Jeremy Soule, composer for such titles as Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind, has not yet been asked by Bethesda to return for The Elder Scrolls VI. Subscribe to …
Why are people mad about the composer leaving they are probably getting another composer because the last guys specialty was Norse/Viking type music. The game takes place in a different country so they have to change the vibe.
Well with Bethesda's on a downward spiral, just another nail in a sealed coffin. Other than releasing a actual master piece of a game I think this is the beginning of the end for them
Really hope he returns. The man's music is legendary.
First alien blackouts a mobile game now this what the f*** is wrong with gaming in 2019 already
This makes the game a failure in my book (drops the Mike walks away)
The Elder Scrolls VI probably isn't even at the stage of development where a composer is necessary. For all we know he'll work on The Elder Scrolls VI when the time is ready. All we know is that he's not working on it now, not that he won't work on it in the future. Nice click bait through.
It's honestly probably just at a point where his involvement would still not make any sense. Let's be real here, this game is not coming out for a long time.
Well at least we won't fall asleep picking snowberries lol ???
Please Take your time Bethesda ! We want you to get it right and for God's sake fix 76 it needs pets like dogmeat and card games especially casinos like new vegas ♥️ .
bah.I loved his music.Some of the greatest ever made for a video game. If Bethesda sacks him for someone else it will be another disappointment from them.
Well looking at how each elder scrolls game has a completely different score based off the location I would say this makes sense. Skyrim ofc has a very Nordic based theme so it will be interesting to see what this new score will be like and how it relates to the new location
Does Bethesda want us to hate them? Why are they just making the shittiest decisions they possibly can?
Does that mean we're getting Inon Zur?
Im not going to dislike until i hear the official music of es6 first. Who knows, it could be brilliant.
Fallout 76 had been a meme was to embarrass to return
Jeremy Soule is like the heart of Bethesda lmao. Oh well, we'll see how it turns out.
Oh god please don’t mess this up either Bethesda
Just replace them with Oblivion OSt
maybe its because they arent working on it so he doesnt know about it
Skyrim honestly had the best soundtrack I’ve ever heard aside from Lord of the Rings and Halo 3
The game is so far away that teaser trailer we got was clearly just quickly put together, don’t worry my guess is he will be working on tes6 it’s just early right now.
It will probably be a predatory microtransaction, bug-filled and outdated mess on the same old engine anyway.
well i don't really know how to feel about this since there's still time before they start working on it
But didn't the Skyrim tracks stem from Morrowind?
They've barely started work on the game. If you think they're actually far along because they put out a teaser then you're gullible
RIP Bethesda RIP ES VI!
Elder Scrolls 6 is not coming out until 2023 at the earliest
I think they will get him involved later on. They probably haven't even started on ES 6 yet. And I mean even with the trash fire known as Fallout 76, they knew to still bring back Inon Zur to compose the music.
"Currently has not release date"
This is the biggest mistake of Bethesda, but most likely not the last.
Skyrim 76
well we all no were this is going
Todd Howard just has his Sound Cloud linked now, where it will play former Elder Scroll sound tracks to save money.
Coming out on ps5
Why are people mad about the composer leaving they are probably getting another composer because the last guys specialty was Norse/Viking type music. The game takes place in a different country so they have to change the vibe.
Well with Bethesda's on a downward spiral, just another nail in a sealed coffin. Other than releasing a actual master piece of a game I think this is the beginning of the end for them
Really hope he returns. The man's music is legendary.
First alien blackouts a mobile game now this what the f*** is wrong with gaming in 2019 already
This makes the game a failure in my book (drops the Mike walks away)
The Elder Scrolls VI probably isn't even at the stage of development where a composer is necessary. For all we know he'll work on The Elder Scrolls VI when the time is ready. All we know is that he's not working on it now, not that he won't work on it in the future. Nice click bait through.
It's honestly probably just at a point where his involvement would still not make any sense. Let's be real here, this game is not coming out for a long time.
Well at least we won't fall asleep picking snowberries lol ???
Please Take your time Bethesda ! We want you to get it right and for God's sake fix 76 it needs pets like dogmeat and card games especially casinos like new vegas ♥️ .
bah.I loved his music.Some of the greatest ever made for a video game. If Bethesda sacks him for someone else it will be another disappointment from them.
Well looking at how each elder scrolls game has a completely different score based off the location I would say this makes sense. Skyrim ofc has a very Nordic based theme so it will be interesting to see what this new score will be like and how it relates to the new location
Does Bethesda want us to hate them? Why are they just making the shittiest decisions they possibly can?
Does that mean we're getting Inon Zur?
Im not going to dislike until i hear the official music of es6 first. Who knows, it could be brilliant.
Fallout 76 had been a meme was to embarrass to return
Jeremy Soule is like the heart of Bethesda lmao. Oh well, we'll see how it turns out.
Oh god please don’t mess this up either Bethesda
Just replace them with Oblivion OSt
maybe its because they arent working on it so he doesnt know about it
Skyrim honestly had the best soundtrack I’ve ever heard aside from Lord of the Rings and Halo 3
The game is so far away that teaser trailer we got was clearly just quickly put together, don’t worry my guess is he will be working on tes6 it’s just early right now.
It will probably be a predatory microtransaction, bug-filled and outdated mess on the same old engine anyway.
well i don't really know how to feel about this since there's still time before they start working on it
But didn't the Skyrim tracks stem from Morrowind?
They've barely started work on the game. If you think they're actually far along because they put out a teaser then you're gullible
RIP Bethesda RIP ES VI!
Elder Scrolls 6 is not coming out until 2023 at the earliest
I think they will get him involved later on. They probably haven't even started on ES 6 yet. And I mean even with the trash fire known as Fallout 76, they knew to still bring back Inon Zur to compose the music.
"Currently has not release date"
This is the biggest mistake of Bethesda, but most likely not the last.
Skyrim 76
well we all no were this is going
Todd Howard just has his Sound Cloud linked now, where it will play former Elder Scroll sound tracks to save money.