Game of Thrones’ eighth and final season premiere date has been announced by HBO. Also, don’t forget to check out The Biggest Shows Coming Out in 2019: …
Why is this music sound like a new elder scrolls game lmao
They better give us a cameo of Prince Rhaegar, Lyanna stark, Khal Drogo and Ned stark.
What only 6 episodes?
I nutted
Well, i think GOT is not the same since the last season, they sped up so many things, and skipped some character development, just seens like an MCU film.
6 episodes, prepare for a rushed mess
The final winter is coming ?
How the hell are they ganna finish off the season with 6 episodes
‘’Begain’’ boy they just hire anybody at ign ??
Only six fonky episodes smh
Hell Yeah tha wait iz nearly over ??
That's crazy it's coming out on my birthday
When did it begain?
Lol @ign *began
finally it's gonna be over lol
I didn’t watched the show since the beginning, but I’ve caught up on all seasons since two years ago. I’m definitely gonna miss it when it ends
Perfect timing ? am having final year exam I'll be free in April ?
First, bow before my might.
When you don’t watch game of thrones ?
april 14th
I bet there will be floppy wieners.
2 days after my birthday
Game of Thrones honestly went downhill at Season 4
Why is this music sound like a new elder scrolls game lmao
They better give us a cameo of Prince Rhaegar, Lyanna stark, Khal Drogo and Ned stark.
What only 6 episodes?
I nutted
Well, i think GOT is not the same since the last season, they sped up so many things, and skipped some character development, just seens like an MCU film.
6 episodes, prepare for a rushed mess
The final winter is coming ?
How the hell are they ganna finish off the season with 6 episodes
‘’Begain’’ boy they just hire anybody at ign ??
Only six fonky episodes smh
Hell Yeah tha wait iz nearly over ??
That's crazy it's coming out on my birthday
When did it begain?
Lol @ign *began
finally it's gonna be over lol
I didn’t watched the show since the beginning, but I’ve caught up on all seasons since two years ago. I’m definitely gonna miss it when it ends
Perfect timing ? am having final year exam I'll be free in April ?
First, bow before my might.
When you don’t watch game of thrones ?
april 14th
I bet there will be floppy wieners.
2 days after my birthday
Game of Thrones honestly went downhill at Season 4