Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis 2018 Bitcoin price prediction. Bitcoin price technical analysis Bitcoin Price Trading Technical Analysis. Ripple coin price analysis. Ripple price prediction. Ripple technical analysis. Bitcoin Crash. Bitcoin Bubble Bitcoin price prediction 2018.
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It's okay about taking that it is not related. I agree with you it is the same thing every year and why put yourself in very difficult weather. Why not spend your time with FAMILY in a very very warm comfy place by the fire. Bitcoin 6000 next year. Happy New Year – Happy Holidays and Start 2019 SMART !!!
What makes you think that it'll bottom out in the next 6 to 8 weeks?
Bitcoin goes down i get paid bitcoin goes up i get paid bitcoin goes sideways i still get paid HAPPYMINERS Contact Mr Gihan on hangout with: tradewithgihan @gmail. com or whatsapp: +1(914)2007306 and start earning weekly
Great work. Looking left makes me think we could get a massive pump up to 6k and then we could have that drop to 2.8k.
Great vid!
Happy new year CryptoAMD you are best ???
One of the most consistent traders ive seen this whole year.
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When Bitcoin will be at accumulation phase after the capitulation, could world crisis effect on Bitcoin price after that sell-off?
I tink the bottem is in we go moon soon ETF aprofe befor 27februari 2019
Sorry bullishness and not foolishness…typographical error there
I admire TAs, but I tell you, what drive this markets is mainly information. If ETF is approved today, let all the TAs be bearish, you will see foolishness and extreme volatility. I suggest you include information updates in this video.
Thank you AMD, appreciate your videos.
thank you!
Actually the amount of risk is more than 100% if your trade futures or options with leverage. You could be owing your brokerage mucho dinero if you don't trade right and you are dumb at risk management.
made another $8000 today on this pump. love it. bitcoin was so boring at 6k.
What do you think is going to happen with the equities market? You think we’re in for lower lows on SPY next year?
if ur not FA why u fucking making fucking full of shit fucking damn videos ?
I have to be careful with charts…like looking at the clouds…sooner or later i see my dead beloved grandmother, looking down, smiling at me.
Hi, could you tell what you think ALTS will do, I hear some signs that they gone make a bull run now, while I rather thought they gone go down together with BTC, so I am confused now, What is your opinion, Thanks
Happy New Year bro ))