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About the Author: IGN


  1. Why people hating on tom I think he will be great he won't need a stunt double he can do his own stunts

  2. Is this still happening? Nathan Fillion already played Drake in the fan film. And we all know that’s going to be better than any Hollywood movie. let’s leave it at that.

  3. There's already the Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider movies. Why is this needed? Why is this needed? He's a watered down version of them as it is…this movie is a beaten down concept before it even releases.

  4. Ohaaah now I get it. I think I get it. Did he quit Spiderman? Or did his contract run out? Either way I feel like this is why he left his role. Kinda like how Henry Cavill told DC he was finished with Superman as he was moving on to play Geralt.

  5. Uncharted is a game for PlayStation, playstation is a Sony product. Sony also owns production studios. They have all the resources, why does it take so long to make a movie?

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