Trade Like a Professional – The Art and Application of Technical Analysis: http://krown-trading.teachable.com/courses/349734
***Master Your Options*** – https://krown-trading.teachable.com/p/master-your-options/ – Years as a Professional Market Maker Authorized Trader synthesized down into a 42 Module Road Map for the Purpose of Derivative Domination
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Recommended Reading for Learning the Art of Trading –
Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits
Reminiscences of a Stock Operate
S9 Antminer (Cryptocurrency mining rig) – https://amzn.to/2F58crm
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#Bitcoin #BitcoinNews #BitcoinAnalysis
Disclaimer – The content in this video and on this channel are not intended to be financial advice. The content in this video and on this channel are only intended for entertainment purposes only!
Bitcoin Analysis, Top bitcoin analysis, price prediction, Bitcoin Trading, Bitcoin 2018, Bitcoin Crash, Bitcoin Moon, Bitcoin News, Bitcoin Today, Best Bitcoin Analysis, Bitcoin price, Bitcoin to 0, Where is Bitcoin Going, Bitcoin bottomed
Hello everyone and Happy profitable new 2019.
We see a lot of people helping those in trouble,
and standing on the sidelines say how good it is.
The state helps only for PR of the nobility.
So let's start together and publicly support those in trouble.
Everyone has made a small contribution to a good cause will
support the spirit of Christmas and will be a little better
for himself, without thinking about the bad. After all,
perhaps only a dollar will bring warmth and food to become
on the feet of the needy. All happy holiday and happy year
for the crypto future and sand it will be Almighty.
All luck and happiness.
let's make it mainstream.
for BTC – 1B3BuaDTygi16sYAzFuiC5mafuTxiwXfny
for ETH – 0x86b13f4199e5c62de08e74148c93857e9bb480a8
for XRP – rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh tag – 109509001
for Dash – XtWu6rNfiAr8wve93CeTAYckgGRH8wPo1p
Glad to found this channel… one of the few
I hope that every short sellers lose their money…
Krow thanks for your videos! Have a great 2019 full of dildos of any color you prefer!
Hey krown. What do you think about the S&P retest. I mean I heard you mention the 260 area which is where you could draw a fib and you have ema's in play but 253 was also the February 2018 low and the prior support level for the year. On the one hand you have the old adage prior support becomes resistance in a drown trend. The other is the retrace you laid out. If you get a chance throw up some of your thoughts in the next video maybe?
Eric, can you help me out, i signed up for the wrong course. I did it on my phone and messed up. Didn't want the options package.
talks so fast monotone. thinks hes in the cme pits. f this f that. grow up man.
Thank you.
BTC to 4.800, then down to 1.250, massive bounce up, then true capitulation under 400….end of meltdown/bearkmarket.
Happy birthday..or new year or what ever the fuck is!!
Eric "I like triangles" Krown. The legend.
Edit: Happy New Year! ??
Press the like if you love eating pussy
How the fuck do you only have 6000 subs and that retard Tone vays who talks like the whacky scientist from the simpsons have 70k subs he’s a total fucktard
Love your stuff brother. Thanks! Happiest of happy NYE to ye!
haha "do you have crypto in your name ? Then you're a professional." Krown is King
Happy new year, have a good one ??
key to the puddin
my new cool ringtone at 20:33
Are you just leaving that massive short open for tax reasons?
Krown, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. I have learned a lot about TA from you. You are a legend! Have a happy new year! See you in 2019
Key to the pudding is don't eat it all at once. Wait until under 3k otherwise you don't get no custard.
candle sticks not dildos, moving avg are just lagging memes… otherwise pretty solid trading
Happy New year Brother and thanks for your TA this year , see you next year , tomorrow maybe
Best video featuring other YouTuber parodies.
Erik, Jesus Christ! Autistic Rants! I'm going to go masterbate with sand paper. Have a Happy New Year buddy.
repeating stuff is good for memory from time to time