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I tried to spend Bitcoin while I was in Paris recently. There is a street in Paris, dubbed “Bitcoin Street” where almost every shop accepts Bitcoin. It’s called Passage du Grand Cerf. I wanted to test the use case of using Bitcoin to buy things.
#Bitcoin #SpendingBitcoin #HowToSpendBitcoin
How to use Bitcoin, Where can you spend Bitcoins, shopping with bitcoin, spending bitcoin, buying with bitcoin, buying things with Bitcoin
…..girlfriend? UNSUBSCRIBED…… kidding, jealous tho
Well done TTC, thanks for your honest rwr (real world review).
For all you nay sayers out there what you may have forgotten or not realized is the use of Interact DEBIT cards and how long it took for them to be accepted and used by the banking industry. They were introduced in 1966 but only gained mainstream adoption in about 1990 (again about the start of the .com era). Bitcoin acceptance will take some time but it WILL get there and probably sooner than later. the people want it, the masses need it… press on.
Bitcoin, the first largest cryptocurrency, has had it rough since it reached its peak at $19,500. After the 2017 December to 2018 January frenzy ended, everyone was expecting BTC to recover. Unfortunately, it didn’t recover and things only got worse. Right now, BTC is hovering above $4,000 and there is no saying when another bear grip will take the price below this level. For me, i don't think i can bear the lost i have been loosing anymore due to the fall in price while waiting for a bull to run, Before them month started, I made research on how i could recover my lost due tot the fall in market price, On making research I came across a group on whatsapp i joined to get crypto insights people giving praise and thanking a man called Robert Brooks, So i contacted him how much i need him to help me recover my lost. which he promised to help me, it been about 3 months since i came across this crypto trader.c. I'm so thankful to Robert for his help. I am spreading this for those who have problem turning a consistent profit. For any question you can contact him on GMAIL(brooksr933@gmail. com) or TELEGRAM(+1-619-357-8766)
i dont think bitcoin is for buying coffe or having lunch with it, its for trade between Goverments
Can you try in SLOVENIA, LJUBJANA ??
1- sorry if i answer here, i have one reason
2- sorry if miss a letter in this case is Y
3- she was not only polite but a nice person
4- i dont'associate French with withness , but with a native person, like if you go in China u find a chinese and not a german as reseller
i mean in this case i was just curious how a "French" would react to your request (maybe not so patient and available like the person u found) just curiosity , my message was anything like you understood. im sorry for that.
Long time..since someone pay in bitcorn
i m so curious how about a french reseller would react to your request to pay in bitcoin.. u found a chinese in Paris what unluck!
Still too complicated.. that's why you all should invest in Pundi X ! Good video by the way. This shows us that a lot of improvements has to be done:)
Bitcorn, a 10YO tech, and still no descent app. Therefore my conclusion is that adaption still sucks.
This really shows that crypto needs a point of sale solution like Squarepay. Something really easy that you just plug in and it works. That was the only thing holding back the sale here.
All see need to do is push compatibility. Versus default and legacy. Go back. Another video.
It is surprising that there are shops accepting bitcoin payments in Paris. Last month I've been to the Maison du Bitcoin there, at Rue du Caire, and they told me I could not use bitcoin as a payment method (even at that same BTC house).
I was freely able to use btc as currecy in Tokyo. It was amazing.
Maybe your wallet did not recognise the seller's btc address, because you need to update it to be segwit compatible.
Too cool
Great video thanks for sharing your travels iv had my credit and debit card denied a few times also.
But it did work out, you said okay I'll pay with a card lol…Never underestimate the Visa coin…
Good honest video. My photography studio accepts BTC as a form of payment and we advertising that we have this available, however no one used it yet. We only see around 90 clients a month though so not many people
Try the bitcoin Eclair wallet app. You can also send bitcoin lightning payments
sad for that!
Traveling Crypto , What are your opinions on the Gandhiji Ethereum smart contract ? Its a unstoppable and immutable smart contract on eth. Has no owner , no admins , Nothing in the smart contract code can be changed. Basically the smart contract has its own token called IND . The tokens are created when eth is sent to the contract and destroyed when the tokens are sold back for eth. Each buy has a 10% fee and that fee is split up among all the token holders as rewards for holding the IND tokens. Anyone from anywhere in the world can interact with the smart contract as long as they have metamask. I have a video about it posted on my channel.
Great learning experiment! Thank you my brother.. ??????
I try to get people to buy things with bitcoin by giving them 30% off market price if they pay in bitcoin. They still prefer to pay in cash. People don't want to take the time to educate themselves about bitcoin.
Bitcoin payment fail !!
You should try the same in Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia. In Blagovno Trgovski Center (ironically BTC for short) a lot of stores started accepting Bitcoin this year, would be interesting to see how it goes =)
People in China pay using Wechat all the time, don't know why the West lags so far behind