well, there goes borderlands 3 guys, see you in 10 years
Wah ha ha what?
Se fue a la "B" Borderlands 3
Borderlands commercial plays before video?
What’s new?
Anyone know the music??
12 million dollar abs jesus
Scumbag Randy! What he gets for trash talking the Alien community and blaming them for the failure of Aliens Colonial Marines.
As if Colonial Marines & Duke Nukem Forever weren't bad enough, you just had to go and diddle some toddlers, didn't you
What the hell is Randy thinking ?and WHY ?
Ooh so this is why BorderLands 3 is taking forever to come out
What happened to you, Randy? You use to be the cool uncle of video games.
Corporate executives being rewarded with million dollar bonuses just for existing? I am surprised by this development
Wheres my borderlands 3 with berserker?
Hopefully those 12 million dollars went into Borderlands 3 budget…otherwise we dont care, Haha
The story made my head spin
When you open that lost USB:
Can’t wait to see Jim Sterling’s video on this lol
Man just want his abs. Let him bw
‘Underage pornography’ Yikes Wade is getting desperate
guys subscribe to me plllllz ?
Hmmmm… 12 is a multiple of 3, could Randy be teasing borderlands 3?
Tomorrow is my birthday
Randy should NOT be getting accused of such things, he may be a troll but he's a hard working employer of gearbox and a wonderful human being. Plus, more controversies regarding gearbox is EXACTLY what the Borderlands franchise doesn't need right now.
I rather be poor and happy than rich and in the (bad) news.
Disgusting !
What A Shame
This video completely misrepresents this story but ok./….
Pitchford has alway seemed like quite a slimeball. Let's see what happens…
“This ain’t no place for no hero”.
Triple a games is dead
yeah but when is the release date for borderlands 3?
ladies and gentlemen i give u the death of borderlands
in other words borderlands 3 2030
“…getting sued for secret 12 million dollar bonus”
Me: I mean, it can’t get any worse, right?
“…allegedly has a collection of underage pornography”
This better not cancel Borderlands 3
Soooo no BL3? ?
beautiful girls tongue kissing in home
beautiful girls tongue kissing in home
beautiful girls tongue kissing in home
well, there goes borderlands 3 guys, see you in 10 years
Wah ha ha what?
Se fue a la "B" Borderlands 3
Borderlands commercial plays before video?
What’s new?
Anyone know the music??
12 million dollar abs jesus
Scumbag Randy! What he gets for trash talking the Alien community and blaming them for the failure of Aliens Colonial Marines.
As if Colonial Marines & Duke Nukem Forever weren't bad enough, you just had to go and diddle some toddlers, didn't you
What the hell is Randy thinking ?
and WHY ?
Ooh so this is why BorderLands 3 is taking forever to come out
What happened to you, Randy? You use to be the cool uncle of video games.
Corporate executives being rewarded with million dollar bonuses just for existing? I am surprised by this development
Wheres my borderlands 3 with berserker?
Hopefully those 12 million dollars went into Borderlands 3 budget…otherwise we dont care, Haha
The story made my head spin
When you open that lost USB:
Can’t wait to see Jim Sterling’s video on this lol
Man just want his abs. Let him bw
‘Underage pornography’
Yikes Wade is getting desperate
guys subscribe to me plllllz ?
Hmmmm… 12 is a multiple of 3, could Randy be teasing borderlands 3?
Tomorrow is my birthday
Randy should NOT be getting accused of such things, he may be a troll but he's a hard working employer of gearbox and a wonderful human being. Plus, more controversies regarding gearbox is EXACTLY what the Borderlands franchise doesn't need right now.