Is Nintendo done with consoles? We discuss an alarming quote from Nintendo’s president, some new old Mario Bros. and a slew of Switch, 3DS News. What do …
NVC 439 Timestamps (for those that are interested):
0:02 – Wwwwwwweeeeeeeelllllllccccccccoooooooommmmmmmmeeeeeee!!!!! 2:11 – Nintendo Twitter Direct Segment 2:33 – Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen 8:58 – Yoshi's Crafted World 10:20 – Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn 13:10 – Nintendo Switch Online January Games Update 18:06 – Other Game Releases This Week Segment 18:19 – Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr's Journey 19:04 – Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition 20:25 – New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe 28:37 – Which Mario game should return next? 39:47 – Will Nintendo stop making consoles? 51:45 – Where will Nintendo be in 2022? 55:35 – Question Block! Segment 1:05:20 – Get the Thing!
Still rocking my Wii and my Wii U, i was on the fence about the Switch as it seems to just have Wii U ports, but when they implemented a online paywall then they made the decision for me, as i am not paying Nintendo to play MK8 or Smash online, not a chance in hell, so for me Nintendo finished with the U, and i can live with that.
48:12 zach wanted to say photorealistic greasy wop, and it would have been absolutely appropriate.
Peer as permanent host!
I would love Nintendo to become a 3rd party dev but I'd be horrified if they just became a mobile developer
The Nintendo switch game card only comes in 32 gb it supposed that the 64 gb version came out this year but we haven't heard of it
This is unrelated, but I miss having a tall member on the nvc team, like Jose. He could always relate to the struggles playing games with big hands.
Unfortunately you can't pre-load Yoshi's Crafted World yet on the US eShop. You can only preload it on the JPN/EU eShop :/
I think all Nintendo meant was that they keep up with trends and IF consoles were to become irrelevant and something new came along (VR for instance) they'd be interested and stay relevant.
Zach- thanks for always ensuring "get the thing" closes the show. Episodes that end without it being said make me feel gross inside.
I don't know what your plans are for the host of this show moving forward, but I'll just say that Peer is by far the best of anyone that's done it in recent memory. He's a buttery smooth German delight!
The title is not click bait. It isn’t click bait to discuss if Nintendo may be done with consoles in the future. Especially if the president of Nintendo says they may be open to the idea of ditching consoles in the future.
It’s a completely rational discussion to have. And they ultimately landed on the idea that they believe there will be more consoles.
I would love a Zelda II remake for switch, new visuals, modernise some of the dated mechanics etc, I think it would be great to see it remade and the zelda game that deserves/needs a remake the most.
I personally thought he meant like no more consoles as in set tops. I mean we're in an era where Nintendo no longer needs such a device. Why enter that space when Xbox will never let them match power and functionality, and Sony will fight them tooth and nail in Japan, yet when portable is auto-win in Japan.
I believe worst case Nintendo only makes portables, and worst worst case, only in Japan where they will forever be top dog.
I honestly would love if Nintendo became partners and just did software. They could team with MS or Apple could make the box, and so Nintendo could do whatever on mobile, and would just make exclusives for Pippin or Xbox.
I still want Nintendo system not on the garbage mobile phone. When playing games on Nintendo games on mobile phone is very bad for your eyes compare to Nintendo system. Nintendo Switch all the way.
Fantastic show ?
Love nintendo hardware…really hope they keep making it.
Good show guys!
Listen to how scared they are when talking about moving from consoles. They are so NOT interested in playing Nintendo Games on another consoles but make it sound like they don't care. How "unschooled" they are to say things like, " We can play Sega Games on other consoles." As a Sega fan boy from long ago, I pretty much dropped Sega after they weren't making consoles….I didn't want to but if I want to play Dreamcast games, I have to play my Dreamcast, same all the way back to the Master System. When Nintendo stops making their own consoles, so we can play ALL Nintendo games on one Nintendo system, it's over. They didn't really address the elephant in the room. You'll see more consoles from Nintendo.
Why the hell are all of you guys treading on egg shells it makes for an uncomfortable podcast you don’t have to keep justifying not having info down to not playing a certain game, fuck everybody’s shitty opinions just run your show fuck all the whiny Gaylord fire emblem community bitches just do your thing the games are cool but the community is clearly full of virgins.
Wait, he had to apologize because he got some Fire Emblem titles wrong? Really? And this is the same culture that thinks women and people of color need to lighten up about actual bigotry in the world? Holy God, gamers can be truly awful.
Why did the dude apologise is it cause he’s a musician trapped in a gamers body.
The fact that Xbox 360 to Xbox One was an 8 year gap was absolutely not the reason that cost them the lead ? the terrible announcement, online always bullshit, terrible presentation, trying to turn the xbox into an entertainment system as opposed to a gaming system and absolute lack of exclusives is what cost them the lead. Side note, poor Zachary looked defeated today. Not fair.
Adventure of link and blaster master are my two favorite NES games. I freaking love both games and play them all the time. Super stoked to have them on switch!
Fire Emblem community is apparently a bunch of retarded babies with cult-like mentality. You shouldn't apologize for making a completely normal mistake. They should grow up.
A Mario Sunshine HD remaster would be the greatest gift ever. I NEED IT!!!
anyone played that new Elli game on switch? I can't find a single review.
What a silly topic
Thw wii and switch are money printing machines
Yes they will keep making consoles
Hiccup with the wii u but until they stop making so much money of consoles they wont stop
Dragons Dogma is worth playing for it's awesome combat systems alone. I'm surprised Casey wasn't more enamored with it, the bigger fights are very Monster Hunter.
Maybe theyll come out and release a real nintend playstation. (Updated)
I believe Nintendo will grow their mobile business to replace their 3DS products line and bring a replacement (upgrade) to the Switch. Which I think will follow the streaming trends, and with Nvidia partnership it looks logical to me. After we will see more of Nintendo in our daily life (park, movies, toys, QoL project). I don't see Nintendo going like Sega, it didn't work very well from them.
This episode is 5/5 Brian Altanos
i can't trust them to keep making good games without the lootbox type dogshit if they're 3rd party.
Super Mario Bros U wasn't worth 60$ even on the Wii u, Nintendo is being a piece of shit with their costumers
Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy 1 and 2 in the Odyssey engine would be awesome. I hope Nintendo thinks the same.
I hope Capcom digs out Zack and wiki for the switch
NVC 439 Timestamps (for those that are interested):
0:02 – Wwwwwwweeeeeeeelllllllccccccccoooooooommmmmmmmeeeeeee!!!!!
2:11 – Nintendo Twitter Direct Segment
2:33 – Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
8:58 – Yoshi's Crafted World
10:20 – Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn
13:10 – Nintendo Switch Online January Games Update
18:06 – Other Game Releases This Week Segment
18:19 – Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr's Journey
19:04 – Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition
20:25 – New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
28:37 – Which Mario game should return next?
39:47 – Will Nintendo stop making consoles?
51:45 – Where will Nintendo be in 2022?
55:35 – Question Block! Segment
1:05:20 – Get the Thing!
Still rocking my Wii and my Wii U, i was on the fence about the Switch as it seems to just have Wii U ports, but when they implemented a online paywall then they made the decision for me, as i am not paying Nintendo to play MK8 or Smash online, not a chance in hell, so for me Nintendo finished with the U, and i can live with that.
48:12 zach wanted to say photorealistic greasy wop, and it would have been absolutely appropriate.
Peer as permanent host!
I would love Nintendo to become a 3rd party dev but I'd be horrified if they just became a mobile developer
The Nintendo switch game card only comes in 32 gb it supposed that the 64 gb version came out this year but we haven't heard of it
This is unrelated, but I miss having a tall member on the nvc team, like Jose. He could always relate to the struggles playing games with big hands.
Unfortunately you can't pre-load Yoshi's Crafted World yet on the US eShop. You can only preload it on the JPN/EU eShop :/
I think all Nintendo meant was that they keep up with trends and IF consoles were to become irrelevant and something new came along (VR for instance) they'd be interested and stay relevant.
Zach- thanks for always ensuring "get the thing" closes the show. Episodes that end without it being said make me feel gross inside.
I don't know what your plans are for the host of this show moving forward, but I'll just say that Peer is by far the best of anyone that's done it in recent memory. He's a buttery smooth German delight!
The title is not click bait.
It isn’t click bait to discuss if Nintendo may be done with consoles in the future. Especially if the president of Nintendo says they may be open to the idea of ditching consoles in the future.
It’s a completely rational discussion to have. And they ultimately landed on the idea that they believe there will be more consoles.
I would love a Zelda II remake for switch, new visuals, modernise some of the dated mechanics etc, I think it would be great to see it remade and the zelda game that deserves/needs a remake the most.
I personally thought he meant like no more consoles as in set tops. I mean we're in an era where Nintendo no longer needs such a device. Why enter that space when Xbox will never let them match power and functionality, and Sony will fight them tooth and nail in Japan, yet when portable is auto-win in Japan.
I believe worst case Nintendo only makes portables, and worst worst case, only in Japan where they will forever be top dog.
I honestly would love if Nintendo became partners and just did software. They could team with MS or Apple could make the box, and so Nintendo could do whatever on mobile, and would just make exclusives for Pippin or Xbox.
I still want Nintendo system not on the garbage mobile phone. When playing games on Nintendo games on mobile phone is very bad for your eyes compare to Nintendo system. Nintendo Switch all the way.
Fantastic show ?
Love nintendo hardware…really hope they keep making it.
Good show guys!
Listen to how scared they are when talking about moving from consoles. They are so NOT interested in playing Nintendo Games on another consoles but make it sound like they don't care. How "unschooled" they are to say things like, " We can play Sega Games on other consoles." As a Sega fan boy from long ago, I pretty much dropped Sega after they weren't making consoles….I didn't want to but if I want to play Dreamcast games, I have to play my Dreamcast, same all the way back to the Master System. When Nintendo stops making their own consoles, so we can play ALL Nintendo games on one Nintendo system, it's over. They didn't really address the elephant in the room. You'll see more consoles from Nintendo.
Why the hell are all of you guys treading on egg shells it makes for an uncomfortable podcast you don’t have to keep justifying not having info down to not playing a certain game, fuck everybody’s shitty opinions just run your show fuck all the whiny Gaylord fire emblem community bitches just do your thing the games are cool but the community is clearly full of virgins.
Wait, he had to apologize because he got some Fire Emblem titles wrong? Really? And this is the same culture that thinks women and people of color need to lighten up about actual bigotry in the world? Holy God, gamers can be truly awful.
Why did the dude apologise is it cause he’s a musician trapped in a gamers body.
The fact that Xbox 360 to Xbox One was an 8 year gap was absolutely not the reason that cost them the lead ? the terrible announcement, online always bullshit, terrible presentation, trying to turn the xbox into an entertainment system as opposed to a gaming system and absolute lack of exclusives is what cost them the lead. Side note, poor Zachary looked defeated today. Not fair.
Adventure of link and blaster master are my two favorite NES games. I freaking love both games and play them all the time. Super stoked to have them on switch!
Fire Emblem community is apparently a bunch of retarded babies with cult-like mentality.
You shouldn't apologize for making a completely normal mistake. They should grow up.
A Mario Sunshine HD remaster would be the greatest gift ever. I NEED IT!!!
anyone played that new Elli game on switch? I can't find a single review.
What a silly topic
Thw wii and switch are money printing machines
Yes they will keep making consoles
Hiccup with the wii u but until they stop making so much money of consoles they wont stop
Dragons Dogma is worth playing for it's awesome combat systems alone. I'm surprised Casey wasn't more enamored with it, the bigger fights are very Monster Hunter.
Maybe theyll come out and release a real nintend playstation. (Updated)
I believe Nintendo will grow their mobile business to replace their 3DS products line and bring a replacement (upgrade) to the Switch. Which I think will follow the streaming trends, and with Nvidia partnership it looks logical to me. After we will see more of Nintendo in our daily life (park, movies, toys, QoL project). I don't see Nintendo going like Sega, it didn't work very well from them.
This episode is 5/5 Brian Altanos
i can't trust them to keep making good games without the lootbox type dogshit if they're 3rd party.
Super Mario Bros U wasn't worth 60$ even on the Wii u, Nintendo is being a piece of shit with their costumers
Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy 1 and 2 in the Odyssey engine would be awesome. I hope Nintendo thinks the same.
I hope Capcom digs out Zack and wiki for the switch