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About the Author: IGN News


  1. The console is too big (at least it looks big) also where do you insert the game discs? Maybe it will use cartridge-based games or games stored as USB keys?

  2. This might be the first console that could possibly bring some healthy competition to the big three. I'm actually looking forward to it, and hope it's actually true, and not a flop.

  3. Guys they're saying 3.5 years so there's absolutely no reason to speculate so hard already. It could flop before it's even ready for mass manufacturing or end up being the best VR we have to date. Who knows right now.

  4. I would love for it to break up the Tri-opoly of Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft but I have a feeling it will go the way of the Ouya, Steam Machines or Dreamcast or simply fade from memory.

    hope i'm wrong though.

  5. Second thought.
    This is good for the video games industry. Success is not guaranteed for this console. But also failure is not guaranteed too…
    Now, about the name.
    "Mad Box" not sure how that sounds. Hopefully it's a place holder name or whatever

  6. 2 questions. Will it be significantly more powerful than xbox anaconda and will this new Microsoft with phil Spencer wanting to reach all gamers on any device allow gamepass on it if possible because as long as I'm in there economy they don't care. If yes to all these count me in.

  7. I'm really intrigued to finally see a new player in the industry. Even if it bombs it's nice to see something that's not an android console or a chinese famicom bootleg.

  8. So will it be its own platform and run only games made for it like a ps4 or xbox or is it just a glorified pc with their own OS but just plays steam games?

  9. Not the best design, I sorta get what they were trying to achieve but it’s not entirely practical and their logo is pretty awful

  10. Watch how itl just be another steam box and fail. Im sure the ps5 and the next Xbox will be out in less than 3 and a half year so whats the point if somone would have already owned a next gen console by the time it comes out.

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