There are a slew of upgrades coming to the new Fire Emblem game for Switch. Not sold on Real Time Strategy games? What about one with time traveling kids?
OMG this video is so bad, like ffs, do some research before you do something like this
Never played one before night try this when It comes out
You guys said like 5 things that were wrong in this video.
Do I need to play the previous games to understand what's happening? The switch is my first Nintendo console and I don't wanna buy an older console to play the others lol
Isn't this game coming out in spring 2019? Where the hell is the info for this game already? It's January.
As long as it doesn't turn out to be crap like Fates, I'll be buying it.
where ls Philip?
The moment I heard them Fire Emblem Heroes for 3DS, I immediately stopped watching this video
They forget Echoes was the last Fore Emblem on the 3DS, takes 30 seconds to figure out Heroes is the mobile game and that Awakening was what they were trying to say, and they've obviously never played a Fire Emblem game before…sounds like another day at IGN
I never played a Fire Emblem game and I really want to hop on this new one but I dont know if the stories or connected.
Finally, no chrom taking the spotlight
Wow forgets about echoes then can't remember the names of other games in the franchise. Definitely fans of fire emblem really feel it.
Suprised the didn't mentiond waifu's.
I like it how fire emblem constantly trying something new while not stray away from the actual game too much. Obviously sometimes their choices are not addibg to the fun all the time but at least theyre exploring and trying to be creative.
Better than to get the same game every year
Well they know nothing about FE…
Fire that guy on the left or at least get him off this panel just utter blasphemy lol
These reviewers don't play video games…….they watch videos of the game
But fire emblem is all ready on switch
All of the mistakes made by the two on the outside hurt me physically.
Btw guys, the last FE 3DS game was Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
will we ever get final fantasy tactics advance 3
I bought a Switch just for Fire Emblem!!!
And OMG they don't know anything about FE
Fire emblem heroes for 3ds …… Great job
Please sub to me vids every Friday
Wait, so theres's actually a decent Switch game coming out? Need to mark that in my calendar.
The last 3ds fire emblem is fates
They have the wrong people talking about this game ffs
So they literally start to talk about games they barely know to the point they even struggle to remember its name? That explains a lot of the scores of ign..
Damn it why on switch and not ps4? Brings back memories on my gamecube
I’ll get hyped once they announce anything new. But the fire emblem franchise has been lacking in the writing department for quite a while now so I don’t blame anyone for not being excited and being concerned.
Dem graphics tho :3
We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning
It's Fire Emblem Three HOUSES you guys… not heroes :p
Either trying too hard or still recovering from new year's eve?
Lol that guy said Fire Emblem Three “Heroes” it’s “Houses”, and they literally though for a second Fire Emblem Heroes was 3DS
I love whole generations of fire emblem!
Then, everything changed when the Fire Emblem attacked
Time to waste my money again
This game isn’t really talked about much. It’s sad. This is the first Fire Emblem game for a console in 12 years (Not including ports).
Pls sub to me
Just gonna wait for all the comments
Smash Bros: Ultimate DLC characters have been leaked (Potentially):
I have no idea how many people are going to see this comment , BUT Just wanna say I hope all of you accomplish all of your dreams in life. My dream is to make it big on YouTube. Who else got dreams and what r they.
OMG this video is so bad, like ffs, do some research before you do something like this
Never played one before night try this when It comes out
You guys said like 5 things that were wrong in this video.
Do I need to play the previous games to understand what's happening? The switch is my first Nintendo console and I don't wanna buy an older console to play the others lol
Isn't this game coming out in spring 2019? Where the hell is the info for this game already? It's January.
As long as it doesn't turn out to be crap like Fates, I'll be buying it.
where ls Philip?
The moment I heard them Fire Emblem Heroes for 3DS, I immediately stopped watching this video
They forget Echoes was the last Fore Emblem on the 3DS, takes 30 seconds to figure out Heroes is the mobile game and that Awakening was what they were trying to say, and they've obviously never played a Fire Emblem game before…sounds like another day at IGN
I never played a Fire Emblem game and I really want to hop on this new one but I dont know if the stories or connected.
Finally, no chrom taking the spotlight
Wow forgets about echoes then can't remember the names of other games in the franchise. Definitely fans of fire emblem really feel it.
Suprised the didn't mentiond waifu's.
I like it how fire emblem constantly trying something new while not stray away from the actual game too much. Obviously sometimes their choices are not addibg to the fun all the time but at least theyre exploring and trying to be creative.
Better than to get the same game every year
Well they know nothing about FE…
Fire that guy on the left or at least get him off this panel just utter blasphemy lol
These reviewers don't play video games…….they watch videos of the game
But fire emblem is all ready on switch
All of the mistakes made by the two on the outside hurt me physically.
Btw guys, the last FE 3DS game was Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
will we ever get final fantasy tactics advance 3
I bought a Switch just for Fire Emblem!!!
And OMG they don't know anything about FE
Fire emblem heroes for 3ds …… Great job
Please sub to me vids every Friday
Wait, so theres's actually a decent Switch game coming out? Need to mark that in my calendar.
The last 3ds fire emblem is fates
They have the wrong people talking about this game ffs
So they literally start to talk about games they barely know to the point they even struggle to remember its name? That explains a lot of the scores of ign..
Damn it why on switch and not ps4? Brings back memories on my gamecube
I’ll get hyped once they announce anything new. But the fire emblem franchise has been lacking in the writing department for quite a while now so I don’t blame anyone for not being excited and being concerned.
Dem graphics tho
We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning
It's Fire Emblem Three HOUSES you guys… not heroes :p
Either trying too hard or still recovering from new year's eve?
Lol that guy said Fire Emblem Three “Heroes” it’s “Houses”, and they literally though for a second Fire Emblem Heroes was 3DS
I love whole generations of fire emblem!
Then, everything changed when the Fire Emblem attacked
Time to waste my money again
This game isn’t really talked about much. It’s sad. This is the first Fire Emblem game for a console in 12 years (Not including ports).
Pls sub to me
Just gonna wait for all the comments
Smash Bros: Ultimate DLC characters have been leaked (Potentially):
Erdrick – Dragon Quest
Ryu Hayabusa – Ninja Gaiden
Steve – Minecraft
Doomguy – DOOM
Im hella early
I have no idea how many people are going to see this comment , BUT Just wanna say I hope all of you accomplish all of your dreams in life. My dream is to make it big on YouTube. Who else got dreams and what r they.
love all <3
Can't wait to accidentally kill my waifu again…
Is Fire Emblem fun?
Because Anime