? PUBLIC TRADE ALERTS- https://t.me/AltCoinParty
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Is there gigantic upside potential here for Bitcoin (BTC)?! Let’s discuss this and some cryptocurrency trading technical analysis (TA) + current market news on cryptos in today’s video!
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Disclaimer: The content covered in this video/live stream is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, charts, technical analysis (TA), insights, news and price predictions. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Trading and/or investing in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) or any other type of cryptocurrency or altcoin is extremely high risk and the market can crash at any time! Cryptos are incredibly volatile! This video/live stream is purely for entertainment purposes only!
? PUBLIC TRADE ALERTS- https://t.me/AltCoinParty
Follow @ https://twitter.com/CryptoKirby
I like how you’ve dialed in your presentation formula.
It’s not going up anytime soon, Bitcoin is manipulated , it’s gonna keep fluctuating around where it’s at now for a long time
did kirby just become the president of moonboys club?
Harden cookin!
I would not be surprised at all to get close to 5k before going back to 2K.
Looks like poopcoin Patrick and his band of crypto monkeys may be going to the moon Kirby. The moon!
Personally I think we're gonna consolidate a bit more, the only thing we need to break out on top is some new litigation that favors Bitcoin, or Bitcoin devs come up with new developments that instill faith in the coin
Need to get a Kirby bear paw
gotdamnit kirby you failed me i wanted more cheap altcoin, fud fud fud fud harder man, i need fud in my life, i need bear market longer, i want a super great average at food stamp prices
We've been in an upward moving market since Dec. 14th as Kirbs was calling " we're going down, we're in a descending wedge"… I wonder how many folks got their asses handed to them in Reck City on shorts. Of course 3 weeks ago he stated we were going to $500.00. With that said he is a funny guy, therefore I will continue to watch.. and make my own moves.
Everyday technical analysis is " we could potentially go up or down " and there you have it moonboys , remember do not buy high and do not sell low or will be in wreckcity eating grandmas cookies for lunch.
I feel like we are at the 4th quarter of game 7 2016 NBA finals… Everything can happen!
and you shorted a day ago at 3830 waauw
that's the V kirby, that's the V, we're going to the mooooon
A short term bounce now will only make the next fall bigger #getrektmoonboys
think I wrote something about this going to 5k a few weeks back. I did say it will then crash and go back to 1k. Hold onto your hat James and Jo its going to get crazy here real soon!
To the moon bulrun start 1 februari 2019 thil 2022 only up up up to 50 trilion marktcap for crypto
can you do an analysis on bitcoin cash?
24 billion. Who to believe?
thank you kirby! we going to the moon !
But but but but Kirbs ! I don’t wanna work 9 to 5 ?
Satoshi needs a new pair of Mellivora leggings! "Too the Moon Kirby"!!!
Jaaaames At The Water Cooler!
Yeah baby! We're going to 50k! Or to be safe… 45k…?
Bearish thesis? Lol I’m gonna have your bear paw slippers on my wall
Yeahhhhhhh!!!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!! Yeaaahhhhhhhh!!!! F…..k yeahhh! No more tacobell! James we are gooooooooing to mooooonnnnnnnnn! ??
No, no, and no Kirby
Bitcoin has been really boring lately . Consolidated for weeks! ???
I don't trust BTC because of that pos Craig Wright manipulating the price… Anybody know if that sob is still at it with the miners and hash war?
Welcome to the Moon Boy Corps Kirbs..
CANCEL your shorts Kirby¡¡¡¡¡¡ we are going LONG NON STOP UNTIL 2021 TO JUPITER AND BEYOND¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
I feckin love this man!
Ta at its best!?