its nothing like darks souls and it deserves at least a 9 you absolute garbage excuse for a reviewer the games free shut up
There is a game I can have for free thats similar to dark souls, and has a skateboarding grim reaper who calls me senpai? I am installing it RN
Let it die, let it die. Let it shrivel up and die.
I started playing this at 10:30PM I’m not convinced I didn’t fall asleep and I just dreamt everything
I know its a free game but the game is straight ul trash. You cant even switch targets properly during combat.
In play, the f2p systems are actually non-offensive and not necessary to have fun at all.
Game has no Ham… 5.5/10
well im just watching this because of the pc release
let itgrow
I love this game but the concept when you die reminds me of killing room
Hmm seems boring, not download it even it's free
This game is great!! the way you review is not….
Hm. Free but. No thanks.
It does not take from ya kill coins, it takes from ya stuff you get from killing players
Hands down best game
I would give it an 8.4 or 8.5 instead in my opinion cuz it’s real ppl, for being a f2p game I played it non-stop at times n I still play not just for but also trying to reach the top of the “Tower of Barbs” as well ?????
What a horrible review this only covers the tip of the iceberg not even when the game does start to spice up
what 6.4?rly? IGN
The game needs work
Dodging is unreliable at best… I'm like halfway through the tower of you dont dodge you freaking die in 1 combo
Not Cowadooty 2 6.8/10
IGN was never good
What's this? A relatively positive review on a game with a premium currency? BUT DON'T YOU KNOW LOOT BOXES KILLED MY GRANDMOTHER AND MICROTRANSACTIONS CRIPPLED MY DOG?! RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
it is playable on ps4??
When did ign go so wrong ?
Bruh this is like siren blood curse meets SAO, love it so far
Why i can't fine it on ps store ???
Ign for fuk sake hellow? Are you okay? 6.4 out of 10? Wow do you really call this a review?
Kept on seeing friends play this game (2) so I decided to play it too… Not a fan
Damn this game is good
I was expecting a 7.5 honestly gees such an underrated game
Does ign like Any games? ?
And just use common sense wth would you eat a boomshroom ya dumbasses
God I hate ign
Lmao a 6.4? He must have only gone to floor 10 max. Those first 10 floors help you learn the concept of the game and of course the start is going to be rough. Around floor 20+ is when things get good, better weapons, decals, armor, etc. There's decals that increase the durability on weapons and helmets that increase armor durability. Plus this game isn't something you should rush, it's a game of constant farming and progressing when your items are strong. For now raid wise I've been raided twice in the past 3 weeks so it's not common like it was last year. But overall I think this game is an 8.
Honestly, some of those reviews were given too early in the game to determine if it was actually good or not. An 7.5 or 8 would have been absolutely understandable, but you just need to get better at certain things, cause it continues to get extremely more difficult as you move on.
git gud lmfao
6.4 !?! Kidding me!! I love this game
Let it die is a game for pro gamers IGN yall probably didn't even made it out of the D.O.D area…. noobs the game is easy if you know how to "PLAY IT THE RIGHT WAY"
I actually like when a character dies you have to choose another one, i like the whole multiple characters thing, and then you gotta get them back fighting them with the now newer character, that is actually pretty fun
Worst review ever. Give me your job. Like honestly the reviewer has played this for a afternoon and went yep I can write review now. As many others have said you didn’t even pass 10th floor, your information is wrong and completely misleading. Anyone who has actually given this game a fair go knows this is the worst simplistic review ever. I just think this guy was reviewing a few games so probably played each for a few hours thinking he’s some gaming god and not the gaming noob he is. Pathetic review.
I think this game got 4 of 5 stars in playstation store, but i'll recheck again sometime later and get back to yours.
its nothing like darks souls and it deserves at least a 9 you absolute garbage excuse for a reviewer the games free shut up
There is a game I can have for free thats similar to dark souls, and has a skateboarding grim reaper who calls me senpai? I am installing it RN
Let it die, let it die.
Let it shrivel up and die.
I started playing this at 10:30PM I’m not convinced I didn’t fall asleep and I just dreamt everything
I know its a free game but the game is straight ul trash. You cant even switch targets properly during combat.
In play, the f2p systems are actually non-offensive and not necessary to have fun at all.
Game has no Ham… 5.5/10
well im just watching this because of the pc release
let itgrow
I love this game but the concept when you die reminds me of killing room
Hmm seems boring, not download it even it's free
This game is great!! the way you review is not….
Hm. Free but. No thanks.
It does not take from ya kill coins, it takes from ya stuff you get from killing players
Hands down best game
I would give it an 8.4 or 8.5 instead in my opinion cuz it’s real ppl, for being a f2p game I played it non-stop at times n I still play not just for but also trying to reach the top of the “Tower of Barbs” as well ???
What a horrible review this only covers the tip of the iceberg not even when the game does start to spice up
what 6.4?rly? IGN
The game needs work
Dodging is unreliable at best… I'm like halfway through the tower of you dont dodge you freaking die in 1 combo
Not Cowadooty 2
IGN was never good
What's this? A relatively positive review on a game with a premium currency?
it is playable on ps4??
When did ign go so wrong ?
Bruh this is like siren blood curse meets SAO, love it so far
Why i can't fine it on ps store ???
Ign for fuk sake hellow? Are you okay? 6.4 out of 10? Wow do you really call this a review?
Kept on seeing friends play this game (2) so I decided to play it too… Not a fan
Damn this game is good
I was expecting a 7.5 honestly gees such an underrated game
Does ign like Any games? ?
And just use common sense wth would you eat a boomshroom ya dumbasses
God I hate ign
Lmao a 6.4? He must have only gone to floor 10 max. Those first 10 floors help you learn the concept of the game and of course the start is going to be rough. Around floor 20+ is when things get good, better weapons, decals, armor, etc. There's decals that increase the durability on weapons and helmets that increase armor durability. Plus this game isn't something you should rush, it's a game of constant farming and progressing when your items are strong. For now raid wise I've been raided twice in the past 3 weeks so it's not common like it was last year. But overall I think this game is an 8.
Honestly, some of those reviews were given too early in the game to determine if it was actually good or not. An 7.5 or 8 would have been absolutely understandable, but you just need to get better at certain things, cause it continues to get extremely more difficult as you move on.
git gud lmfao
6.4 !?! Kidding me!! I love this game
Let it die is a game for pro gamers IGN yall probably didn't even made it out of the D.O.D area…. noobs the game is easy if you know how to "PLAY IT THE RIGHT WAY"
I actually like when a character dies you have to choose another one, i like the whole multiple characters thing, and then you gotta get them back fighting them with the now newer character, that is actually pretty fun
Worst review ever. Give me your job. Like honestly the reviewer has played this for a afternoon and went yep I can write review now. As many others have said you didn’t even pass 10th floor, your information is wrong and completely misleading. Anyone who has actually given this game a fair go knows this is the worst simplistic review ever. I just think this guy was reviewing a few games so probably played each for a few hours thinking he’s some gaming god and not the gaming noob he is. Pathetic review.
I think this game got 4 of 5 stars in playstation store, but i'll recheck again sometime later and get back to yours.
Highly overrated