HTC Vive Pro Eye Hands-On: Eye tracking technology in virtual reality Engadget — January 9, 2019 5 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: Engadget’s Buyer’s Guide: Get More Engadget: • Like us … source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
This public speaking tool is crazy. Very helpful to those with public speaking and social anxiety to desensitize. That alone might be worth it
I mean all they did was add eye tracking. That’s cool and all but freaking expensive for an eh experience. No change in field or view or design.
The question is, will the rays used for tracking harm your eyes in the long run? ?
Great think for looking at sexy asses
What about kissing ?
This public speaking tool is crazy. Very helpful to those with public speaking and social anxiety to desensitize. That alone might be worth it
I mean all they did was add eye tracking. That’s cool and all but freaking expensive for an eh experience. No change in field or view or design.