At the Utah-based “hyperreality” startup, they don’t want to make the real world disappear—they want to bring it into your headset for a an all-new kind of …
Pretty soon everyone will own one of these (I hope). Ready player one is in the near future it seems like
I’ve watched SAO I know how this ends ?
Very cool
I just went in that
you can make a war game word CUP!!
That is really impressive!
The Void is awesome I've been twice and they really did a good job both times.
You've watch your 2 complimentary online videos for the month..
We did the Star Wars Secrets of the Universe May '18. My husband has his right arm amputated below the elbow. We were curious as to how the computer would interpret this altered body image. He did have his (virtual) right hand but every few minutes it would "detach" and float in front of him. We both loved The Void experience! BTW he's 67 and I'm 61. #young@heart
Imagine what this will be like in 25 years ?
That's quite amazing, but I cannot help wondering, does it always have to reflect aspects of martial preoccupation? Does it always have to be about shooting stuff?
That's quite amazing, but I cannot help wondering, does it always have to reflect aspects of martial preoccupation? Does it always have to be about shooting stuff?
Is it worth buying VR glasses to play video games on a pc?
Your Void,Not like mine. Never ever step into the void without safe-belt or you will sunk down.
Arcades will be making a comebavk
at this point, they should stop claiming to be "utah-based" since they are actively refusing to open the facility in utah. I would honestly respect them a lot more if they would just come out and say "after partnering with disney, we are moving our corporate headquarters to california, and we will be ceasing operation of our previous facility in lindon."
I just did this with my sister the other day at Disney Springs! It was great. I wish my sons were with me.
The Holodeck!!!!
Omg I'm so freaking excited to do this at Disney Springs. I haven't don't any type of VR what so ever. So I'm so happy I'm going to be able to do this for my first VR experience.
Shut up and take my money!
Is this AR or VR
there is already a glove that makes you feel vr coming soon so u wont need all of this its all ina glove so i think the glove wins cuz its much much much much smaller
I'm about to do it I hope it's cool
When your parents say to you "stop playing videogames and go outside."
they also should make a gloves for good texture feedback
Not trying to bash him for being 'bad' but that little coin demo is the first time I've ever caught slight of hand on the first viewing. I'm kinda proud of myself…
Please come to DC. Please.
Now combine this technology with VrChat. Then we will have peaked as a species.
This is legit the coolest thing I've ever seen!
I always thought of being able to walk around in a big area without running into anything and without all those wires would be cool BUT THIS IS A WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL OF VR
I went and tried this at Orlando. Couple glitches sometimes but overall really dang cool
In the meanwhile, I bumped my hand against the table while I played bowling in VR.
I hope the Void will come to Germany one day!!!
Come to Germany
Oh yeah keep it local ? bastards
Meh. Not enough. Not good enough.
Do this with Avatar The Last Airbender please. I need to waterbend!
Hey . scream Anybody recognize smarter this video ?#funny..
Pretty soon everyone will own one of these (I hope). Ready player one is in the near future it seems like
I’ve watched SAO I know how this ends ?
Very cool
I just went in that
you can make a war game word CUP!!
That is really impressive!
The Void is awesome I've been twice and they really did a good job both times.
You've watch your 2 complimentary online videos for the month..
We did the Star Wars Secrets of the Universe May '18. My husband has his right arm amputated below the elbow. We were curious as to how the computer would interpret this altered body image. He did have his (virtual) right hand but every few minutes it would "detach" and float in front of him. We both loved The Void experience! BTW he's 67 and I'm 61. #young@heart
Imagine what this will be like in 25 years ?
That's quite amazing, but I cannot help wondering, does it always have to reflect aspects of martial preoccupation? Does it always have to be about shooting stuff?
That's quite amazing, but I cannot help wondering, does it always have to reflect aspects of martial preoccupation? Does it always have to be about shooting stuff?
Is it worth buying VR glasses to play video games on a pc?
Your Void,Not like mine.
Never ever step into the void without safe-belt or you will sunk down.
Arcades will be making a comebavk
at this point, they should stop claiming to be "utah-based" since they are actively refusing to open the facility in utah. I would honestly respect them a lot more if they would just come out and say "after partnering with disney, we are moving our corporate headquarters to california, and we will be ceasing operation of our previous facility in lindon."
I just did this with my sister the other day at Disney Springs! It was great. I wish my sons were with me.
The Holodeck!!!!
Omg I'm so freaking excited to do this at Disney Springs. I haven't don't any type of VR what so ever. So I'm so happy I'm going to be able to do this for my first VR experience.
Shut up and take my money!
Is this AR or VR
there is already a glove that makes you feel vr coming soon so u wont need all of this its all ina glove so i think the glove wins cuz its much much much much smaller
I'm about to do it I hope it's cool
When your parents say to you "stop playing videogames and go outside."
2:09 he failed there
Imagine this at knots scary farm
lasergame next gen?
they also should make a gloves for good texture feedback
Not trying to bash him for being 'bad' but that little coin demo is the first time I've ever caught slight of hand on the first viewing. I'm kinda proud of myself…
Please come to DC. Please.
Now combine this technology with VrChat. Then we will have peaked as a species.
This is legit the coolest thing I've ever seen!
I always thought of being able to walk around in a big area without running into anything and without all those wires would be cool BUT THIS IS A WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL OF VR
I went and tried this at Orlando. Couple glitches sometimes but overall really dang cool
In the meanwhile, I bumped my hand against the table while I played bowling in VR.
I hope the Void will come to Germany one day!!!
Come to Germany
Oh yeah keep it local ? bastards
Meh. Not enough. Not good enough.
Do this with Avatar The Last Airbender please. I need to waterbend!
Hey . scream Anybody recognize smarter this video ?#funny..