Thank you Mr Flossy Carter for reassuring me that the Note 9 that i just bought 3 days ago is the best decision i made this year. Always enjoyed your review videos. And Happy New Year from Singapore. ???
Thanks to you Flossy, thanks for keeping it real and fresh!!! Best wishes for 2019!!!
Watching this on my blue note 9 awesome stellar phone
Watching this from my blue note 9! I totally agree that this is the number 1 phone of the year! Nice job flossy!
Thumbs up if you like the list 10. Oppo find x 9. HTC U12+ 8. Huawei P20 pro 7. Galaxy S9+ 6. Huawei Mate 20X 5. Huawei Mate RS 4. Google Pixel 3 XL 3. Huawei Mate 20 Pro 2. iPhone XS Max 1. Samsung Galaxy Note 9
I disliked
Good work flossy keep it up man! Shout out to white shoes
luv the channel. Glad I suscribed
Yo flossy Carter I have the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and I would say it does well but it's still f**** lags and I am not happy so I will definitely get the Note 8 probably or something else I'm just 14 years old okay I'm the youngest one
Happy New year flossy
Flossy and shoes, both all the best and see both yours in 2019.
Happy new year from Malaysia
I don’t usually comment on your videos but I’ve been waiting for this. Keep up all the good work. Me and the wife always enjoy your videos… “ladies”
White shoooes
Great video and happy new year to you and your family Floss.. Loving my g7 not suprized its not on your top ten but I love it got it for 550 so it was worth it.. You are a great talent and I believe in you. I really enjoy your videos
XR is the best phone of 2018
Who cares about MarkAss when Floss has got the best phones video of 2018!
After using an iPhone for a month I traded it in for the OnePlus 6T. Couldn't get used to that after switching to android last 4 years
19:51 – did i hear that right… S9+ has an excellent battery????
Floss i wanna be on the stream my maan, but the place where i'm gonna spend the night has no Wi-Fi and i'm in a 3rd world country and the freaking phone signal is bad as hell???
I don't use snapchat and I'm rarely on Instagram really the only social media i uses Twitter and Facebook.
This is tyrone!!
Happy new year floss Good video about year 2018 smartphones Have little question , what day you do full review of huwawi Mate 20 pro? Thanks
King of tech reviews 2019
How can I get that red Google search bar
Have a happy and healthy 2019 Floss
Thanks for an entertaining year! I'm a newer subscriber, and was attracted to your channel for your in-depth and honest reviews. And you make em fun/funny too! Even bought a new phone cuz of your review! And of course White Shoes is the best. Looking forward to new stuff from you next year!
LMAOOOOOOOO @ " Part of my official job is sitting and waiting around"……. If you know you know!
White shoes was wilin’??
happy new year floss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year!!! <3 <3 <3 , ahhh White shoes <3 <3
Not 10 years, but i have subscribed you since your iPhone 6 video, so it has been almost 5 years, and people here surprised that its 43 mins long video, but I'm surprised that its not 1+ hours long LOL. ??
Happy New year Floss!
Happy New yr brotha im expecting some awesome reviews off of ya ?.
#Squad Roll Call
Happy New Year!!!
Thank you Mr Flossy Carter for reassuring me that the Note 9 that i just bought 3 days ago is the best decision i made this year. Always enjoyed your review videos. And Happy New Year from Singapore. ???
Thanks to you Flossy, thanks for keeping it real and fresh!!! Best wishes for 2019!!!
Watching this on my blue note 9 awesome stellar phone
Watching this from my blue note 9! I totally agree that this is the number 1 phone of the year! Nice job flossy!
Thumbs up if you like the list
10. Oppo find x
9. HTC U12+
8. Huawei P20 pro
7. Galaxy S9+
6. Huawei Mate 20X
5. Huawei Mate RS
4. Google Pixel 3 XL
3. Huawei Mate 20 Pro
2. iPhone XS Max
1. Samsung Galaxy Note 9
I disliked
Good work flossy keep it up man! Shout out to white shoes
luv the channel. Glad I suscribed
Yo flossy Carter I have the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and I would say it does well but it's still f**** lags and I am not happy so I will definitely get the Note 8 probably or something else I'm just 14 years old okay I'm the youngest one
Happy New year flossy
Flossy and shoes, both all the best and see both yours in 2019.
Happy new year from Malaysia
I don’t usually comment on your videos but I’ve been waiting for this. Keep up all the good work. Me and the wife always enjoy your videos… “ladies”
White shoooes
Great video and happy new year to you and your family Floss.. Loving my g7 not suprized its not on your top ten but I love it got it for 550 so it was worth it.. You are a great talent and I believe in you. I really enjoy your videos
XR is the best phone of 2018
Who cares about MarkAss when Floss has got the best phones video of 2018!
After using an iPhone for a month I traded it in for the OnePlus 6T. Couldn't get used to that after switching to android last 4 years
19:51 – did i hear that right… S9+ has an excellent battery????
Floss i wanna be on the stream my maan, but the place where i'm gonna spend the night has no Wi-Fi and i'm in a 3rd world country and the freaking phone signal is bad as hell???
I don't use snapchat and I'm rarely on Instagram really the only social media i uses Twitter and Facebook.
This is tyrone!!
Happy new year floss
Good video about year 2018 smartphones
Have little question , what day you do full review of huwawi Mate 20 pro? Thanks
King of tech reviews 2019
How can I get that red Google search bar
Have a happy and healthy 2019 Floss
Thanks for an entertaining year! I'm a newer subscriber, and was attracted to your channel for your in-depth and honest reviews. And you make em fun/funny too! Even bought a new phone cuz of your review! And of course White Shoes is the best. Looking forward to new stuff from you next year!
LMAOOOOOOOO @ " Part of my official job is sitting and waiting around"……. If you know you know!
White shoes was wilin’??
happy new year floss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year!!! <3 <3 <3 , ahhh White shoes <3 <3
Not 10 years, but i have subscribed you since your iPhone 6 video, so it has been almost 5 years, and people here surprised that its 43 mins long video, but I'm surprised that its not 1+ hours long LOL. ??
Happy New year Floss!
Happy New yr brotha im expecting some awesome reviews off of ya ?
Yo floss what part of Jamaica you from?
2019 will be a major,major,major,major go.
Imma wish u #N1 #TheUltimateG #Flossfactor and #KitKat #WhiteShoes #CertifiedHalla a Happppy New year.. had a gread year.. lookin forward to get dat #Hypesquad Rollin in 2019
Para mí el teléfono del año es el Samsung Galaxy Note9
I watch ur videos all the time now cause I gotta floss erryday
Floss the OG. almost a million my nigga <3
Watching on my Note 9 ??? I got this phone because of you.
Mate 20 rs> mate rs
Waiting for this video???
I love when white shoes is in the video
love you Bhai very nice video
Happy New Year Floss! LEt's make it 1 million in January 2019 !!!
nah note 9 is trash lol, iphone will always be faster more reliable and takes better pics and videos
1ml Subs by the time the Galaxy 10 drops.