FLYING A DRONE IN VIRTUAL REALITY! | The Lab VR (HTC Vive Gameplay) Nathie — December 31, 2018 36 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest We are going to play The Lab with the HTC Vive and play around with a bunch of cool toys we unlocked after playing all the mini games. I also customized my … source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Awesome game for VR
How did he survive
Oh I ?
Soooo cute! I love it! Sooo yeah
the dog is a ROBOT
The best
Nathie:u can also kill the dog
Me:uhh what?!?!?!?!?!?!
HI Nathie:D
where's p-body
Go yo 7:12 and look at the vive cam
7:14 First person look at that!??
I'm using Rift and can't figure out how to release the ballons. They just burst.
like comment if you noticed one of his monitor was blinking!
how to make something cute, give it big pupils, and then EVEN BIGGER pupils
love the white controllor
Hey Nathie, can you leave a link in the comments for the Vive and the game?
I want a vive and a powerful computer so bad… Why must I be so poor xD
"There's people living on this planet" throw the planet WELL FUCK THEM !
7:17….. Nathies moves XD
red and blue and green and black and white find the any tips game
im getting the fealing that he doesnt get half the words he is using like mlg
Hey i like your videos. You have a accent i don't mind it butt where is he from, i'm curious
when he said stinky I farted
nathie play baseketball in vr plzz
This dog can't die shoots dog and dog plays dead for long time while Nathie is dead silent
Is that an overeat have logo ?????
I love THE drone because i got a drone i got a dji phantom 3
Like you controllers in this episode ?
I like turtles ?
U have the same ending music as ashdub