You’ve probably seen our professional, slick coverage of all the games coming in 2019. Now watch this clown have a go… Catch up on our past Unofficial …
1:04 The most accurate exemplification of the hype for this game.
goodbye forever
The Welshman one last time! One of Best hoomans to ever grace IGN UK! ?
Wat the.? don’t make people fell bad about kingdom hearts 3. I mean have you played the kingdom hearts games.
Res 2 and DMC5 best 2019 games hands down!! No matter which game releases…..
2018 it was shitshow of the year just shut up quietly
All I'll ever need.
Ape Out looks awesome!
this guy was annoying af. has no idea whats any of the video games stories are about especially kingdom hearts.
But what about BIG CHUNGUS
This is just TOOOOOOO FUNNY!!
There's no titan fall 3 y
Oi leave Kingdom Hearts 3 alone ?
Pretty much the last time we'll hear Gav doing these…
Love the respect Anthem is given, lol.
Lol after Anthem was glazed over you talk about Star Wars…*cough* Bioware should be making a Star Wars RPG instead cough
Gav's being a bit edgy in this one. He knows he's got nothing to lose.
dislikes probably coming from kingdom hearts fan boys lmfao…
Ign is really disrespectful to kingdom hearts
Watching anything unofficial feels like watching the movie SPLIT. I hope M night shyamalan is not directing these videos luv.. oiiie nuff said now lad!
PlayStation and Sony needs to suffocate 100% times more then Jesus Christ had a 100% terrible, horrible, painful, and awful death on the cross for all ETERNITY.
RE2 ?
Kingdom hearts fans are gonna be pissed because they can't take a joke or spoilers
I was just ear f@#$ed
Where's Ghost of Tsushima!?
Gav will be sorely missed.
1:04 The most accurate exemplification of the hype for this game.
goodbye forever
The Welshman one last time! One of Best hoomans to ever grace IGN UK!
Wat the.? don’t make people fell bad about kingdom hearts 3. I mean have you played the kingdom hearts games.
Res 2 and DMC5 best 2019 games hands down!! No matter which game releases…..
2018 it was shitshow of the year just shut up quietly
All I'll ever need.
Ape Out looks awesome!
this guy was annoying af. has no idea whats any of the video games stories are about especially kingdom hearts.
But what about BIG CHUNGUS
This is just TOOOOOOO FUNNY!!
There's no titan fall 3 y
Oi leave Kingdom Hearts 3 alone ?
Pretty much the last time we'll hear Gav doing these…
Love the respect Anthem is given, lol.
Lol after Anthem was glazed over you talk about Star Wars…*cough* Bioware should be making a Star Wars RPG instead cough
Gav's being a bit edgy in this one. He knows he's got nothing to lose.
dislikes probably coming from kingdom hearts fan boys lmfao…
Ign is really disrespectful to kingdom hearts
Watching anything unofficial feels like watching the movie SPLIT.
I hope M night shyamalan is not directing these videos luv.. oiiie nuff said now lad!
PlayStation and Sony needs to suffocate 100% times more then Jesus Christ had a 100% terrible, horrible, painful, and awful death on the cross for all ETERNITY.
RE2 ?
Kingdom hearts fans are gonna be pissed because they can't take a joke or spoilers