thank me later
Feisty today…I like it
2019 isn't starting like I thought it would.
DavinciJ15 thinks around march/April time BTC might drop much Lower.
I hope he is right , $1,700 is a Bargain , but sadly my friends still think Bitcoin is a Scam.
Their Loss , but will be Jealous once they realize they just missed out on the Biggest Opportunity of their Life.
There will be those who will be driving nice cars and those who get the Bus and ponce all day.
They should of Gone to Spec-Savers , they are doing Buy one Pair , get one Free !!!
But then if they are Blind , deaf & Dumb we don't want them in our Millionaires Club lol
Cryptopia hacked. I don't blame people for not wanting to get into crypto. Too many hacks.
The reason I listen to you is because I want to hear your views. Thank you!
Bakkt in feb!!!
So n so n so n so
Did you take a look at FTM ? thx
The time will come when otc account just wont have any btc becousr sold all… Imagine now this…
Please ignore negative comments. Who dont like what you say can jist get the fuxc from here… We that like what you do will listen.